“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Angry Black America

Angry Black America

If one were to take a gander at Thomas Sowell's, Black Rednecks & White Liberals, one would see some amazing discoveries. What today is categorized as “black Culture” is just an unhealthy rehash of this countries earlier culture of white rednecks. British and Scottish settlers from across the Atlantic that had relocated in the southern region of America.

“Teachers are not supposed to correct black youngsters who speak "black English" and no one is supposed to be judgmental about the whole lifestyle of black rednecks. In that culture, belligerence is considered being manly and crudity is considered cool, while being civilized is regarded as "acting white."”

In the antebellum south, whites who often had a meager existence used self empowerment as a means of navigating through what would otherwise be a depressive quagmire. They often celebrated the mere fact that they were white, usually because the bank could redeem their house if they didn't pay, the court could jail their freedom if they broke the law, but no one could take the color of their skin. In this society “bettering yourself” was often met with resistance, snarls, and jealousy. It was much easier to keep a man down, because his peers would feel inferior.

The South eventually went on to be one of the most advantageous regions in America, known for its beauty and warm hospitality. However this “red neck” culture remained, only much less significant and hardly as influential. Unfortunately in the 1960's, white liberals recognized they could capitalize from the misfortune and misconceived fortune of many black Americans. Some wonder just how in the civilized world, one can be conditioned to determine ones worth or authenticity by the color of ones skin. This in a country where individual freedom and liberty is paramount. White liberals and black con artist preyed on the weak and impoverished, the era of Martin Luther King had ended and black power began.
"This is the twenty-seventh time I have been arrested and I ain't going to jail no more! The only way we gonna stop them white men from whuppin' us is to take over. What we gonna start sayin' now is Black Power!" - Stokely Carmichael 1966

Black power, a Marxist movement, puts the “greater good” above the individual, unfortunately the greater good was always revealed as a pied pipers pocket or political agenda. The theory was now, instead of climbing up the hill to true freedom, young blacks would revel in poverty, crime and moral turpitude because this was labeled as a legitimate culture. In 1968 we witnessed the “Black Power Salute” in Mexico during the Olympics, as Tommie Smith and John Carlos wearing black gloves raised their fist into the air.

There are many victims affected by Black Power, the individual who is persuaded into believing he owes something to his race and the strong self determined person who is blindly categorized because of his color. The Ideals of The Black Panthers are insidious and erroneous, the conclusion of their agenda is ultimately unattainable. The dirty secret about the Black Panthers is that they are not social advocate's or race vanguards, they are a cleverly conceived political machine. The Black Panthers are Marxist and will incur any detriment in order to reach a political end.

These are devastating, self-imposed handicaps that prevent many young ghetto blacks from getting a decent education or an opportunity to rise to higher levels.”-Thomas Sowell

Today Progressives retain a tight grip on the Urban Black Community, the label of African American was discovered in order to further divide and segregate. The black communities in The United States hardly resemble that of Africa, but race baiters like Jesse Jackson continue to categorized and separate for a political means. This however in not exclusive to African American's, but now you hear the terms Asian American, Hispanic American, None white American, all for political means. 90 % of the black voting population votes democrat, the irony of this is the democrat party's history of atrocious racism. Progressives have altered and oppressed the history of racism perpetrated by themselves and the democrats, putting it squarely on the backs of republicans who led the original civil rights cause. After the democrats could no longer legally force slavery they initiated their segregation laws, they are still to this day dividing American's.

A wholly disproportionate number of future black leaders and pioneers in many fields came out of the relatively few and small enclaves of Northern culture deliberately planted in the post-Civil War South. What they did worked and what the multiculturalists are doing today repeatedly fails. -Thomas Sowell
Just as the whites before escaped the “Red Neck” culture, blacks must as well. Today though, almost any influential man of color who promotes individuality and proper American educate, is chastised and ridiculed. Revolutionary men such as Alan West, the first Republican from Florida since 1876, are shunned by the liberal media, at all cost. The white liberal media is responsible for the horrifying disinformation and suppression of Black Conservatives, yet they are accountable to no one. They have conditioned segments of the society to believe someone of color can only admire someone of the same color.
But results are no longer the test. The test is whether what you say makes you feel good as someone who is a "friend" of blacks. But friends like that can do more damage than enemies.-Thomas Sowell
So many good men and women have suffered and died, struggling to achieve a society in which the color of your skin does not determine your future, good or bad. Martin Luther King, like him or loathe him, gave his mortal life in the struggle to see a world where his children were judged for the content of their character, not the color of their skin. Ironically, his children sold out that honorable ideal for the much more lucrative identity based politics.
85% of prisoners, 78% of high school dropouts, 82% of teenage girls who become pregnant, the majority of drug and alcohol abusers - all come from single-mother-headed households. Less than 1% of any of these categories come from single-father-headed households. [Statistics from late 1990s. -Researched Statistics

These stat's are from the nineties, in 2011 over 70% of Black Women raise their children alone, what's going on? Where is Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, Rev. Al Sharpton? These people don't profit without misery, they continue to follow the Marxist play book, yet the American Media turns it's head. For this part, both republicans and democrats have failed miserably, for we have lost generations of Black Americans to self imposed black on black crime, welfare, poverty, and a ghetto psychosis. Black race baiters are not allowing the black community to naturally turn the corner to progress like other races have, Japanese, Chinese, Irish, Italians and various religious groups.

There is no viable end to the means of “Black Power” the violent extremist and profiteers know this. There will never be a Black America as certain as there will never be a white America. Logic leads us to believe, as long as these radicals are allowed to procure hatred beneath the eye of scrutiny, wounds will fester and chaos will reign.

Friday, September 2, 2011

As a little boy I dreamed of becoming a police officer, saving people in distress, helping the elderly cross the street, and protecting the American way from injustice. I often arrested adults with only a plastic badge and an honorable intent. Of course I always carried a piece, you know the cap gun with the orange plastic piece on the end of the barrel. When I was a pre-cop I always walked the beat ready to settle disputes, the other kids were always happy to have me around.

Now I am a little older, 30 years or so, and the idea of becoming a “cop” isn't quite as glorifying. As a matter of fact, my first encounter with law enforcement was down right disturbing. As an 18 year old quasi rock star, my best friend and I were ready to pack it up and travel down to Florida and get discovered. The night before we left my girlfriend was at a sleep over with her friends, she wasn't thrilled with my impending adventure to say the least. Short story shorter, the police arrived at the party while my girlfriend and I were arguing on the phone. A state trooper got on the line and told me they wanted me and my buddy to meet him.

Being very naive, my buddy wanting to state his case, we met with the trooper. It was then on a dark road we parked and 4 off duty state troopers appeared, they surrounded my car. They rummaged through all of our packed belongings and asked my buddy why his hair was long. They then asked, “ Are you a fag? Do you wear your mothers clothes?” They then made him exit the car and do push ups on the gravel, while putting the heal of their boots in his back. As this situation spiraled out of control they demanded he take his jacket off, why would they do that? My buddy began to cry as he refused to take off his jacket, for fear they were going to hurt him.

I understand that a police officers choice of occupation can potentially put them in peril on any given day. I also acknowledge that there are literally thousands of unsung heroes who choose to protect our streets every day and risk their lives to save ours. With that said, law enforcement officers work for us, the tax paying citizen. To be a free man, yet be subjected to the mercy of another man who can legally take your life or at the very least your freedom, is significant.

Police officers are endowed with a great responsibility, as a matter of fact, the closer we arrive to an all out Progressive Police State, the more significant they become. Some people will tell you that "They're only human", well guess what they're right. And as a human being you must respect the rights of other individuals, if you have the legal power to annihilate a mans life or extinguish it, there is no room to be morally absent. Simply don't work in law enforcement.

                                           **** This video is raw and inappropriate for children


                                                  Is this the America our children will know?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Where can find a Margaret Thatcher

 It is becoming very difficult to stand by any politician, even so called conservatives may be nothing more than a crafty shill for corporate thirst.

New Progressive Era 2011

In The American Progressive Era 2011, you will find many factions; Gay & Lesbian, The Nation of Islam, Green Movement (Eco-freaks), Unions, democrats, NAACP, republicans, La Raza, Neo Nazis, socialist, Marxist, and Islamic-Fascist. I'm quite aware that there is an abundance of groups not mentioned, but you get the drift. My point being that just as with every good communist coup, radicals of all stripes forge an alliance for their common good, in the case of the A.P.E 2011, the common good is the deconstruction of The United States of America.

The irony in this potpourri of angry revolutionaries is that were they to succeed and create a society from their confederation, they would soon devolve into atrocity and civil war, a destruction to the likes of which most of these people could never fathom. For instance,the gay and lesbian community who are not satisfied with simply living in a culture that acknowledges homosexuality, believing your sexual practices should remain in your home. Instead they demand their sexual preference should become a civil right, one that should be forced down the throat of us all. Even though heterosexual sex is not forced upon school aged children, gay radicals bully their agenda into academia without regard. Homosexuals rally under the banner of freedom and liberty, but do not afford that right to anyone with a differing opinion.

The New Progressive Era intends on ushering in a final utopia, an international government, one that eluded their fore fathers. Americans should be very concerned, but being so far removed from the Red Terror, New Progressives are implementing their will with impunity. Endless tragedies are associated with the history of Progressivism, although most remain oblivious to it. In large part this catastrophe is directly caused by modern day liberals in control of the media. While the Red Terror was used to describe the latter weeks of the French Revolution (a socialist bloodbath), it was better known for Stalin's Bolshevik campaign which was thwart with insidious conduct, sadistic executions, mass murder and arrests.

The United States of America was not without it's casualties from Progressivism, beginning with Theodore Roosevelt right on up to the Barack Obama Regime. One of the ironies in having a Modern Progressive President that is partially black, is that he represents one of the most maniacally racist movements. This however, is a testament to how much socialism enthrones party over people, the individual is merely a replaceable machine part in the Ungodly apparatus.

Woodrow Wilson, idolized by such progressives as Hilary Clinton, was a gleaming example of bigotry and racism, although he was welcomed in by “African Americans”. Wilson empathized with the Ku Klux Klan, "self-preservation [forced whites] to rid themselves, by fair means or foul, of the intolerable burden of governments sustained by the votes of ignorant negroes." Upon taking office, Wilson fired most of the blacks who held posts in the Federal Government. He created a law making interracial marriage a felony in the District of Columbia. Wilson segregated offices in Washington, requiring photographs for all Federal employees, he often questioned the loyalty of “Hyphenated Americans”.
                                         Watch whole video (these two are great)

F.D.R only solidified Wilson”s overt racism, not to mention lying to the American public about WW2. The policies Roosevelt ushered in, the New Slavery Era and The Progressive Era 2011. Today blacks make up only 14% of the American population, but account for 50% of all diagnosed cases of HIV, 74% of black mothers raise children without fathers, over 50% of Black Americans attend school in low poverty areas, in many crime ridden cities blacks are more likely to go to jail than graduate high school. Black American's have been lied to, murdered, and oppressed, being sacrificed at the alter of Progressivism. For votes they have given their lives in many ways, it is criminal.
Look closely at President Obama's attack dogs like Maxine Waters, Jesse Jackson, The NAACP, to name a few. They have made fortunes of the backs of black American's for decades. Blacks are being used to fuel the racial fires for Obama's reelection, look at what's being done to the Tea Party. The Tea Party, made up of many races, has become a thorn in the side of the President's Progressive Movement

Overwhelmingly, Muslim Americans side with President Obama, although their culture comes in direct contradiction with Obama's rhetoric. Woman’s rights, homosexuality, and abortion are a few of the major obstacles between the President and Islamic culture. Besides being Anti-American there are few values that radical Muslims share with him.

The New Progressive Era is almost at its pinnacle, The United States has never been more regulated and distressed. The unemployment in black and urban areas has sky rocketed under President Obama, which furthers the governments control. The administrations propaganda is succeeding in pitting whites against blacks and visa versa. They are saturating America with third world cultures and stripping its identity, creating many different sub cultures. Under the false pretense of multiculturalism, they are systematically weakening the American family.

Forcing The United States to be absorbed into a global government has been the objective for the New Progressive movement, making Woodrow Wilson look like an isolationist. They will use as many pawns as necessary, they will team lions, tigers and bears with zebra, buffalo, and gazelle in order to achieve the overthrow of America as we know it. When it's all said and done the only way to keep these creatures from killing one and other is to rule by dictatorship. An oligarchy will decide the fate of nations, much as it is now, but they will be more structured an visible.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Religion of Peace, Moderate Muslims,misunderstood Religion, etc etc etc

Rape, mutilation: Pakistan's tribal justice for women

An activist holds a handwritten sign during a protest against a court decision involving Mukhtaran Mai, a Pakistan rape victim, in Karachi April 23, 2011. REUTERS/Athar Hussain
MULTAN, Pakistan | Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:08pm EDT
(Reuters) - On April 14, two men entered Asma Firdous' home, cut off six of her fingers, slashed her arms and lips and then sliced off her nose. Before leaving the house, the men locked their 28-year-old victim inside.
Asma, from impoverished Kohaur Junobi village in Pakistan's south, was mutilated because her husband was involved in a dispute with his relatives, and they wanted revenge.
Her fate is familiar in parts of Pakistan's remote and feudal agricultural belts, where women are often used as bargaining chips in family feuds, and where the level of violence they face is increasing in frequency and brutality.
At the hospital in nearby Multan town, Asma's shocked parents sat quietly by her bedside and struggled to explain what the future holds for their now disfigured daughter.
"I don't know what will happen to her when she leaves here," Asma's father, Ghulam Mustafa, said, in a dilapidated ward heavy with the smell of antiseptic and blood, where other women, doused with acid or kerosene by relatives or fellow villagers, awaiting an equally uncertain future.
Asked if Asma will return to her husband, her father remains silent.
Pakistan is the world's third-most dangerous country for women, after Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, based on a survey conducted by the Thomson Reuters Foundation (
In its 2010 report, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan says almost 800 women were victims of "honor killings" -- murders aimed at preserving the honor of male relatives -- and 2,900 women reported raped -- almost eight a day.
The bulk, or almost 2,600, were raped in Punjab alone, Pakistan's most populous province.
And the numbers are rising: media reports say crimes against women have risen 18 percent in the year to May and the human rights commission believes its figures represent only a fraction of the attacks which take place across the country.
Dr. Farzana Bari, director of Gender Studies at Quaid-e-Azam University, says Pakistan's patriarchal society often condones discrimination against women, which is more prevalent among poor and uneducated rural families.
That mindset can often influence the police and judiciary, which sometimes turn a blind eye to honor killings or rapes carried out to "punish" women.
"I think honor killings are a symptom of vigilante justice," she said. "And vigilante justice occurs in an environment where the state is unable to enforce its writ."
In rural areas, women are often shut out of the justice system, which is compromised by powerful landowners and feudal lords who dominate a hierarchy that makes it difficult -- and deadly -- for those with little education or social standing to speak out.
Families or tribes then often take justice in their own hands, presiding over "jirgas" or "panchayats" -- gatherings of elders that hand down punishments that include rape, killing or barter of women for crimes that include falling in love with a man deemed inappropriate or besmirching family honor.
Some women are maimed just to settle scores.
Members of the panchayat systems say the tradition is hard to shake because it is entrenched in the local culture and also because it is much more efficient than the regular courts.
"In the settled areas there are courts but people can't always get justice or compensation," said lawyer and tribal elder Karim Masoud, who presides over both panchayat settlements and the mainstream court system.
"With the jirgas, they can get compensation, and it takes less time to settle a dispute. It's fairer and people don't have to use bribes to get justice."
Zarmuhamad Afridi, who also attends jirga rulings in Pakistan's northern tribal belt and works within the mainstream court system, said the jirga system survives because in many parts of Pakistan, a man's honor is intrinsically linked to how his wife or daughter behave.
"If a couple is not married and they are having a relationship, a jirga may rule that the woman should be shot," Afridi said. "That is okay for many, because they have to protect family honor."
The slightest transgression by a woman -- being seen talking to a man on the street, perhaps, or having an unknown phone number in a mobile -- can bring harsh punishment and social ostracism of the family, he says, making the quick, harsh judgment of the panchayats popular.
"Women are cherished here," he said. "Men protect them. If a woman is out of her house then what is she doing? That is what people think here."
Many women are unable to speak out because they lack the support and education to understand their rights, activists say.
But even those who dare often get nowhere.
The most high profile instance of a violent ruling by a tribal court against a woman is that of the gang rape of Mukhtaran Mai, which took place near Multan in 2002.
Mai was allegedly attacked to settle a matter of village honor, as decided by a panchayat. She was then paraded naked through her village.
Unlike most rape victims, who face stark recriminations for speaking out, and who are sometimes even expected to commit suicide, she filed a criminal case against 14 men.
Six men were convicted and sentenced to death that year, but in 2005 the Lahore High Court commuted one sentence to life in prison and acquitted the rest.
Pakistan's Supreme Court upheld that decision in April this year, in what rights activists said was a crushing blow to women's and minority rights in Pakistan.
The men were released days later. Mai said she is afraid they will return and kill her.
Ali Dayan Hasan, senior researcher at Human Rights Watch's South Asia division, said the lack of justice for women in cases like such as Mai's is "a structural failing of the criminal justice system".
"The verdict also lays bare the misogyny of Pakistan's judicial system because it is a judiciary that is instinctively unsympathetic to women."
(Editing by Chris Allbritton and Miral Fahmy)