“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

Thursday, August 4, 2011

ATTENTION: Mexico Wages War against US

Take a good look at our Southwestern border, it's a war staged by progressives, fueled my money, lives, and drugs. It's so important that the American State Run Media has been ordered to stay away. This is a war being waged with disinformation and subversive propaganda. It begins with progressives ordering their liberal stooges in academia, media, and the community to brainwash children into believing that the border states belong to Mexico, we stole them. White guilt is applied, so that a when white speaks out against the invasion of these criminals into their schools, society, and land they are conditioned to feel like a racist.

Even though people who unlawfully seep into this country are criminals in every sense of the word; whether they are poor and looking for a better life, or here to sell drugs and perform violent hideous acts, we are being conditioned to believe they deserve what we have. This always translates to state aid, crime, and the economical destruction of the middle class. Piece by piece we are losing our borders, this is a significant discussion and deserves action. We are blowing out 2 billion dollars a week on the war in Afghanistan and the $860 billion dollar secret is we haven't changed a thing! As soon as the last troop is pulled from that hell in the dirt, it will be the same country we invaded only less populated, just as the progressives intended.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon is a terrorist. He is at war with the drug cartels in Mexico because they are the direct competition of the cartel that financially feeds his dictatorship. The make-believe War on Drugs is so transparent and a child knows that the C.I.A. along with other Calderon are killing people and allowing drugs to flow into The United States. We can splice atoms, send a human to the moon (before Obama wrecked NASA, that is) and clone animals, yet we cannot cease illegal drugs from entering our nation? Stop. Please.

The most sensible deterrent toward ending this invasion, that will negate America as we know it, is a wall along the border. The State Run Media and Left Wing propagandist have told the American people, “ A wall will not contain eager people (they wouldn't say Illegals) who desperately want to enter The United States” . Come on you've got to be joking, I think that we have the capability of building a wall, if we don't just kill us now. They have force fed us this myth for so long we are believing it, we have also been programed to believe we are somehow racist if we want to save our borders. The most outlandish democrat talking point of all time is, “We can't afford to build a wall along the border” REALLY? We have given Mexico Billions of dollars in humanitarian aid and toward the (he he he) Drug War, but we can't afford a wall?

President Obama let gun runners and criminals have thousands of weapons, with which Americans were murdered, yet because of the State Run Medias direct orders we heard merely a blip. This “Not War” on our border is going on right before our eye's, but we have been desensitized, much like your children who ruthlessly kill people on video's every day. America hears or views a horrible detail or vision as a consequence of this war from independent media, however if today's tragedy does not surpass the explosive nature of yesterdays we simply dismiss it. The politicians know this and that is why we are sitting silently in our own urine, doing the Thorazine shuffle. If we were told today that unless we construct a wall on our the Canadian border, Canada would begin to violently overthrow our norther states, flood the country with narcotics, exploit human sex and slave trafficking, crash our economy and send billions of dollars back to it's country, what would we do?

Now do you see how blind you are? Now do you see how you have been trained and brainwashed? The ultimate next treasonous step will be granting amnesty to illegals, this will be our end. Progressive politicians and democrats will have created a voting block which will ensure our third world status. All of these illegals will be given land, education, money and welfare. This will create civil unrest, it will be too late to use our God given right to change this at the ballet box. Then the military complex and martial law will ensue, ushering in our new dictatorship. God Bless America, Viva La Meheco!
They are Killing US By Degrees

Sunday, July 31, 2011

2011 Big F@%*ing Lie

We stare angrily at our television sets, frustrated by the choreographed dueling dance of our one party system. Although the actors execute the script light years above let's say pro wrestlers, they also require a much higher pay-grade. Whether our politicians chose to admit it or not they serve the same master, big government. This is discouraging, but even more disturbing is the fact that most Americans refuse to see it. It's all a big lie, at the end of the day these politicians take off their mask and hold hands. They honestly believe we are ignorant serfs. In the beginning of the American experiment, politicians believed so ardently in their causes that their blood would boil with disdain for their opponent.

The pseudo debt ceiling battle will be hauntingly reminiscent of the last stimulus raping. It will be rammed through with inconceivable fury, no time to look at the details, and in doing so it will spare the culpability for both so-called parties. In Washington there is no accountability, just bandits looting our wealth and crippling our society. Both republicans and democrats look at the populace merely as unenlightened cattle, as farming beast for profit and social engineering.

The arguments in Washington are dishonest and misleading, I have never witnessed a President lie and manipulate with such reckless abandon as Mr. Obama. President Obama is giving billions of dollars to Pakistan directly off the backs of the American tax payer. Small businesses are vaporizing and the middle class is being violently assaulted by a government who believes liberties are only endowed to the elite rich ruling class. Why are we, the tax payer, slaving to support our enemies? Brazil, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, and even China. We owe China trillions of dollars but the American tax payer coughs up billions to the big red country for humanitarian aid every year.

If our politicians could be stopped from pouring billions and billions of dollars into other nations we could revamp our entitlement programs and invest in small businesses. It's as if the fire department is burning down while the fire fighters are using their water to extinguish camp fires that lazy campers just decided to leave burning; they don't really need to do it and pretty soon they won't be able to help anyone because the fire house will have burnt down. We need to get our military out of the middle east, there is no direct threat to our sovereignty, but Obama is letting our soldiers die in the sand for political leverage. He lied about the wars to get in office and he will use them to stay in office.

If you wipe the sand from your eyes, you will see that our one party system does not care if our country implodes, they are encouraging it. You can't seriously believe that we are handing out this nations wealth to other countries while seniors can't afford their prescriptions and our politicians remain oblivious. It's all a big lie. These politicians have no clue what it is like to not be able to stroke a check for $6500 just to continue to carry a low budget health care plan. The big government apparatus is nearly unbreakable and this is why we must elect common sense small government politicians to office. It may be too late, is our only choice revolution? Violence? This Republic of ours was created by a small number of great people, the majority of the population was either too near sided or too uneducated or just plain dumb. We haven't much more time to protect the great American experiment.