“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jackie Chan Ponders Freedom

In an associated press interview, Jackie Chan expressed his apprehension for a free and absolute democracy in his homeland of China. Chan, with his new found wisdom, understands the amount of responsibility that freedom requires. The Hong Kong native recently remarked that,“ We Chinese people have to be controlled.” He seemed to be caught in a quandary as to whether or not his fellow countrymen could adjust to a free society without succumbing to anarchy. Chan also added, “If we're not being controlled, we'll just do what we want.”
The future does look bleak Jackie, at least in a Godless society, it does. When people only have the government to be accountable to, your in trouble. Men with wealth, power, and influence are fallible, and rarely escape the tentacles of corruption and greed.
In America, we are blessed to have been a nation endowed by our creator, and built upon Judea- Christian values, which far outreached those of enlightened modern thinkers.
I wonder, do our titian's of the silver screen, believe that Americans should be controlled? Is this why Hollywood's elite so rabidly bash Christianity every chance they get? Is this why Sean Penn, from the box office bomb, “Milk” chastised those who supported prop8? What would happen if Americans were free to do what they want?
I honestly believe, had Jackie Chan not been so successful, there would be no doubt in his mind as to the importance of freedom. Unfortunately, Christians in China, without millions of dollars, haven't the luxury to wonder whether freedom will work. It's hard to ponder, with the foot of an oppressive government baring down on your neck.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Rick Warren

And so another stoic Christian leader wilts under the bright light of day, Rick Warren shame, shame, shame. Well maybe not the light of day, but definitely the incandescent glow of Hollywierd. Last night I had the opportunity to hear Mr. Warren say he's never been and never will be an anti-gay marriage activist. Then he proceed to ramble on about the much more pertinent projects he focused on, blah blah blah.

Unfortunately Rick, who claimed to be an supporter of Prop 8, just a few short weeks earlier, crumbled under the pressure that appeasement so often brings. Warren had to explain to his gay friends that he wasn't one of those narrow minded right-wing Christian Nazi's, you know the ones that give him and his mega church all its obscene profits.

If our religious leaders continue to placate every special interest group to avoid controversy, we will find ourselves on the same sinking ship that our government is currently chartering. We will lose our identity, and when we do, you can bet we will never recover, never. Our government absorbs the emotional distress from every squeaky wheel, as not to let anyone feel uncomfortable; the more they accommodate the individual fringe, the less recognizable our nation becomes.

As Christians we have a responsibility to Jesus, we are not politicians who need to kiss babies and promise better jobs and create affordable health care. The message is clear. The secular left has manipulated and brainwashed folks to believe that they should be ashamed and re-educated if they find themselves uncomfortable with irreverence and moral degradation. The sad fact is it's working!

Some may reckon that I shouldn't be so critical of Mr. Warren, and maybe they are right. However, when I read about the atrocities inflicted on fellow believers in China, Pakistan, and Africa, I become inspired to hold myself to a standard.