“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

   The Obama administration continues to dilute our national sovereignty, with the support of non elected progressive judges. Monday a federal court blocked Alabama's new law protecting itself from illegal trespassers and violent criminals. The law would begin to gaurd Alabama's citizens from criminals who illegally enter this country and destroy our economy, traffic narcotics, and disrupt our nations people.

   Alabama isn't the only state where Progressive federal judges are perverting the laws, Georgia, Utah, Indiana, and Arizona are victims as well. President Obama's objective to dissolve our borders and capture a large segment of indebted servants to vote democrat, has weakened our ability to protect ourselves and our children. Reading about Alabama's new law in the media, it will be categorized as a “tough new law” or “radical new policy”, when in essence it remains just a law.

   The radical left is often complimented on its success for stigmatizing anyone who stands against this foreign invasion as racist and bigoted. This tactic employed by the President seems to be crippling American society. For instance:

$113,000,000,000 - This year's cost of US illegal immigration. Approximately 75% of that cost is absorbed by the states.

$1117 - The average amount you and your family paid in taxes this year to support illegals.

$52,000,000,000 - The cost of educating the children of illegals. This is by far the single largest cost to the American taxpayer.

$2,700 - The average dollar amount a single illegal household costs the US federal government.

51% - The percentage of Mexican immigrant households that use at least one major welfare program. 28% use more than one.

1,400,000- The number of illegal immigrant households that use at least one major welfare program. (food stamps, WIC, school lunch, Medicaid, TANF, SSI, and public/rent-subsidized housing)

American states are desperately searching for legal solutions, but the current administration in Washington a vested interest in keeping illegals here.
  Progressives and leftist rebels are rapidly rendering the American culture helpless and lost, their goal is to make it 
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