“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

Friday, September 12, 2008

Russian operative: Barack H. Obama

We have been duped on the "War on terror". It has taken our focus off the world agenda, Russia. Obama will succeed in his bid for the White house, he will kneel to the evil aspirations of Russia, reluctantly or not. Obama is weak, but will succeed in prohibiting our freedoms. We, conservatives should be very concerned and pro-active. While the liberals are preoccupied worrying about men marrying men, the moral molestation of society, evil religion in schools, and the destruction of everything our founding fathers stood for, we are inevitably coming closer to an all out war with Russia. Without John Mccain in the white house, we will not only relinquish our freedom, we will be defeated by Russia, can youee that?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Joe Biden & personal awareness.. ..To man in wheelchair


Forget the economy, school, gay marriage, Matt damon (if you already haven't)... It all comes down to who will be our best leader against Russia in 2009, when the war begins, not if.. The bush administration has done it's job, or was it his advisors, they took the eye off Russia and on to terror. The real enemy was growing stronger..

Stay tuned.. This is breaking

Europe will sit it out!!!!

sorry for spelling


What if......

What if... part two

And just what if this refreshing young face, powered by the media and the wealthy elite hiding in the shadows, erected a local and federal law enforcement unit that mascaraed as

a counter terror agency, but soon evolved into a civil disobedience force. These enforcers would monitor local churches, anything they viewed as hate speech coming from the pulpit would result in mass arrest.

The fairness doctrine would be enacted and then all our radio shows would be monitored, making sure that any opinion that opposed the new central government or its policies was immediately “corrected” by on air diatribe, in a ruse to keep OPINIONS fair. For every limited government conservative, the new European style leader would counter with a liberal Marxist opinion. This would balance any anti-establishment sentiment.

Abortions for under age teen mothers would be deemed a matter between them and their new surrogate parent, the state, disregarding parents from the equation. Abortion companies like Planned Parent Hood, soon advertise weekly termination specials. The government will give 1500 hundred dollars for any pre or post birth abortion, that will keep population regulated, thus keeping our environment cleaner and “greener”.

( more in depth in part three )

Special monetary reward will be given to those with their new found patriotism, that leads to the arrest of those who might deviate from our police state and defy its propaganda.

( more in depth in part three )

The heat in our homes will be regulated to 65 degrees. Money for groceries will no longer be needed, as the new President Obama will mail out vouchers with the determined amount of food and toiletry a family will be allowed to receive, according to its size and contribution to the government.

Employment will be made available and distributed to all, like it or not. Wages will be determined on social status, with no room for advancement, equal salaries, and a mandated amount of days worked or face a fine thats proceeds will be donated directly to the state.

Stay tuned for part three of

what if.....

It gets shocking..... SevenS

Monday, September 8, 2008


Are the oligarchies of the new Soviet Union, giving money and power to supply the Obama campiagne with a lopsided win, insuring the weakening and ultimate final distruction of United States?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

What if......

What if..... o9/o8/2oo8

What if... A large group of elite politicians and aristocrats were to place an empty vessel in line for the most powerful position in the world, President of United States. These elites have sold their souls and will mortgage yours, for one desire, running the world. They look at past cultures and societies, they discover the most significant complication to world dominance is religion, especially Christianity.

They contrive a popular theory, that United States is and always was a democracy, installing the ideal that the only free society, is a democratic one. Thought by thought, they would use the mainstream media, politicians, and an endless abundance of money to consume morality and induce anarchy throughout Americas masses.

They construct their blue print for the destruction of the last free frontier to fall, America, thus joining the other puppet nations in a central one world government. These power hungry few must first find their empty vessel, one who appeals to the masses, both socially, physically, and seemingly fundamentally.

They choose a black man, with an unusual name, a name that stands apart and seems to be mesmerizing. All data has proven, at this time in America, guilt ridden whites, pop culture liberals, women, and prideful or angry African Americans, would flock to the attributes of a charming, intelligent, great new black hope.

They told this enthusiastic upstart, eager to cure the worlds ills, that they could facilitate his dreams and ambitions, by wielding their vast power with deception and selective marketing.

They now had a willing robot, he seemed to be flawless, though his only trouble would be addressing audiences without a teleprompter. When he was not guided by a well perfected script and subliminal code words, his hypnotizing soring speeches floundered into studdering blunders and contradicting rhetoric.

This candidate, built by wealthy elites, who looked down at the icons of Americas heart, blue collar workers, began his mission. He convinced much of a nation to support laws, that he would later use to bring about freedoms demise through anarchy.

The conclusion just might frighten you!!
To be continued.....
Watch for September 11 th