“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Disproportionate Fear

Headlines: Canada launches missile attack on U.S and kill seven in Detroit, Obama refuses comment, Nicolas Sarkozy worries U.S might respond with disproportionate force, Oprah yet to weigh in.

Let’s suspend reality for a moment, at least the part about the Canadian missile launch, now let’s talk about the two Israelis killed Monday night by Gaza militants (i.e. Terrorist). As Israel continued its third day of aerial assaults, a terrified Israeli woman searched desperately for shelter from one of the countless Hamas missile strikes; the warning siren didn’t sound soon enough to provide her with safety, she would later die, a casualty to shrapnel wounds. The other unfortunate death was a defense soldier killed in a mortar attack.

The perpetual assault Hamas has delivered to a tolerant Israel, has lulled the response of the international communities into a complacent status quo. Israel’s restraint has been nothing short of divine passivism, as the world has come to expect. The media, fresh from “Operation Get Obama Elected” has decided to placate Palestinian sympathizers by emphasizing their the innocent victims of this lopsided Israeli assault. Since 1988 Hamas has left a bloody trail of innocent bodies, that by the year 2000 had left 377 dead, 2076 injured, 53 of which were suicide bombings that claimed 289 lives.

In a surreal alternate universe, LA California, American protesters gather to passionately voice their dismay with Israel. Imagine that, when Israel was getting lit up by thousands of deadly rockets courtesy of Hamas, NATO slept quietly and the International Community turned the other way. Disproportionate force? If Liberal LA were to lose men, woman, and children to years of senseless attacks, what force would they lose? If these protesters were constantly being told that they were going to be annihilated, could they look their child in the eye and say “We deserve it?” I think not.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

For The Least of Us

I sat happily, in my turkey induced sedation, with a toasty fire warming my face; slipping in and out of consciousness watching the 24 hour Christmas Story marathon. I am, as many Christian Americans are, oblivious to the struggle of our brethren . In China, host of the 2008 Olympics, ten women in Yucheng county were escorted to jail for reenacting the nativity scene. Unlike our country, where the Christian religion is merely mocked by pseudo-enlightened liberals, China’s treatment of the Lord’s children is brutal and painfully severe.

At 5:00 pm on December 22nd, officials raided the Sheppard Fellowships bible training class, with 10 uniformed officers. Without a search warrant, police seized bibles and other religious objects that might be construed as illegal propaganda. Along with the arrest of the 10 women, police recorded information that might implicate any of the other criminals connected with this religious conspiracy. (Big Government=Absolute Power=Christian Subjugation)

While most of us in America were loosening our belts for the traditional Christmas feast, securely wrapping up our X-Boxes from Santa; the maltreated masses suffer under the foot of tyrannical governments intent on silencing their faith.

This lack of awareness is an injustice. We understand that the secular pop culture media would rather report on the suffering inflicted by Prop 8, for the sexually oppressed. However, when is the last time we felt the passion from our clergymen, in expressing their indignation for our afflicted fellowship? It is ironic, that on the day we celebrate the birth of Christ, so many die in his name. What have we done today?

The world should be concerned, not only Christians, but free men as well; Big Government cannot implement their agenda, if the people are held accountable to a God more significant than man, himself.

And if you give yourself to the hungry,

And satisfy the desire of the afflicted,

Then your Light will Rise in the Darkness.