“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

Friday, December 2, 2011

America: The Bloodied Bully

What happened to my America, was it all just a lucid dream? Have you seen your America lately? Yeah in my America the hero always got the girl in the end, but guess what? That worked for me, I liked it. The Russians were the bad guys, evil plots imploded on evil men, and I could say, “That movie was queer.” without invoking the PC riot police.

In my version of America we were strong, we were the modern day gladiators fighting for liberty. Justice was receiving what you deserved for the deed you did, not getting what you were owed complements of some selective plight or situation or media induced social cause. People didn't have such difficulty deciphering right from wrong. I believed the President was elected by the people, not just the people with the most money or the most nefarious agenda.

And finally people didn't mess with my America, because we would always prevail in anything we stood against. We were the tough guys with the big stick and using that big stick kept the peace.

In today's international progressive Amerika, we are weaklings and routinely laughed at by people we would have destroyed decades ago. Hugo Chavez, a purveyor of American misfortune and a lap dog to our enemies, tyrannically rules a country in which we send billions of dollars to via our thirst for foreign oil. We are economically propping up this dictator who sponsors terrorism. Chavez is guilty for the death of thousands of his countrymen, woman and children for absolute power and wealth.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a pint sized rat with a gargantuan tyrannical grip on the Middle East. He is constantly getting fined for excessive celebration in the end-zone of Western security and strategic interest, yet laughs in the face of endless erroneous sanctions. The American government realizes that sanctions on Iran will remain impotent as long as Russia continues to blatantly defy them. So Ahmadinejad continues to rape and oppress his people and violently squash dissent without so much as breaking a sweat.

The Jerusalem Post reports today that Russia is delivering anti-ship missiles to Syria, another murderous regime. MOSCOW - Russia has delivered anti-ship cruise missiles to Syria, the Interfax news agency cited an unnamed military source as saying on Thursday, days after a United Nations commission of inquiry called for an arms embargo on Damascus.

Economic and diplomatic pressure has isolated Syrian President Bashar Assad following a nine-month government crackdown against protesters in unrest the United Nations says has killed more than 4,000 people.

It is a very dangerous world in which Russia doesn't adhere to Western consequence, and even more deadly when other nations realize this. As prime minister for the past four years, Vladimir Putin never really went away. But his looming reincarnation as the all-powerful, executive president of Russia – the country's "paramount leader" in Chinese parlance – poses a stark challenge for which the US, Britain and other beleaguered western powers seem ill-prepared. As president, potentially until 2024, Putin has one overriding objective: the creation of a third, post-tsarist, post-Soviet Russian empire.
Putin famously described the collapse of the Soviet Union, the "evil empire" of Ronald Reagan's imagining, as "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century". - The Guardian

These are just a few examples of the collapse of “My America's” bravado on foreign policy. Domestically I also barely recognize this nation as I knew it, the progressive front has systematically neutered our country. Emperor Barack Obama and his cast of progressive fascist have brought this nation to its knees. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Van Jones, Maxine Waters, The SEIU, The ACLU, and other progressive cronies like Obama are frantically at work breaking the spirit of this once great nation. Infusing social justice and communist ideology into our children through academia and pop culture media, both subversively and subconsciously. They are creating a nation of litigators and victims ill-prepared to face the challenges of a ruthless and unforgiving world.

America is a shadow of it's former self, a bloodied bully on the playground in which our adversaries watch waiting to strike. The threat of American retaliation and dominance is no longer keeping the wolves from the door, every day they inch closer, emboldened by our weak stomachs and false sense of enlightenment. The greatest hope for revival lye’s in the pages of history with the founders of this nation, unfortunately along with God and American exceptionalism, that too is being discarded by modern progressive activist.
These videos are from the John Birch Society, they render objective and factual  information that is no longer available in contemporary academia.

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