“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obama calls out the dogs

The Obama regime is desperately whipping it's dogs into a bloodthirsty frenzy, in an effort to counter the passionate pleas of freedom exploding from concerned Americans around the nation. Watching their liberties being threatened, citizens from both parties are poised to to take a stand. The fire that has rapidly spread, has taken the President and his cronies by surprise, they can't quite fathom a knowledgeable citizenry challenging his agenda.

High powered politicians staring blankly at each other, “ duh, aren't these people supposed to just fold up and obey?” These pompous hacks are actually taken back by a public whose better versed on the Obama-care than they are; imagine that, how arrogant these parasites are, they are irritated by this inconvenience. Nancy Pelosi wants us to believe that the revolt is comprised of greedy insurance agents and dissenting GOP members.

In his recent sales pitch to the American public, President Obama recalled how his typical white grandmother received a hip replacement while being diagnosed as terminally ill. The President suggested that because she was family he would have paid for the operation, had insurance not covered it. Under the Obama-care plan, the President wants to give patients like his grandmother pain pills, in lieu of expensive surgery, being that they are unproductive tax drains.

And here is the Obama regimes legacy. What becomes of family members who can't afford to pay for their elderly loved ones operation? What happens if they aren't as financially blessed as Obama? They won't have the choice! Let me say it again, they won't have a choice! The entire structure of Obama-land is built on the premise that if your wealthy, you count. If your middle class, we will tax you and beat you down to serf-dome. And when your a lowly serf, we will feed you just enough, we will clothe you just enough, and yes, we will give you just enough Obama-care.

So while the President's attack dogs, search for more elegant lies to sum up how great Obama-care will be, they will simultaneously attempt to marginalize the detractors. They will paint freedom loving Americans as obnoxious blowhards, who crash town hall meetings looking to shout down their representatives. But don't believe it, this is a movement, this is a revolution. American people are coming together; black, white, democrat, or republican, it doesn't matter. And it is significant, and it is beautiful. The government controlled media won't let you know that.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Shut up. Go Home

The audacity of you peasant slobs, shut your mouth and go home, how dare you question the supreme ruler, Barack Obama. Be afraid, both democrat and republican, be very afraid. The President Of The United States truly believes that he transcends the mere office he holds. He believes that he is a ruler.

Barack Obama will transform his deviant gang of thugs, ACORN, into the very same brown shirts that did Hitlers bidding. It's begun, he will infest America's town hall meetings with throw away bullies, because he wants violence, he is daring you. The currant administration have turned their back on us all, they relish the thought of these meeting turning bloody. That will create the crisis they need to implement more control.

Only by breaking down the fabric of this society, can these ravenous oligarchs seize this republic. Are we so pompous and ignorant, that we can't conceive this government is doing the very same thing Stalin did in Russia and Hitler did in Germany? They are instituting a tyrannical dictatorship before our very eye's. They will infuse racial tension, economic and social divide, in their grab for power.

Where are the republicans, or the so-called conservatives? It is not enough that they merely refuse to vote the President's agenda. We need these people demanding that the public be heard, insisting in accountability. Barack Obama has flatly lied, but he's shakin' his fist at us and telling us to keep our mouths shut.

Nancy Pelosi accused town hall patrons of being Nazis, when in fact they are just concerned citizens who are desperately attempting to not lose any more freedom or basic liberties. Pelosi and some of these other liberal elites, look upon the general public as if we were animals, she almost looks surprised when she realizes we can spell. Even their brainwashed Eco-soldiers, are pawns to them, if there is anything you ever believe, believe this: the currant administration is not concerned with the environment, healthcare, or the economy. Barack Obama's regime is only interested in power.

These people work for us, if your employee told you to keep quiet and get out of the way, you'd fire them. It's time we leave a pink slip in all their offices, both the power thirsty liberals and the republicans who haven't risked everything to stop them.