“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

Friday, August 26, 2011

Pacifism: An Irresponsible Endeavour

Visiting fans who attend a basketball game, or any sporting event, at Goshen College this season may be surprised by the patriotic song they hear over the loudspeakers minutes before tipoff.
The Northern Indiana school has decided to play "America the Beautiful" prior to sporting events instead of the "Star-Spangled Banner" because the lyrics better fit the pacifist ideals of a Mennonite campus whose motto is "Healing the World, Peace by Peace."
Adopting "America the Beautiful" is Goshen president James E. Brenneman's attempt to end a debate over the national anthem that has engulfed his school for almost two years.
Goshen College had never played the national anthem before a sporting event until March 2010 when the school began playing an instrumental version at the urging of Brenneman. In a lengthy statement explaining the change in policy, Brenneman said, "I am committed to retaining the best of what it means to be a Mennonite college, while opening the doors wider to all who share our core values."
[Video: Michigan football team sports new rock fight song]
The practice of playing the national anthem before games was immediately controversial among the 1,000-person student body, 58 percent of which belong to the Mennonite faith built on pacifism and global citizenship. Complaints from students and alumni eventually caused school officials to put an end to the short-lived ritual of playing the anthem at sporting events in June.
What bothered many at Goshen College about the "Star-Spangled Banner" was imagery from the War of 1812 that Francis Scott Key included. Goshen spokesman Richard R. Aguirre told the Chicago Tribune that lyrics such as "the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air" were "inconsistent to the entire message we were trying to send."
Seeking a compromise that would satisfy both factions at his school, Brenneman considered numerous patriotic songs before announcing last Friday that "America the Beautiful" would be the replacement for the national anthem at Goshen. In a statement released that day, Brenneman explained his choice by pointing out that it's easily recognizable, it honors the country and it fits with Goshen's core values.
"Though some may or may not agree with the alternative recommended here, I call now on each one of us to move beyond this decision and turn our attention to other important matters before us," Brenneman said. "May God help Goshen College become one of the most welcoming places on earth for all who come to our campus."
Brenneman's attempt at compromise may have satisfied some students and alumni, but the decision has sparked protest and derision from many outsiders.
"Goshen College should be banned from NCAA competition until they start playing the National Anthem again," one man tweeted. Wrote another, "I don't agree w/Goshen College decision but it's America and it's cool for them to do what they want.."

Pacifism: An Irresponsible Endeavour

Coward on Parade

President Obama's official reign of terror may not exceed one term, but the horror of his Presidency will remain for generations. Read this:
TAIPEI - Bowing to Chinese pressure, the U.S. will deny Taiwan's request for 66 new F-16C/D fighter aircraft, a Taiwan Ministry of National Defense (MND) official said. "We are so disappointed in the United States," he said.

Well guess what buddy, you aren't the only one disappointed. We are at a point in history where it is to our extreme peril not to show China we have a backbone. This is only a part of the Presidents narrative, bowing to the enemy and alienating friends. The sole reason for any cohesiveness in this crazy world is America's military might. What quasi hippies, pacifist, and morons do not understand is that this is an insidious and cruel world. Since man has existed, 99% percent of the time this Earth has been ruled by force, tyranny, and injustice, this is fact, this is history.

What about Syria? This was a statement by a defector from President Al-Assad’s killing machine “After seeing how they killed people, I realized that the regime is prepared to massacre everyone,” Why is this murderous maniac allowed to annihilate dissenters and crush them like bugs, yet our President doesn't feel the need to shell out 500 million tax payer dollars like he did in Libya, for humanitarian aid? Inconsistency and weakness?
BEIRUT (AP) — Masked gunmen dragged Syria's best-known political cartoonist from his car before dawn Thursday, beat him severely and left him bleeding along the side of a road days after he compared Syria's president to Moammar Gadhafi, human rights activists said.---
And this is gentle, the cartoonist was only beaten, he didn't get acid poured on his face and he wasn't stoned to death. Must be feeling very lucky.

What's going on with Israel? Never in recent history has an American president allowed our relationship with Israel to be so confrontational and indecisive. Muslim aggression is of epidemic proportion and President Obama has not only turned a blind eye, but seems to be appeasing it. Israel has had it's back to the wall ever since its existence, the Muslim enemy is not simply protesting. Human Events: Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a 43-year-old Iranian woman, is facing death by stoning this week for adultery, a capital crime in Iran. This is a common occurrence in the Muslim world, multiply this atrocity by ten thousand, it's a basic part of the culture. This tragic plague is not isolated in third world nations! In Buffalo New York, a moderate Muslim by the name of Muzzammil Hassan beheaded his lovely wife. This is a man who with his wife created a television network for modern Muslim Americans. The premise behind this network was to show ignorant westerners that Muslims are much more than their stereotypes may suggest. Striking.

As a citizen of The United States, I am angry that our President is apologizing for America. Upon entering office his first action was to toss out the bust of Winston Churchill, given to us by our most complete ally, England. In 2008, President Obama became responsible for our country, since then he has cast this nation aside. He is letting Mexico devour our borders and infiltrate our nation with violence and narcotics. Afraid he might lose an Hispanic vote Obama looks away, letting ranchers and tax payers suffer. He illegally gave Mexican gangs high powered weapons, some of which were used to slaughtered innocent Americans.

The danger of President Obama's repulsion of traditional and successful America will leave lasting cracks in our foundation. He has scarred unborn generations of our countries men and women, by weakening our defenses and bankrupting our nation. As I have said and history has proven, peace is only afforded by brute force. Many infantile liberals will complain about weapons and military spending, but without them these same people would live in a very different world. America's most immediate risk's are China, Islam, Mexico, economic chaos, and an amoral society; President Obama has accelerated the dangers in all of these. Since the Obama regime has been placed in control of America:
Iran has accelerated their nuclear weapon program, unapologetic and without consequence.

Terrorist organization Hezbollah has acquired long range missiles.

2008 A Russian aerial bombardment began in the break away region of Georgia. In the country former President Bush called “ A beacon of liberty” we helplessly watched while Russia rolled out 150 tanks. Georgia a potential NATO member and eager US ally was left to fend for itself. Obama, hot on the campaign trail had these words of wisdom "I think it is important at this point for all sides to show restraint and to stop this armed conflict.” All sides! Restraint? Believe me that was a one sided smack down, as Russia took off it's shirt and flexed its chest muscles. This was their way of saying, “And what are you gonna do about it America?” This would give them the added testosterone to annihilate Obama on the New-START treaty.

President Obama gave in to Russia and abandoned the plan for a European missile shield, without getting ANY concessions from the Russians. New-Start was intended to protect European nations from attacks by rogue nations like Iran and North Korea.
The President lied about withdrawing our military from Iraq and Iran.

Obama blindly supported the dictator in Honduras, Manual Zelaya a golf buddy of Hugo Chavez who wanted to nullify the Honduran constitution in an attempt to run another term. The Honduran military swiftly and legally withdrew the President from office, just as the constitution states. Obama had Hillary Clinton threaten the small country if Zelaya was not reinstated.

Obama supported rebels in Egypt, he interrupted our daily broadcast to explain how this was a lesson in democracy. When all was said and done we are discovering a country more radical and more anti-American than the one under Hosni Mubarak.

It becomes exhausting watching this man unravel the remaining pieces of what our founders created, the American left should be proud. The less our enemies fear us the more peril we are facing. Countries no longer refrain from committing atrocities for fear of American retaliation, this will damage us and our ally's. The consequence Of President Obama's utter failure in our foreign policy and his distaste for American exceptionalism will bring this country to it's knees. Let's pray the next President can quickly regain the momentum that Ronald Reagan had us on.


story from The Blaze

Education Georgia Professors Offer Courses to Illegal Immigrants

ATHENS, Ga. (The Blaze/AP) — As college students return to campus in Georgia, a new state policy has closed the doors of the five most competitive state schools to illegal immigrants, but a group of professors has found a way to offer those students a taste of what they’ve been denied.
The five University of Georgia professors have started a program they’re calling Freedom University. They‘re offering to teach a rigorous seminar course once a week meant to mirror courses taught at the most competitive schools and aimed at students who have graduated from high school but can’t go to one of those top schools because of the new policy.
“This is not a substitute for letting these students into UGA, Georgia State or the other schools,” said Pam Voekel, a history professor at UGA and one of the program’s initiators. “It is designed for people who, right now, don’t have another option.”
The policy, adopted last fall by the university system’s Board of Regents, bars any state college or university that has rejected academically qualified applicants in the previous two years from admitting illegal immigrants. That includes five Georgia colleges and universities: the University of Georgia, Georgia Tech, Georgia State University, Medical College of Georgia and Georgia College & State University. Illegal immigrants may still be admitted to any other state college or university, provided that they pay out-of-state tuition.
The new rule came in response to public concerns that Georgia state colleges and universities were being overrun by illegal immigrants, that taxpayers were subsidizing their education and legal residents were being displaced. A study conducted by the university system‘s Board of Regents last year found that less than 1 percent of the state’s public college students were illegal immigrants, and that students who pay out-of-state tuition more than pay for their education.

“What we’re hoping is that people in decision-making positions will reconsider the policy,” said Reinaldo Roman, another of the organizing professors. “It goes counter to our aims. We have invested enormous resources in these young people. It makes sense to give them a chance at an education.”
For now the course will simply serve to expose the students to a college environment and challenge them intellectually. It will not likely count for credit should the students be accepted at another school, but the professors said they’re seeking accreditation so credits would be transferable at some point in the future.
The five founding professors all work for UGA, but they stress that the program has no connection to the institution. UGA referred a request for comment to the Board of Regents. Regents spokesman John Millsaps said faculty members are generally free to do whatever they want with their free time as long as it doesn’t interfere with their responsibilities as employees of the university system. But he said he didn’t know about enough about the program to comment on this specific case.
Once the professors hatched their plan – which was suggested by an illegal immigrant community member who works with a lot of illegal immigrant teens – they reached out to professors at prestigious schools nationwide to sit on a national board of advisers. One of them is Pulitzer Prize winning author and MIT professor Junot Diaz, who calls policies barring illegal immigrants from state schools cruel and divisive. He said he’s ready to help Freedom University succeed.
“Whatever they ask of me. I’ll do everything and anything I can,” he wrote in an email. “This clearly is going to be a long fight.”
With professors donating their time and a local Latino community outreach center offering a space for free, the program has few costs. They’ve started an wish list asking people to donate textbooks for students and gas cards for volunteers who will drive students to and from class.
Dressed in a black fleece jacket and tan cargo shorts and carrying a black backpack during a protest rally Tuesday at UGA against the policy, 25-year-old Karl Kings looked like he could be headed to class. However, Kings says he’s an illegal immigrant who was brought to the U.S. when he was a year old from a country in Asia that he declined to identify.
“Pretty much, I would be a Georgia boy except I wasn’t born here,” he said. “I grew up here my whole life.”
After graduating from high school in suburban Atlanta in 2004, he dreamed of going to college but couldn’t afford to pay out-of-state tuition. He’s gotten by doing odd jobs, but has had to turn down some more stable or challenging job offers because they required proof of eligibility to work in the U.S. He was filling out an application for Freedom University at the end of the rally this week.
The program is currently taking applications, with the first class, American Civilization I, set to start Sept. 8. The five professors will rotate teaching the seminar course on their own time at an off-campus location. All qualified applicants will likely be accepted unless there are so many applications that space constraints force them to limit admissions, said Lorgia Garcia Pena, another of the founding professors.
Leeidy Solis,16, was brought to the U.S. illegally by her parents from Mexico when she was 2. A high school senior in Athens, she wants to become a veterinarian. She finds it hard to listen to her friends discuss where they‘re applying to college because she’s not sure she will be able to go. She’s looking into where she might get a grant or scholarship to pay for her education.
Her parents are thinking of packing up and heading back to Mexico. They are encouraging her to apply to college there and go with them. But she doesn’t remember Mexico and all her friends and cultural experiences are here, so she wants to stay. She said she’s definitely keeping Freedom University in mind.
“Even if they don’t count it as a credit, at least we as students can experience what it’s like to take a real college class,” she said

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Libya's Lost Cause

For the last several years I have been screaming at the top of my lungs, nobody heard my desperate please. I said, “Listen, our kids are dying in the desert for nothing, we will never change the hearts and minds of these Muslim populations. These countries hate America and we will never, EVER, peacefully coexist. More over they will never stop adamantly fighting for our violent demise.

Still, to this day progressive juggernauts like John McCain and Lindsey Graham spew statements such as this, “ The end of the [Gadhafi] regime in Libya is a victory for the Libyan people and for the broader cause of freedom in the Middle East and throughout the world,” Are you kidding me? If a fascist Islamic gang violently overthrows an aging dictator with the help of NATO, this is a victory for freedom? Gadhafi, an early supporter of the Obama administration, is a megalomaniac. He is a rapist, a killer, a terrorist, etc etc. The studious young rebels replacing him are avid Sharia enthusiast, they are proprietors of oppression, degradation, poverty, and hopelessness. C'mon, you know this.

Recently republican golden boy Mitt Romney explained his version of the same tired talking points to Neil Cavuto. Mitt reasoned that democracy was being served up simply because a tyrant was being removed from office, he seemed pleased. This misleading rhetoric is not predicated by factual history, what about the Soviet Union? Lenin was replaced by a maniacal killer with acute paranoia and blood lust. Joseph Stalin was not the former dictators first choice, Lenin believed Stalin's power hungry aspirations exceeded even that of his own, Satan himself believed his protege might be too evil, imagine that. If history serves me right, Satan, I mean Stalin murdered over 60 million people that we are aware of, through starvation, assassination, war, and other insideous means. Yet, the American left thought he was just Jazzy, they too probably proclaimed him as the pillar of democracy. 

The people telling us the uprising in the Middle East and North Africa is a demonstration in democracy, are misleading. The terrorist and useful idiots are not democratic, they are fascist. Just as every socialistic uprising throughout history, the masses are convinced that the suppression they've existed through their entire life is a product of their merciless dictator, which it usually is. Then a well organized group of radicals, usually funded by some secret powerful elites with an abundance of wealth involved in the outcome, tells the masses we need to be a free and democratic society. When all is said and done the rebels seize power, the elite make their fortune, and the poor are subjected to a new and improved life of tyranny. In the case of the "Arab Spring" Iran and fascist Islam are pulling the strings.

The Obama administration has kowtowed to the Middle Eastern Terror apparatus since being placed in office, not to mention simultaneously shunning Israel. In doing so he's proved to be 2011's Nevil Chamberlain, on steroids. But, what accounts for our other progressive politicians seemingly lack of the obvious. Were they misled by the main stream medias false propaganda?

"The people of Libya are showing that the universal pursuit of dignity and freedom is far stronger than the iron fist of a dictator." Barack Obama

“action needed to be taken and we needed to work with our allies and take concrete steps to remove Qadhafi from power and constrain his attacks on the small 'd' democrats in the east of the country.” - Karl Rove

The US has rebuffed a personal appeal from Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to US President Barack Obama, repeating that he must resign and go into exile.
Referring to Barack Obama as "our son", the Libyan leader urged the US leader to end an "unjust war against a small people of a developing country", and dismissed the rebels as "al-Qaeda" militants.
In response to the letter, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that "I don't think there is any mystery about what is expected from Mr Gaddafi". -BBC

Progressive politicians like Rove, McCain, Obama, Graham, Clinton, are well aware that peace is not an option, it never has been. There is nothing beneficial to The United States coming from the "Arab Spring", yet the American tax payer remains a slave unto these politicians misguided aspirations.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Michael Vick: Vitcim of Poverty

 Michael Vick, a tragic casualty of black oppression and racially motivated impoverishment spoke out recently. Apparently feeling comfortable with his newly rediscovered wealth and fame, Mr. Vick spoke a bit more candidly to reporters. "Yeah, you got the family dog and the white picket fence, and you just think that's all there is" This is code for simple white people who have no clue as to what adversity means. Then Vick goes on to say, "Some of us had to grow up in poverty-stricken urban neighborhoods, and we just had to adapt to our environment." This is code for "I was justified".
   It's funny, because I know a lot of poverty stricken Americans who don't live in million dollar mansions and still refrain from fighting dogs for money. As a matter of fact as seductive as electrocuting a canine might seem to be, all poor people don't gravitate to it. Fighting man's best friend for money might retrieve a dollarless dude from the brink of a cardboard cabin, but that's not the case for Vick. He is guilty of torturing and slaughtering helpless animals whose only aim is to please their master. Michael Vick raised these animals to violently rip their opponents to shreds or simply serve as bait for other vicious dogs. 
   The fact that the million dollar quarter back fought a domesticated animal for money isn't what's so disturbing here, although it should be. The derangement is that he doesn't understand how truly deviant and psychopathic this undertaking is. He didn't simply throw Fido the family pet into a fighting pit to keep a roof over his head and pay for his mothers life saving operation. Vick preyed on these poor dogs. He beat them and broke them down, he let these animals die a torturous and painful death. He took pleasure in watching them struggle for air while they were being drowned to death. He took puppies that children usually hug and kiss and tormented them, turning them into killers or bait for killers. He and his friends laughed and mused on their million dollar estate while these dogs were being forced to die.
  Mentally disturbed people like Michael Vick cannot be rehabilitated, you can't teach a person that sadistic torture and cruel inhumane treatment is wrong. If a person didn't have that moral axiom to begin with, it cannot be taught or implemented. A man at the end of his rope or forced into a corner can do horrific things, but a man's justification of his actions never supersedes his moral line in the sand. Michael Vick has proven himself as weak and pathetic. If poverty and hopelessness are the environments in which children must sacrifice their souls, why isn't Vick giving the majority of his wealth save them? 
Vick, 27, and three associates were indicted by a federal grand jury in Richmond, Virginia, on a conspiracy count alleging they bought and sponsored dogs in an animal fighting venture and traveled across state lines to participate in illegal activity, including gambling.
According to the indictment, dogs that didn't show enough fighting spirit, or that lost matches, were put to death by a variety of methods, including shooting, drowning, hanging and electrocution. Prosecutors allege that on one occasion earlier this year, Vick participated in killing eight dogs. -CNN NEWS
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