“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cashing out on Stevens

It doesn't require a degree, or even a certificate for that matter, to understand why the military never aided the Consulate as he helplessly perished in Libya. The modern American military, as directed by the currant regime, does not use force to protect American lives. The military exclusively protects American interest both monetary and strategic. It is apparent that the four extinguished lives couldn't even justify the millions required just to turn the "on switch" for a military operation.

Some might argue, one theory for the gross negligence, was the fear of illumination upon the illegal activity conducted on the premises. I don't know

     "Wait the President said not to shoot this man" 
"It figures, that bleeding heart liberal"
"Yeah, he said he would not approve the dispersal of any ammunition directed at this man. It's far too costly."
"Politically? The cost of human life, huh?"
"No, the cost of ammo, he said run him over!"   

C.A.T.P.C.W.A.D.F.D.P.M.E.  (still searching for shorter acronym) 
Citizen against this pathetic charade of why American soldiers die and are forced to destroy peoples of the Middle East  

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

8 Confessions from a (random) White Man

8 Confessions from a (random) White Man

    1. I've been passionately reunited with boxing by the super sib's, Vitali & Wladimir Klitschko.
    2. I can't comprehend the hypnotic allure to country music, and in the same thought sequence, contend that Rap should even qualify as a legitimate musical genre.
    3. I wonder why black individualism was revoked, and on what authority. Who can also verify the credentials of those who decide what's “black”.
    4. I don't consider the deconstruction of the English language a dialect, a viable speech or creditable form of communication.
    5. If Rocky was black, and the movie managed to avoid being propelled to Net Flix, it may have enjoyed a mild success. Maybe as a “gritty and bold” portrayal of an African American savant forced to box as his only means of survival. Or at least that would be the narrative as described by some white artsy beta male.
    6. I also think that until I begin receiving monetary support, retroactively, from deceased former slave owners, I should refuse to accept the responsibility or ire for any of their actions.
    7. Sometimes I feel as though the liberal mindset in media, academia, entertainment, and so on, treats both races like children. The whites being the biological child, expected to do good and only receiving attention for negative behavior, often becoming resentful with misdirected anger. While black child, the step child, is over compensated for and held to a different standard. When both are prodded out to perform parlor tricks; the white child plays Beethoven’s fifth to a yawn and a “Don't forget to clean your room”. The black stepchild then attempts chopsticks and is met with enthusiastic astonishment and a patronizing round of applause...
These are just 8 random things percolating through the mind of an average white 9-5er, who wouldn't suggest he was racist... Do you think he is racist? Is he allowed to have these thoughts?