“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

assassiné par le féminisme

 assassiné par le féminisme

A growing number of American men are waking up today and realizing that they are a finite resource. This herd of human cattle roams the land from the elite liberal east coast to moon-bat habitat of the left coast. Although their range is quite broad, their numbers are dwindling. On occasion I can see them walking aimlessly bewildered and confused, tripping over the reminisce of what they believed to be true; only to discover they were lied to. These are the men that were sold on the dream, that if they did the right thing and treated people with decency they would flourish.

I watched one hapless victim in Connecticut, The Constitution State? Lol.. He was a broken man telling his story to anyone who would listen. “My father insisted that I must always adhere to the convictions of a gentleman, never speak liable, say what you mean, mean what you say. God will provide and you'll find true love.” This man eventually did discover her, only to find out her loyalty abruptly ended at the moment of slight discomfort. He never dreamed her love and emotional devotion would be dictated by the milligram of pharmaceutical Phycotrop's she was required to ingest every morning upon waking. A woman who reaped all the independence and self indulgence that modern militant feminism insisted she was owed, demanding the fairy tale ending of which she never earned.

Similar to every other honorable American male, who has resisted treating a female like an undeserving dog, constantly running game, he was raised believing relationships with women should be predicated by honesty and respect. He discovered in the Western culture women hardly subscribe to that, unlike their counterpart in almost every other society. Woman are naturally hard-wired to be the nurturing subordinate, devoted to their spouse and children. Unfortunately over the past decades Americans have been lured into this “Straw Man” fight, that corrupts the premise in order to control the argument favoring nefarious Progressivism!

Americans have been conditioned to believe that in order to achieve absolute equality, men and women should be interchangeable. The most treacherous but effective ad campaign ever to decimate the assembly of order and natural loving discourse is the whole premise of equality, the argument is fraudulent. Skewed by Progressives, the innate behavior and unique qualities God endowed women with have been distorted and marginalized. A woman has been given strengths that men are not equipped to bare, one being the most vital of all, that of giving life. The female has been entrusted with the responsibility of Motherhood, to ensure humanities survival she can be subservient, submissive to the will of man. Her skills could never be duplicated by a man, an ego driven warrior who's responsibility is to sacrifice his physical, emotional and even mortal being, to ensure the safety and security of his wife and children.

Instead our little girls are being indoctrinated into a movement whose actual definition, feminism, is contrary to its agenda. Feminism: traits associated with gentleness, empathy, and sensitivity, the antithesis of masculinity. This mass perversion of gender is packaged and marketed through the veins of academia, pop culture, and an all too complicit government. The misconception of masculinity as being the great equalizer is a biased perception to begin with, why aren’t men vying for the mantle of femininity? Instead a female must be as fast, as strong, and as muscular as a man; self worth predicated on the erroneous claim that in order to be valued, you must be a strong and independent woman who is as capable of doing anything a man can.

Militant feminism has literally reconstructed the natural role of a woman to comply with their warped disillusioned narrative. It's hard to generalize the precise motive of the leftist movement, some argue that it's driven by butch men wanna-Be’s who envy the authentic article. Other part time psychiatrist will tell you it's the unattractive women with the “If I can't get laid, no ones gonna get laid” attitude who are just tired of walking home when their date sobers up. While taste and common sense tell us that yes, an attractive radical feminist might be a rare bird; it's not a water tight theory. It's not just the disgruntled, the lesbians, the morally bankrupt or even the culturally devoid.

Feminism, regardless of which pretense it may have originated under, is solely controlled by the left and the progressive movement. It is harnessed as a weapon and routinely used for political expediency. Creating women who can't comprehend the self improvement, self empowerment bull*@!$, is based on a lie, it's designed for cultural suicide and self-destruction. Under the heavy thumb of “Women's Right's” the family, child development and marriage have been almost completely disrupted.

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