“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Single Mom Myth

The Single Mom Myth

The single mother, a rapidly growing phenomenon, given the stamp of approval from America's most studious mediums. A one time mantle of dysfunction has found legitimacy in post-nut sack America. Feminist and their beta-male bitches running the machine from the national news rooms to print, Hollywood and beyond, wield such power the Church fears casting a sideways look. The single mom moniker is synonymous with strength, liberation, and independence.

The divorce rate is a staggering 35%, close to 70% of which are initiated by the woman, at least it's documented that way. I would suggest a modest 85-90% of divorces are ultimately decided by the woman. And why not? They've been absolved of consequence, empowered by guilt free abandonment, and objectively lobotomized to the ruin of their wake. The 15 year old pregnant daughter in no way reflects an abysmal failure of a parent. The faggy kid nurtured by the absence of light in his basement game-room, who might slip through the cracks of teen suicide to molest and murder his peers.

The child being raised by a divorced or single mom, has yet to discover the liberation and empowerment from their predicament. The advantages of their peers residing in duel parent homes is lost in a culture that references the hags from The View for objective reasoning. The child who publicly celebrates growing up with their single mom, is a child who is reaping the rewards of lax discipline. Healthy marriage can't idiot proof your kid, their chances of going haywire might statistically increase. What remains undeniable is the fear, confusion, self doubt, and sadness a child will repeatedly encounter as a result of their parents choice.

The man's antiquated notion of divorce not being an option, usually puts him at odds with the single mom. For most men divorce isn't a rebirth into a world supported by government programs, talk shows, and magazines. The woman will exclaim that trying to “make it work” and not leaving isn't healthy for the children, she did it for them. She won't confess to total control as the only viable option, short of castration when trying to “make it work” or not leaving. She will do everything possible to sabotage the relationship, that she actually decided to leave long ago. The single mom has most likely already hedged her bets before she walks.

There exist covert agenda responsible for cultivation of the single mom myth, nefarious to some and idealistic to others. Cosigned and propagated by the same movement whose reconstructed world advocates lesbian adoption, prepubescent gender reassignment, and anti-death penalty pro abortion reasoning. If they were prohibited from hijacking the American flag, theirs would simply read, “If it feels good, Do it!”

Friday, December 28, 2012

11 random non anti-Semite Confessions

11 confessions of a non-Jew

I must really preface this small rant by qualifying my seemingly narrow scope. Firstly, I don't hate Jewish peoples (per say) or any other group, by definition. Oddly enough, the same doesn't apply for what group I inherently support, without so much as an inquisitive peep. Up until this moment I blindly supported Israel and the Jewish movement, no questions asked, why? What was the reason for my whole sale unwavering support of the Jew?
The thing is, I never really gave it much consideration. I have more reason to be anti-Jew than pro-Jew, after all they did kill Jesus? As a participating member of a monotheist religion, Christianity, aren’t I to believe that Jewish people are sharing the same hell-bound bus as the Muslims? Why do so many of my brethren support a religion not only contrary to ours, but one that directly had a hand in crucifying the Son of God?
Now in the realm of Christianity there resides a (sect?) known as Zionist. Briefly, Christian Zionist enthusiastically support the notion of A Jewish State, Israel to be precise. Where Jews from the four corners of the Earth must rally, as a prerequisite to the returning Messiah and ensuing the Apocalypse. Until all these Jews are collected we're just spinning our wheels, I guess. It's not like they drop the property value of the neighborhood?
Even Glenn Beck, whose a Mormon, is overtly tied at the hip with the Jewish zeitgeist. Beck has shed tears on multiple occasions when defending the Jewish peoples. I must admit though, I have always believed the Jew to be residing on the right side of history, regardless of what Beck or Pat Robertson have told me.
And believe me, this short writing is in no way my resignation from the world of objective reasoning and my caring credentials are still valid. I am also not convinced that Jewish people are on the wrong side of history, just merely suggesting that I loosen the traumatizing stigma that's dictated my world view.
For instance, for a collection of people defined by their ardent religious belief, I have yet to meet a considerate Jewish person. (Less my current employers, they have been outstanding) Objective eval, I have not yet walked away from an encounter with anything positive. Matter of fact, if I were to generalize, I've yet to meet a Jew who wasn't a kinda prick. Someone who would hire Bashar Al-Assad if that meant achieving their goal. So I asked around, these are just11 of the confessions I heard from non-Jews.

I have yet to meet a Jewish person_____
  1. Who has one moral caring fiber of humanity.
  2. Who runs a charity.
  3. Who didn't have money.
  4. Who didn't seem to belong to some exclusive club, for which I could not join.
  5. Who actually stood for something (morally).
  6. Who didn't badmouth everyone.
  7. Who told me they love America.
  8. Who had conservative values.
  9. Who liked country music.
  10. Who even liked America.
  11. Who didn't look left and right when initiating a convo regarding a black person.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cashing out on Stevens

It doesn't require a degree, or even a certificate for that matter, to understand why the military never aided the Consulate as he helplessly perished in Libya. The modern American military, as directed by the currant regime, does not use force to protect American lives. The military exclusively protects American interest both monetary and strategic. It is apparent that the four extinguished lives couldn't even justify the millions required just to turn the "on switch" for a military operation.

Some might argue, one theory for the gross negligence, was the fear of illumination upon the illegal activity conducted on the premises. I don't know

     "Wait the President said not to shoot this man" 
"It figures, that bleeding heart liberal"
"Yeah, he said he would not approve the dispersal of any ammunition directed at this man. It's far too costly."
"Politically? The cost of human life, huh?"
"No, the cost of ammo, he said run him over!"   

C.A.T.P.C.W.A.D.F.D.P.M.E.  (still searching for shorter acronym) 
Citizen against this pathetic charade of why American soldiers die and are forced to destroy peoples of the Middle East  

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

8 Confessions from a (random) White Man

8 Confessions from a (random) White Man

    1. I've been passionately reunited with boxing by the super sib's, Vitali & Wladimir Klitschko.
    2. I can't comprehend the hypnotic allure to country music, and in the same thought sequence, contend that Rap should even qualify as a legitimate musical genre.
    3. I wonder why black individualism was revoked, and on what authority. Who can also verify the credentials of those who decide what's “black”.
    4. I don't consider the deconstruction of the English language a dialect, a viable speech or creditable form of communication.
    5. If Rocky was black, and the movie managed to avoid being propelled to Net Flix, it may have enjoyed a mild success. Maybe as a “gritty and bold” portrayal of an African American savant forced to box as his only means of survival. Or at least that would be the narrative as described by some white artsy beta male.
    6. I also think that until I begin receiving monetary support, retroactively, from deceased former slave owners, I should refuse to accept the responsibility or ire for any of their actions.
    7. Sometimes I feel as though the liberal mindset in media, academia, entertainment, and so on, treats both races like children. The whites being the biological child, expected to do good and only receiving attention for negative behavior, often becoming resentful with misdirected anger. While black child, the step child, is over compensated for and held to a different standard. When both are prodded out to perform parlor tricks; the white child plays Beethoven’s fifth to a yawn and a “Don't forget to clean your room”. The black stepchild then attempts chopsticks and is met with enthusiastic astonishment and a patronizing round of applause...
These are just 8 random things percolating through the mind of an average white 9-5er, who wouldn't suggest he was racist... Do you think he is racist? Is he allowed to have these thoughts?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Democracy 2.0

Democracy 2.0

In the book Visions of Tragedy, by Richard B Sewall, there burns a quote that has forever captivated me, “Man is free, but free only to chose his prison”. Though this may not be the actual quote, it's as I remember it. Idiots and pseudo libertarians cry for absolute democracy, as if mob rule equates to a purer form of freedom. Our founders understood that the masses could not be trusted; some influenced by passing fancy, others swept up in the unforgiving pangs of lust. A majority of people has never bested the quality of the few.
The only people promoting democracy are the direct benefactors of it's gluttonous corruption. Democracy 2.0 ignites fantasies of equality and fairness for the intellectually retarded. Our “exempt from reality” academic professors, have convinced us that 60 million souls sharing the same brain are numerically entitled. Having done so, the qualified few are judged as racist, elite, or oppressive. One need look no further than the violent American Unions to see the utter failure of democracy. Democracy = Failure
Democracy 2.0 is the same rat with better references.
I recently read this article on Alternate Right. Until we are able to have an honest conversation, we are doomed. Let's talk about the undeniable cultural  differences. The major cities of this Nation are imploding and no one will address the common thread, race.....

Detroit's Destiny

Detroit's Destiny Nature reclaims Henry Ford's office
This article was originally published 23 March, 2012.
Remember the time you were in class and knew the answer to a question posed by your teacher, but didn’t raise your hand out of fear you might be wrong? Or the time you had a crush on a beautiful girl, but were too afraid to ask her on a date because she might say ‘no’?
Well, we are reaching the political equivalent of that moment—where that self-induced fear and trepidation which precludes us from doing what is rational and natural because of the negative consequences we perceive could arise from such action—with the impending financial collapse of Detroit.
“Impending” is the wrong word. “Imminent” would be, too. “Inevitable” is the apt word.
Why the insolvency of Detroit has been an inevitability now must be stated, because others will raise their hand and supply the wrong answer. The American Thinker will try and blame Democrats and Unions without mentioning that America’s most livable big city, Pittsburgh, is filled with both.
Free Republic won’t allow anyone to even mention the word “Black” in the strange color-blind world the owners of that site have cultivated (with a religious zeal and intensity normally seen in a cult).
Beloved conservative economist Thomas Sowell can state it is due to “liberal social policies,” without acknowledging these same policies are in place in cities that attract corporate investments, like Portland, Seattle, Boulder, and Denver. Others will state that a city under “total Democrat hegemony” for 50 years was bound to collapse, maintaining a desire to stay color-blind even in the face of economic Armageddon.
Michael Barone, famous for stating that Hispanics will save the Republican Party, was in Detroit during the Black riots of late July 1967, still the worst riots this nation has ever seen. He wrote an article for the American Enterprise Institute stating how his politics were shaped by this event. Considering that he advocates the continued mass immigration of a people who in 2006 marched in major American cities waving the Mexican flags defiantly, we have to wonder what exactly Barone learned.
The Weekly Standard published Matt Labash’s ode to Detroit’s collapse back in 2008, where he only in passing pointed out the racial significance of a city’s collapse. (In 1960, Detroit was 76 percent White. Though at the time Blacks represented only 24 percent of the population, there were responsible for 65 percent of the violence crime there):
Somewhere along the way, Detroit became our national ashtray, a safe place for everyone to stub out the butt of their jokes.
It happens, though, when you're from Detroit. In the popular imagination, the Motor City has gone from being the Arsenal of Democracy, so named for their converting auto factories to make the weapons which helped us win World War II, and the incubator of the middle class (now leading the nation in foreclosure rates, Detroit once had the highest rate of home ownership in the country), to being Dysfunction Junction. To Detroit's credit, they've earned it.
How bad is Detroit? It once gave the keys to the city to Saddam Hussein.
Over the last several years, it has ranked as the most murderous city, the poorest city, the most segregated city, as the city with the highest auto-insurance rates, with the bleakest outlook for workers in their 20s and 30s, and as the place with the most heart attacks, slowest income growth, and fewest sunny days. It is a city without a single national grocery store chain. It has been deemed the most stressful metropolitan area in America. Likewise, it has ranked last in numerous studies: in new employment growth, in environmental indicators, in the rate of immunization of 2-year-olds, and, among big cities, in the number of high school or college graduates.
Men's Fitness magazine christened Detroit America's fattest city, while Men's Health called it America's sexual disease capital. Should the editors of these two metrosexual magazines be concerned for their safety after slagging the citizens of a city which has won the "most dangerous" title for five of the last ten years? Probably not: 47 percent of Detroit adults are functionally illiterate.
Precisely what caused all this mess is perhaps best left to historians. Locals' ideas for how it happened could keep one pinned to a barstool for weeks: auto companies failing or pushing out to the suburbs and beyond, white flight caused by the '67 riots and busing orders, the 20-year reign of Mayor Coleman Young who scared additional middle-class whites off with statements such as "The only way to handle discrimination is to reverse it," freeways destroying mass transit infrastructure, ineptitude, corruption, Japanese cars--take your pick.

We no longer have the luxury of such utopian dreams of taking our pick when it comes to placing the blame for Detroit’s monumental collapse; we must deal with the facts as they are and point out that Detroit has become the best friend of budding photographers hoping to publish the next best-selling coffee table book because it is a city that most resembles the dangerous foreign landscapes pictured in National Geographic. (For an actual coffee table book on modern Detroit, check out The Ruins of Detroit, by French photographers Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre .)
Detroit is 82 percent Black. The Great Migration to Detroit of Blacks from the South (exacerbated by Henry Ford’s promise to hire 10 percent of his employees from the Black population) inexorably created White Flight from that city, turning the city once known as “The Paris of the West” into the American version of the Paris Suburbs. Much of the rest of the city been torn down due to neglect.

Detoirt's Woodward Ave. (from The Ruins of Detroit).
That Democrat hegemony bemoaned for ruining the city has been overwhelmingly Black for 40 years, starting with the election of Coleman Young, the first Black mayor in the history of Detroit. The mass exodus of people from the city was primarily White back in the 1960s and '70s (which turned a majority White city into the majority Black mess you have now), but is currently a torrent of Black people fleeing in hopes of finding a place to live with a national grocery chain.
White people fled Black crime then; Black people flee Black crime now.
Mike Brownfield of The Heritage Foundation has said Detroit is “a liberal’s worst nightmare,” but fails to point out that it is Black people fleeing a liberal Black cityto the tune of a 25 percent population decline in 10 years.
What are you afraid of saying Mr. Brownfield? Why can’t you just say Detroit is in trouble because of its majority population (why doesn’t the Detroit Free Pressever run an article that asks, In changing world, Detroit remains overwhelming black?)? Why can’t Dr. Sowell? Why can’t The American Thinker? Why can’tNational Review?
The decline of Detroit (and America’s major cities such as Baltimore, Milwaukee, Memphis, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Cleveland, Newark, New Orleans, Atlanta, Birmingham, Chicago, etc.) is completely racial in nature. Michael Walsh of National Review laments that “some day, we’ll all live in Detroit” without mentioning the fact that Detroit’s lily-white suburbs--where the White descendants of the War of Detroit (the 1967 Black riot) retreated to--are perhaps the nicest in America.
Conservatives must understand that is the Black residents of Detroit who have helped depreciate what was once some of the highest property value in the country to the majority of zip codes in America with the lowest property value.
The Black press seems to understand understands this: The Atlanta Post published a story in 2010 stating that to Abandon Detroit = Abandoning Black America; Detroit post-1967 is a direct representation of Black America.
One mustn’t forget that every student in Detroit now eats for free (courtesy of the state) so that the stigma of being on the free lunch program won’t affect the self-esteem of Black children. As of 2009, more than 300,000 Black residents of Detroit were on food stamps, which equates to 38 percent of the citizenry. One can only guess what that number is now.
With news that Detroit could run out cash by December, Mayor Dave Bing has had to announce massive cuts to the city that contradict the USA Today’s triumphant, front-page, above the fold claim in October of 2011 that Detroit was back! from a few months ago. The Detroit Free Press reported:
Delivering on his pledge to avoid an emergency manager, Mayor Dave Bing said today he will lay off 1,000 employees, implement a hiring freeze and increase his demands on unions to accept 10% pay cuts and deep concessions in health care and pension benefits.

This follows an earlier proclamation from Bing that stopped garbage removal, police patrols and other government services in 20 percent of the city. Who can forget that more than 100 Detroit Department of Transportation bus drivers refused to work and stayed at the Rosa Parks Bus Terminal because of rampaging Black youth (who have helped earn Detroit the honor of America’s Most Dangerous City) attacking them.
That same bus system is so unreliable that LaWanda Flake, a disabled mother of six, recently bartered her home on Craigslist for a van to get her children to school on time. That house once belonged to one of the top Mo’ Town artists (The Supremes), but has since come to represent how quickly property depreciates once Black people assume control of a city.
If Detroit fails, then the unthinkable could happen: Michigan recently passed a “financial martial law” bill which allows the state to assume control of a bankrupt city. Once Detroit fails, an Emergency Manager will put in charge of the city and The American Interest warns us a 21st Century version of a “Plantation” will be created in America:
That’s not the only problem: if the review determines that the city is broke, white Republican officials could end up making decisions that change the fate of a predominantly African American city — imposing cuts in employment, pay, benefits and services that will affect almost everyone who lives in Detroit.
Detroit Free Press columnist Jeff Gerritt lays out what the governor will face if the takeover goes forward:
“Plantation” is a word he’ll hear a lot — in fact, Councilman Kwame Kenyatta already invoked it to describe what would happen if the state took control of the city’s finances in an effort to keep it from running out of money by spring…
Nothing happens in this region outside the context of race. Our often-painful history is the oxygen we breathe, even when we choke on it. We’re all finding it a little hard to breathe just now.
“Plantation” is the wrong word. On actual plantations, people worked. In the case of Detroit, the White Republican “owners” will labor away on behalf of their "slaves."
As Black people flee Detroit and head into the prosperous lily-white suburbs surrounding the city, they ensure that the middle-class areas will continue to shrink.
The classic 1980s film Robocop teased at that truth when the CEO of OCP said, “Old Detroit has a cancer. That cancer is crime.” In Hollywood’s Detroit, multi-racial gangs, made up primarily of White males, prevailed.
Detroit faces a dual problem of spiking murder rates and a police force that is either incompetent or, increasingly, absent. This has led many residents to take the law into their own hands. The Daily reports, in an article entitled “911 is a Joke”:
Justifiable homicide in the city shot up 79 percent in 2011 from the previous year, as citizens in the long-suffering city armed themselves and took matters into their own hands. The local rate of self-defense killings now stands 2,200 percent above the national average. Residents, unable to rely on a dwindling police force to keep them safe, are fighting back against the criminal scourge on their own. And they’re offering no apologies.
Black dysfunction has, ironically, realized the dream of Reason magazine and Anarcho-Capitalists—a laissez-faire city with few government services. In Detroit, the dream is a nightmare.
In the span of only a few months, two of the former industrial giants that represented America’s once mighty manufacturing base will have become virtually insolvent. Sad that 72 percent Black Birmingham, Alabama, was responsible for the bankruptcy of Jefferson County.
Now, it is precisely those who comprise the 82 percent share of Detroit’s population that will be responsible for the financial ruin of that city, because they were incapable of sustaining the civilization that was left behind to them.
Only a few people will raise their hand and give the correct answer as to why "the Motor City" is finally out of gas.
To admit that Detroit is a failure because of its majority population is not possible in the political climate of 2012 America. To do so would undermine the political aim and drive of what this writer has dubbed “Black-Run America” (BRA).
This does not mean that Black people run actually America—far from it—but that America (corporate, religious, government, legal system, entertainment, etc.) is run for the advancement of Black people, and that to publicly say anything negative about Black people is, more or less, against the law of the land.
The National Question can’t be properly answered until we have the courage to proclaim the truth of Detroit’s demise. "Liberalism," "socialism," the "Democrat-controlled political class" are all partial, insufficient answers at best.
It’s about race, stupid.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Sarin has been mixed!

Deadly Sarin gas has been mixed. I can really picture despot Assad, tonight watching Fox news and going, "Oh s@$#, now their accusing me of this? I can't win." Finally, the West can justify publicly pulling the trigger on this brutal dictator.

Korean father murdered by black man

Black man kills Korean father

Upon reading my headline, you may wonder when this occurred. Try this “ Man gets shoved to his death in N.Y. Subway” While the race of the killer is irrelevant to me, I can't help but to wonder, what if the headline read, “Black patron violently shoved to his death by angry white” However before we become derailed by the blatant bias of the American press, lets look elsewhere. Something no one but me, Glock Russman, has mentioned. Forget about the Times photographer who just happen to be there, who by the way, valiantly flashed his camera bulbs to alert the train. (lol idiot needed the flash for the pic)
What about the on-lookers who had ample time to reach for the victim? People who were much closer than the helpless Time's guy, they made no effort. They were quick to photo the dead Korean father of one, limp and lifeless. I will be the first to ask, “Is there no public outrage that people stood by unengaged?” “Why is the press not covering this atrocity” What's more mind boggling, a random lone nut shoving another to his death? Or people within reach, waiting for the train to pummel this poor man?
My questions
  1. Who were these people close by who offered not help?
  2. What color were they? Again, what color were they?
    There it is! Is this why the media is silent? The color of the one lookers? We haven’t been told, but I surmise if the cowardly witnesses were white, this story would be on fire.

    Remember the more we're divided, the greater their control. They love us hating each other.  

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Dictators of Democracy

Dictators of Democracy

The sole reason attributed to the success of The United States was our Founders aversion for democracy. In it's infancy our nation restricted the responsibility of voting to those who had “skin in the game”. Founder's like John Adams understood tyranny and the price of liberty. 

   “Depend upon it, Sir, it is dangerous to open so fruitful a source of controversy and altercation as would be opened by attempting to alter the qualifications of voters; there will be no end to it. New claims will arise; women will demand the vote; lads from 12 to 21 will think their rights not enough attended to; and every man who has not a farthing, will demand an equal voice with any other, in all acts of state. It tends to confound and destroy all distinctions, and prostrate all ranks to one common level.” -John Adams
The disastrous implications of ill informed voters has never been more evident than in 2012. Those who’ve dedicated their existence toward the subversion of America have successfully marginalized voting criteria. Young families just getting strapped into the welfare cart, food stampers lifers, those milking disability and social security; do you think they give a @#$& about the National debt? National defense? The over reaching tentacles of an oppressive government? Perhaps not.
The politically incorrect truth is the majority of our citizens don’t qualify for this vital responsibility. At any given moment, if you were to randomly interview 20 registered voters, the clarity of America’s swan dive into catastrophe would be glaringly evident.
Of these twenty voters, I guarantee that 75% haven’t a clue what form of government they reside under. I would also safely wager 80% couldn’t accurately define their own candidate’s policies or that of his party. I could ramble on with hypothetical percentages for days, but there’s a good chance that 5% of you reading this are smart enough to comprehend my point. 
Contrary to common sense, some will argue that voting is our basic right. We haven’t the authority to smack our own kids, buy guns without an anal probe, smoke weed in our home, say the Pledge of Allegiance in school, publicly hate things that disgust us, hire the most qualified applicant, or even worship Jesus without reprimand from the “feel-good” police. However we can ignorantly elect a socialist dictator so he and his comrades can gang rape our Nations wealth. 
It is a misfortune that (our countrymen) do not sufficiently know the value of their constitution, and how much happier they are rendered by them, than any other people on earth by the governments under which they live.” - Thomas Jefferson
  Average registered voter caught stressing the importance of our Nations border security.

Jesse Jr. swallows Prozac without water, energizing the crowd! Do you think the topic is reigning in entitlement spending or how to squeeze out more?

While I hardly advocate rescinding the right to vote based on race, gender, or even sexual preference, I do believe we should have revisions. How can people living off the hard work of others be objective when choosing a leader. It's a reality, those rely on the state remain loyal to the state. Unfortunately, 99% of welfare-crats could care less where the money comes from. Instead of modifying the qualifications of those eligible to vote, let's clarify who shouldn't. (but does)
  1. All Habitual non-workers. (OK, you get laid off here and there, but if work and responsible participation in society gives you the creeps, don't vote)
  2. All Illegal criminals. (If you don't respect our Nations basic laws, your opinion might be ethically skewed, border jumping is a crime.)
  3. The Welfare-for-lifers. ( Logic dictates you seldom bite the hands that feed, even when the meal consist of poisonous failure and permanent wreckage.
  4. The non-living. ( Although this diverse portion of the population traditionally votes democrat and may actually be more qualified than others.)
  5. The historically retarded. ( while you shouldn’t have to be an accredited historian, it might be important to know the last 4 presidents by name, at the very least.)

    Liberty is not synonymous with democracy. The firepower of despotism is not limited to the gun; dictators wield welfare, terror, environment, and false utopia to steer the herd. -G. Russman

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Anonymous behind the glowing monitor, in a room illuminated by the ambers of Hell.

Blood Beneath Thier Nails

Blood Beneath Thier Nails

Professors have devoted their entire existence to the study of the Middle East, it's history, sempiternal struggle and absolute morbid splendor. So I preface this essay by acknowledging my admitted lack of credentials, both historical and intellectual. However, understanding this is critical to the importance of the following essay. I will also qualify myself by declaring that only recently have I taken the first step, which is admitting. I am Glock Russman and I am an addict, I am hopelessly addicted to the decades of propaganda that has consumed my world view. This sickness has dictated that a pro war hegemonic America is infallible. This hopeless dependency to pro-dope has forced a disabling psychosis, cross examining my patriotism at every turn.

I've regrettably negotiated through a lifetime of refuse, re-packaged by teachers, politicians, media, Hollywood and patriots. Believing that the governance our Founders so divinely constructed was guaranteed by God and absolute moral authority. Today I am convinced it takes far greater faith to except America as a liberator in the middle East, than it takes to swallow the most compelling conspiracy. Currently the two ruling parties plundering the US, are republicans and democrats. Although publicly opposed to one another, they are actually two factions of the same party. If like myself, you to arrived late for the party, and still believe the R's and the D's are diametrically opposed. Understand this artistic analogy.

republican                                                 Democrat

Both parties are                   progressive

Above the surface, with our conditioned sight, we see two separate trees. However, just below the landscape it becomes clear they are one.

The morbid reality remains, the Middle East isn't broken at all, it operates as a finely tuned blood soaked apparatus, with which the West, pedophile princes of Saudi and Muslim despots can violate humanity. Our government (both parties) spill the blood of our soldiers, not to create a world where Habeeb can build and prosper, but to maintain their investments. Dictators such as Assad, Mubarak, and Gaddafi are commodities propped up by our CIA, only to meet their demise when their value is spent.

The war on terror has been manufactured and distributed upon the American public to justify the relentless raping of the Middle East. I am wicked pro-America, maybe to the Nationalist level, but this quasi conflict has zero American interest. Rather, war pigs like McCain,Obama, and Clinton, keep selling us a bogus moral objective, that we must commit our money and military to. Obama, the liberal, is assassinating sand dwellers at an alarming rate, with no end in sight. 
                                        With these mechanical birds of murder, Nobel Peace Prize winners can obliterate human flesh, right from the comfort of their homes.

The media savagely persecutes anyone projecting defiance toward the current administration, unless it's orchestrated. Handsome killers, without a trace of humanity, these hawks of senseless destruction are kept clean and polished. The American public continues to follow the scripted drama. If only for an exercise, stop for one moment, question things.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanks Giving


It's evening as I navigate my long way home. I'm looking almost catatonic, I glance up at my reflection occasionally, almost to verify it is me, the culprit of these disturbing thoughts. I am very aware of my surroundings, even as I slip heavy into thought. Man, I stare back at my life, better yet my wreckage, and I'm aghast. It's nothing more than a long copious wake of heart wrenching desperation, dismantlement, and unfulfilled promises. The wall of this aftermath is painted with the painful backwash of deceit and utter decimation. The ugly wake is a sea of human ash and pain, parted by the unforgiving breath of knavery and death.

I always believed upon judgment day, when the scores were accounted for, I would find redemption in my bleeding heart. I sincerely conceived myself that when the shit hit the fan I would choose good, if only God was to know, I chose good. However, I stare at the agonizing aftermath of all I ruined, and I'm not certain. Maybe I am not a good man, did Hitler realize he was an asshole? Or did he also stomp through life thinking his positive trumped his negative? This scares me..

Sorry is vacuous when applied to anything of which truth convicts me, promises are equally devalued. Maybe I never stood for anything, quite possibly there is no line I can't justify crossing. Suddenly despair swells and psychically overwhelms me, my God how can I reverse this tragedy?

GIVE.... I will not stop giving. Give, not to redeem my ticket to heaven, I might never be exempted from this disaster. I was a proprietor of misery, addicted to disruption. All I can do now is give, from this second till death, I wont wait for the next opportunity, I will create it. I will stop writing now to tell someone how special they are (time elapsed)
I did it, now you do it, because after all Stalin probably believed he was on the right side of history? (Well with the progressives in the White House he just might be) Don't rely on the end of the day to be acquitted of all that was outweighed by your good. It might not come. Please live in the moment, knowing you've just given all you could until you give again. God Bless.. 

Happy Thanksgiving


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Grand Re-Opening Nov 24th

On November 24th, this month, Killing Us By Degrees, along with our most recent successful endevour New Viewz will be re launching. All the great things that kept our loyal readers visiting our site multiple times a day will remain, x's 1000!!

We have new agrressive writters, who are determined to expose the nefarious agenda of the Elite's, Progressives, Feminist, and Global Puppet Masters.

Join us on Nov. 24th for the re launch.

We have a great following in the Ukraine as well as the US.

I have personally responded to each comment, request, and complaint. I will continue to do so. This means contact me, maybe you have something you would like us to publish.

We must endure another 4 years, the only way we can make a change is by getting involved NOW!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Deconstructing Heart

Deconstructing Heart

 I have comfortably surpassed the legal age of being able to punch a girl in the face and get away with it, say for a beating, quite a while ago. I believe that age for me was ten, it’s since been reduced by three. Present day preteens might just be finishing up their first bid or maybe fresh out of rehab. In retrospect my utter disappointment for woman didn’t really begin until I reached my twenties. Up until that point I really believed all you had to do was find a woman that you were attracted to and fall in love. I was never interested at the prospect of being a pimp, which was admired by the cool chic’s.
 Although women frequently complain about what dogs men are, truth is the untrustworthy canine’s kept the most bitches (female dogs). Believe me, I was no swishy beta male, I give props to all the big dogs. Keeping a stable was just never my thing; maybe you’d say that was lazy. I oppose that theory; it’s much more work to devote yourself to one female. How so? Because they are mostly certifiable, you can never just live, there is always some crisis. IE: “Do you really love me?”
 “You want me to dress like that slut?”
“Why don’t you ask your little office whore to wash your clothes?”
I could literally fill the next ten pages with irrational demands and erroneous accusations, but I think you get it.
Why shouldn’t I have been so quick to be a love sick door mat for every shiny pair of heels every to demolish a human heart?
The last relationship I had the misery of surviving was indubitably more special than the ones prior. You heard of poor saps waking up in a tub full of ice, light one kidney? That was me, only there was no ice and she left an ugly cavernous whole in my chest. As a matter of fact when I came to she was still there. Even as she cleaned her crimson stained fingers, she screamed that I was the asshole!
Now most of my brothers in this manosphere remain unsympathetic to my emotional demolition, telling me I should have known better. (If I had a penny for every time I should have known better, I’d be drinkin’ Heineken and rubbing elbows with the guys from Duck Dynasty)
Yes, perhaps going into it, I may have overlooked some subtle signs of distress such as:
1.     The requirement for constant sedation on low end Psychotropic Pharmaceuticals.
2.     The whole ensuring of unconditional love, which usually followed or preceded some manipulative temper tantrum.
3.     Post tantrum sex which rendered me vulnerable to more life sucking demands.
4.     She told me to Face Book her after we initially met. Then when I reluctantly did, I discovered three thousand self shot pic’s of her in the profile. I guess what should have been the exclamation mark was they were all taken in self-consumed sexy mode. That’s taking yourself much too seriously.
It was shortly after that when I had to rationalize her spirit crushing demands. I fallaciously believed the sign of manhood was constant suffering for those you love, while managing a mandatory to smile.
Was I coerced into 86ing my friends, family and church fellowship? Maybe so but my reward was priceless. The privilege of hanging out with her friends exclusively, dancing my weekends away (sober no less!) at some run down dirty shack whose owners were characterized in the Deliverance. I can’t say the relationship wasn’t close to 50/50 however, half of the time she was in desperate need of control, the other 50% I was miserable. I can’t get it through my thick average white American male skull, that when a Westernized Woman says she loves you forever, you’d better realize forever is finite and will occur several times a decade during her existence.
The sad pathetic point remains that I knew the risk and still signed the waiver. The waiver read: Not responsible for any damages, enter at your own risk. Maybe that agonizing pain following her decision to quit me and get a new step dad for her son was self inflicted.
Now I am in the familiar position of stuffing the haggard remains of my trampled heart back into my chest. After ingesting the red pill I must make amends with my homies, I must collect any remnants of my dignity because unless I am ready to die, I must begin again. Getting your heart broken is inevitable, but maybe this time I will learn to be prepared. The hope still resides, however apprehensive it might be. I will find another woman who isn’t completely mentally inept, I’ll hold out for mildly so. Also as she tells me that I am the one, nobody has ever made her feel like this, I’ll remember by nobody she means nobody that would keep her.
 Peace, Russman

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

assassiné par le féminisme

 assassinĂ© par le fĂ©minisme

A growing number of American men are waking up today and realizing that they are a finite resource. This herd of human cattle roams the land from the elite liberal east coast to moon-bat habitat of the left coast. Although their range is quite broad, their numbers are dwindling. On occasion I can see them walking aimlessly bewildered and confused, tripping over the reminisce of what they believed to be true; only to discover they were lied to. These are the men that were sold on the dream, that if they did the right thing and treated people with decency they would flourish.

I watched one hapless victim in Connecticut, The Constitution State? Lol.. He was a broken man telling his story to anyone who would listen. “My father insisted that I must always adhere to the convictions of a gentleman, never speak liable, say what you mean, mean what you say. God will provide and you'll find true love.” This man eventually did discover her, only to find out her loyalty abruptly ended at the moment of slight discomfort. He never dreamed her love and emotional devotion would be dictated by the milligram of pharmaceutical Phycotrop's she was required to ingest every morning upon waking. A woman who reaped all the independence and self indulgence that modern militant feminism insisted she was owed, demanding the fairy tale ending of which she never earned.

Similar to every other honorable American male, who has resisted treating a female like an undeserving dog, constantly running game, he was raised believing relationships with women should be predicated by honesty and respect. He discovered in the Western culture women hardly subscribe to that, unlike their counterpart in almost every other society. Woman are naturally hard-wired to be the nurturing subordinate, devoted to their spouse and children. Unfortunately over the past decades Americans have been lured into this “Straw Man” fight, that corrupts the premise in order to control the argument favoring nefarious Progressivism!

Americans have been conditioned to believe that in order to achieve absolute equality, men and women should be interchangeable. The most treacherous but effective ad campaign ever to decimate the assembly of order and natural loving discourse is the whole premise of equality, the argument is fraudulent. Skewed by Progressives, the innate behavior and unique qualities God endowed women with have been distorted and marginalized. A woman has been given strengths that men are not equipped to bare, one being the most vital of all, that of giving life. The female has been entrusted with the responsibility of Motherhood, to ensure humanities survival she can be subservient, submissive to the will of man. Her skills could never be duplicated by a man, an ego driven warrior who's responsibility is to sacrifice his physical, emotional and even mortal being, to ensure the safety and security of his wife and children.

Instead our little girls are being indoctrinated into a movement whose actual definition, feminism, is contrary to its agenda. Feminism: traits associated with gentleness, empathy, and sensitivity, the antithesis of masculinity. This mass perversion of gender is packaged and marketed through the veins of academia, pop culture, and an all too complicit government. The misconception of masculinity as being the great equalizer is a biased perception to begin with, why aren’t men vying for the mantle of femininity? Instead a female must be as fast, as strong, and as muscular as a man; self worth predicated on the erroneous claim that in order to be valued, you must be a strong and independent woman who is as capable of doing anything a man can.

Militant feminism has literally reconstructed the natural role of a woman to comply with their warped disillusioned narrative. It's hard to generalize the precise motive of the leftist movement, some argue that it's driven by butch men wanna-Be’s who envy the authentic article. Other part time psychiatrist will tell you it's the unattractive women with the “If I can't get laid, no ones gonna get laid” attitude who are just tired of walking home when their date sobers up. While taste and common sense tell us that yes, an attractive radical feminist might be a rare bird; it's not a water tight theory. It's not just the disgruntled, the lesbians, the morally bankrupt or even the culturally devoid.

Feminism, regardless of which pretense it may have originated under, is solely controlled by the left and the progressive movement. It is harnessed as a weapon and routinely used for political expediency. Creating women who can't comprehend the self improvement, self empowerment bull*@!$, is based on a lie, it's designed for cultural suicide and self-destruction. Under the heavy thumb of “Women's Right's” the family, child development and marriage have been almost completely disrupted.

Thoughts on Feminism part 1

Similar to other honorable American males, who have resisted treating women like undeserving dogs, constantly running game, he was a gentleman. Raised believing relationships should be predicated by honesty and respect. Soon he discovered in the Western culture, unlike the majority of others, few woman entertain this theory. Women are naturally hard-wired to be the nurturing subordinate, devoted to their spouse and children. Unfortunately over the past decades Americans have been lured into this accepted sophism,ensuring the progressive agenda the ability control the argument.  

Americans have been conditioned to believe that in order to achieve absolute equality, men and women should be interchangeable. The most treacherous but effective ad campaign ever to decimate the assembly of order and natural loving discourse is equality, the premise is fraudulent. Skewed by Progressives, the innate behavior and unique qualities God endowed women with has been distorted and marginalized. A woman has been given strengths men are not equipped with, one being the most vital of all, that of giving life. The female has been entrusted with the responsibility of Motherhood, ensuring humanities survival. Man could never duplicate these God given attributes, he's an ego driven warrior whose responsibility is to sacrifice his life, liberty and mortal being to protect his family. A woman's subordination to her male counterpart is hardly a sign of weakness.
Today little girls are indoctrinated into a movement whose actual definition, feminism, is contrary to its agenda. Feminism: traits associated with gentleness, empathy, and sensitivity, is the antithesis of masculinity. This mass perversion of gender is packaged and marketed through the veins of academia, pop culture, and an all too complicit government. The misconception of masculinity as being the great equalizer is a biased perception to begin with. Why aren’t men vying for the mantle of femininity? Instead a female must be as fast, as strong, and as muscular as a man. Female body builders. Female fighters. Her self worth is predicated on the erroneous claim that in order to be a valued equal, she must be able to duplicate the exact qualities man excels at. 
 vying for the mantle of femininity?
Militant feminism has literally reconstructed the natural role of a woman to comply with their warped disillusioned narrative. It's hard to generalize the precise motive of the leftist movement, some argue that it's driven by butch men wanna-Be’s who envy the authentic article. Other part time psychiatrist will tell you it's the unattractive women with the “If I can't get laid, no ones gonna get laid” attitude who are just tired of walking home when their date sobers up. While taste and common sense tell us that yes, an attractive radical feminist might be a rare bird; it's not a water tight theory. It's not just the disgruntled, the lesbians, the morally bankrupt or even the culturally devoid.
Feminism, regardless of which pretense it may have originated under, is solely controlled by the left and the progressive movement. It is harnessed as a weapon and routinely used for political expediency. Creating women who can't comprehend the self improvement, self empowerment bull*@!$, is based on a lie, it's designed for cultural suicide and self-destruction. Under the heavy thumb of “Women's Right's” the family, child development and marriage have been almost completely disrupted.

G Russman

Friday, October 5, 2012

This is Beautiful...

Takes gut's to sucker punch an old man, unfortunately this is America.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Obama calling McFly..anyone home?

One of the unwritten rules of conversation or confrontation is to know that you have a very limited moment in which to react or respond, when an opponent delivers a verbal or even physical shot.. Just a very small window for retort, this is what separates the quick witted winner from the dulled down loser. (sorry non-winner) You simply have to wing it, and the Law of Truths will usually dictate he who's on the right side of history will emerge victorious. In other words it's easy to find the words when you are expressing the truth or something you know to be right.

Last nights debate revealed that President Obama is neither truthful or on the right side of history. He struggled to maintain appropriate eye contact with his political adversary, his gaze kept referring down to his notes and papers, as if they could ever rescue him. It certainly seemed he was trapped in an intellectual paralysis without his trusted teleprompter. Mitt marched over the former demagogue, with quick and even tempered dialog. For weeks the Presidents attack apparatus had been pounding Romney with erroneous or exaggerated claims, the 47%, jobs out sourced, protecting the rich, blah, blah, blah.

However on this night the President would have looked silly preaching that tabloid rubbish and he kept enough sense to know it. This wasn't John McPlain by any stretch of the imagination, for better or worse Romney has a plan. By all major accounts President Obama lost this debate soundly. The fact that 100% of the people don't agree with that is a very frightening thought. Whether you like Romney or not, if you are an honest human being with any intellect, you’d admit he won.

So now, post inhalation, Obama is telling anyone who will listen, what he should have said last night, he gives new meaning to the phrase trash talkin'. Now that the best and brightest writers have scripted clever zinging responses and he's had time to think, he's full of enlightenment. He is on a roll, unfortunately you can't do that. This goes to show the extent of his narcissism and self importance. The President subscribes to the notion that because he can covertly send troops to die in Africa, dictate his very own “:kill list”,lock dissenters up indefinitely with out trial and other despotic advantages, that he might be able to break the rules of debate. Well not time President O, not unless you have a time machine.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

From the L.A Times (did you even know?)

   From  the L. A. Times
1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County (L.A. County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.
2.  95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3.  75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens. 
4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 35%; of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking.
10. In L.A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish.
(There are 10.2 million people in L.A. County.)
(All 10 of the above are from the Los Angeles Times) 
Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29%  are on welfare.  Over 70% of the United States ' annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration. 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Obama Phone Lady

You've got to be kidding me, You won't get a phone if you vote for Romney? Listen I live in Connecticut, my vote is about as meaningless as a eye drop of water in the ocean; I just might go for the phone. In the Connecticut you are either work for the state or you're living off of it. This is a deep blue state, the ultra rich here will take the shot in the arm, knowing that in the long run this communist government will eventually crush the middle class and elevate their power.

This lady is not crazy, she is the product of decades of conditioning and emotional paralysis. She is the best evidence that the powerful elite are succeeding in their quest to transform us into mindless cattle that depends on government. Can you possibly imagine this woman has a clue what the national debt is or the importance of its reduction? Hell no, this woman is the prototypical brain-dead bag of flesh that progressives continue to cultivate in urban America.

I guarantee that if a candidate whose sole intent was to destroy the great nation that afforded these idiots the opportunity to breath, offered up $5,000 for everyone that votes for him, he would be unbeatable. Wait, Obama is well on his way toward pulling the plug on the great experiment, and he's giving away a lot more than five grand per person.

Glock Russman's Corner 09/29/12