“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Glock Russman's Corner 9/13/11

Glock Russman's Corner

I realize I am a little late for the dance, but I can not believe that Michael Vick is now the third highest paid quarterback in the NFL. My reasoning is not what you may think, either. I am not perplexed by this salary just because Vick seems to be a sociopath, a maniacal killer, or a remorseless dog beater. I remain quasi stupefied because Vick has yet to win a Super Bowl like the two other highest paid quarter backs, Brady and Manning. Many fans are baffled as to why much more proven quarterback's fail to make “Vick money”

Ben Roethlisberger has gone to the Big Show (Super Bowl) two out of the last three years and has won two in his career. He's younger than Vick and has repeatedly brought the Steelers to the playoffs. What about Drew Brees, another Super Bowl winner and prolific passer, has great numbers year in and year out.

If you ask any one with football knowledge, they will confirm, yeah, Vicks good. So's Tony Romo, Mark Sanchez, Kyle Orton, and many others. Why is Michael Vick so OVER Paid?Hmmmmmmmmm

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