What if..... o9/o8/2oo8
What if... A large group of elite politicians and aristocrats were to place an empty vessel in line for the most powerful position in the world, President of United States. These elites have sold their souls and will mortgage yours, for one desire, running the world. They look at past cultures and societies, they discover the most significant complication to world dominance is religion, especially Christianity.
They contrive a popular theory, that United States is and always was a democracy, installing the ideal that the only free society, is a democratic one. Thought by thought, they would use the mainstream media, politicians, and an endless abundance of money to consume morality and induce anarchy throughout Americas masses.
They construct their blue print for the destruction of the last free frontier to fall, America, thus joining the other puppet nations in a central one world government. These power hungry few must first find their empty vessel, one who appeals to the masses, both socially, physically, and seemingly fundamentally.
They choose a black man, with an unusual name, a name that stands apart and seems to be mesmerizing. All data has proven, at this time in America, guilt ridden whites, pop culture liberals, women, and prideful or angry African Americans, would flock to the attributes of a charming, intelligent, great new black hope.
They told this enthusiastic upstart, eager to cure the worlds ills, that they could facilitate his dreams and ambitions, by wielding their vast power with deception and selective marketing.
They now had a willing robot, he seemed to be flawless, though his only trouble would be addressing audiences without a teleprompter. When he was not guided by a well perfected script and subliminal code words, his hypnotizing soring speeches floundered into studdering blunders and contradicting rhetoric.
This candidate, built by wealthy elites, who looked down at the icons of Americas heart, blue collar workers, began his mission. He convinced much of a nation to support laws, that he would later use to bring about freedoms demise through anarchy.
The conclusion just might frighten you!!
To be continued.....
Watch for September 11 th
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