“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Presenting Killing Us by Degrees

Killing Us By Degrees

Hello. My blog has recently undergone some critical changes, the first of which is the co contribution from fellow author Dax. The second third fourth fifth sixth and so on have been structural and creative, directed toward our sole intent of publishing interesting essays of truth, bias, hate, fear, honest reasoning, and unfiltered observations of which supposed free men are at liberty to express.

As of June 1st the official rebirth will have entirely taken place. The name of my blog will remain unchanged. ( after endless heated debate ) and here’s why.....

For decades now, Americans have been digesting an ugly, subversive, and suicidal narrative hidden deep within their spoon-fed farina. This has manifested into the birth and manufacturing of what some refer to as the “low information voter”. For those of you that are unfamiliar with this quasi accurate label I will explain. If you view the T.V show “Criminal Minds” on a regular basis, you're most likely an L.I.V. As a matter of fact television viewers in general have a great propensity to be a “low info Voter”. However these shows are extremely telling, The View, The Talk, CNN, MSNBC, C.S.I(all), network news, cable news, and yes Fox news.
Here is the break down “laymanized”. The vast majority of American's who vote or claim to vote receive their information from cable T.V, local print, or people dumber than themselves. Unfortunately at best it is greatly inaccurate and at worst it's nefariously orchestrated and produced propaganda.
The culture has been saturated with this bad propaganda for decades, both from the left and from the left's version of the right. Academia, pop culture magazines, movies, activist, government, and the list goes on. I will come clean, as embarrassing as it is to admit, I myself was a dedicated Fox viewer and rabid ditto head. This was the only narrative I knew, so let me relate something to you, it's an analogy of sorts.
When I was a young boy I would impatiently anticipate visiting my grandmother on every second Sunday. This was not only my escape from a horrifying daily existence, but time spent at grandma's would assure me that something greater was attainable. My gram's would roast gigantic carrots for me, in the old gas oven, they were as long as my arm. Stepping out of my grandfathers old Chevy Nova, we called the “jalopy” I could just smell the carrots, the old house, and the fresh air of the country.
What I'm getting at is that until this very day if any of those sights or smells are detected by my senses, I instantly envision my childhood. Deeply engrained in me as well as most humans are the sensations that accompanied our growth into adulthood. Also the associations we form, the information we learn gossip or truth slowly becomes reflex as we age. As human nature goes we hardly question anything at all, from adolescence we are told “because that's the way it is”. American's have become conditioned, we have artificial reflexes that have been implanted through auditory, visual, and kinetic propaganda.
For instance if I say fagot, nigger, Jew, chink, Jap, or gook, I will receive a conditioned response and most likely that response will be condescending at best and violent at worst. Over the last few decades humanity hasn't changed but as I can now see, our programming has, let me show you. When I was young the few people who received free lunch at school did so inconspicuously and with caution. Most of those who qualified for free lunch preferred to go hungry than to risk the shame of exposure. In those not so distant years children innately detested government hand outs and just as innately ridiculed its recipients. This used to be a motivator to pick yourself up and change. Today under the ruling classes narrative the only acceptable shame that should be dispensed is upon of those who still believe government handouts are for losers.
For me the truth finally became clear when I realized that my natural thought and common sense were being sacrificed for political correctness. My best example would be my views on homosexuality. My position is that homosexuality is a disgusting and UN-natural act, it might even be an undiagnosed illness. Now, that is my honest thought and feeling on the act of homosexuality. In today's ruling thought police state my views mean I am a hateful and ignorant oppressor and what's frightening is I almost accepted that label. However the truth is that I love and respect my fellow humans regardless of color, race, or sexual preference. I despise any good person being harmed emotionally or physically, in this aspect I'm almost faggy.
So here it is, common sense dictates that I can associate vomit and uneasiness with homosexuality while simultaneously agreeing homo's can be great people. Americans have been duped into believing, in this instance mind you, that a persons sexuality defines their character and if you hate homosexuality you hate the homo! Well guess what? I won't except that narrative any longer.
The long and short is that for close to a century the progressive elite are the only party in town. They continue to write the script for both sides (and this is where your conditionings illicit a judgment that labels me as a kook). The only reason for our imaginary two party system is to let us think we really have a choice. It is slowly and precisely that our beliefs, traditions, and judgment of right and wrong are being molested. It is only by degree that we accept tyranny and despair as inevitability or we would simply revolt. 1776 was just yesterday, yet progressive reasoning promotes it as the long ago uninformed irrelevant past. It is only by degree that we second guess our innate common sense. The progressive elite are truly Killing Us By Degrees.

Join the demand for the truth

Monday, April 1, 2013

Deconstructing Me

Deconstructing Me

Today, I sadly report that the majority of my existence has been wasted. Nourished by popular propaganda and the sustenance of social control, I was routinely watered and grew to be a man. A man with conviction and principles freely selected from two predetermined paths marked A or B, never realizing "the choice" was no choice at all.

Today, as my lungs release the last of the oppressive ether and my eyes are somewhat clear, I realize that I am but one of millions bonded in slavery.

It gets better, I'll finish this tonight God willing. This article will reveal a disturbing truth and change your life.



Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The GOP Must Die

The GOP must Die

Enough already. America’s submersion into the frozen black waters of decay is hardly the democrat’s fault; they are simply capitalizing on this countries most impotent flesh mass, the voter. The GOP is this centuries Benedict Arnold, they are the self-professed keepers of conservatism and traditionalism. Right

They are not the alternative, but the accelerant, fanning the flames of progressivism. Arguments of mass inclusion are taking hold in recent weeks, just as I predicted. The party with which conservatives must hold their nose and vote for is fraudulent and must DIE!

With my blazing I.Q I had deduced the GOP’s nefarious agenda, also calculating it’s abysmal failure and the results there of. The puffy counterfeit GOP elite’s are now telling us we must seduce homosexuals, women, immigrants (illegal or not) and other leftwing causes if we ever expect to win the White House.

This will only serve to create a situation where an enormous amount of real conservatives stay indoors on Election Day.

Adopting every kooky leftwing special interest is no solution, yet sheople heads are beginning to nod nation wide. The republican’s can support gay marriage, amnesty, and abortion and it still won’t matter! The GOP can adopt every democrat crackpot policy and still garner no significant advantage; it’s a red herring.

By digesting the dubious democrat agenda the GOP will have consumed deadly poison, to which there’s no anecdote. The progressive elite governing this Nation realizes this and it may be the greatest hoax of my lifetime. When it already takes a high-powered microscope to differentiate between parties, how would mimicking the hedonism of the left succeed in advancement?

The republicans lost because they are the party of bloated limp wrist progressives like John McCain. Like southern fem-rod Lindsey Graham-cracker, smacking down Rand Paul’s filibuster with his carefully contrived “black helicopter” talking points.  The GOP is telling us all to be good little beta’s, this brings me to my analogy.

As men we are told to be sensitive emotional beings, praise the strength of woman, she is your equal. While you follow this advice your girlfriend will be screwing some guy who treats her like a PIG. The good news is you can always be friends with her BFF.

The GOP must be more selective and exclusive, following the RIGHT principles. Just like a women, the voter wants to be led. Our founders had elephant testicles and they didn’t apologize, they changed the world.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

America is gone (preface)

Reality is, every single anti-government website, conspiracy website, and limited government website, only goes as far as their allowed. To actually believe that American citizens are free, is idiotic. For close to 100 years our government has not existed, we are not the country of T. Jefferson, G. Washington, Franklin or whoever. We are the government of the ruling elite. America is gone.

If you agree with me, please let me know.

Monday, February 11, 2013

When the Right isn't right

Assuming our republican politicians have an IQ higher than let's say dirt, why would they propose such idiocy? They are pushing the narrative that in order to increase the square footage of the electoral tent they must sellout a degree or two. They are cautiously persuading us (the right) that the only way an R will regain the White House, is if we go a little fag, not all the way, but a bit. But, excuse me, however, if the republican partly (sp OK) goes full fuckin' force, they will garner nothing. If the following list of proposals, were they to be requested by the republican partly, were made, the net total of converts would be zero.

  1. Grant absolute amnesty.
  2. Personally perform gay marriage.
  3. Go green.
  4. Purge the party by 50% of its wrinkled pastey whites, replaced by black lesbian women in wheelchairs. (that covers 4 traits trump to white man)
  5. Create and support draconian gun laws.
  6. Etc, Etc,

So put your thinking cap on. If the republican partly adopted these ridiculous 5 ideals to their platform, how much would they gain? Almost zero. So if 1+1 =2, 5+2 =7, then why are they pretending to believe the right must be flexible? Why? Because the republican partly isn't right thinking at all, they are progressives.

You Swine Happy Now? Black Kills White to Right Historical Wrongs

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Never be rude to a faggot by (Andy Nowicki alternative right)

Never Be Rude to a Faggot Culliver's Travails: media lynching in progress
For those not following the hype and hullaballoo surrounding the most overhyped and hyper-hullaballooed event in the history of the world, it seems that in the run-up to Super Bowl XLVII, a professional football player has expressed the simply unacceptable sentiment that he actually finds it quite undesirable to take showers and walk around naked in the company of gay men.
The offender is one Chris Culliver, defensive back for the San Francisco 49ers. Earlier this week, over the course of a lighthearted radio interview with a jocular interlocutor on press day, Culliver revealed that he has a strict no homo policy when it comes to goings-on in the locker room. He’d rather not be around any of those “sweet”-acting, lispy, limp- wristed characters while in a state of undress: “Uh-uh,” Culliver stated emphatically at the prospect, “no way!”
Needless to say, all progressive-minded folk interested in showing others how righteous they are immediately jumped all over the suddenly embattled NFL jock for saying such an outrageous, “ignorant” thing. Equally as predictably, soon afterwards a chastened Culliver, looking like a frightened little boy who’s been called to the principal’s office, issued a meek apology to all right-thinking people everywhere, whom he deeply wounded with his viciously hateful, awful, horrible, despicable, dastardly, and completely terrible remarks. (For his penance, he’s been assigned—what else—“sensitivity training,” with representatives of the San Francisco LGBT community! Will he be forced to strip in the company of a bunch of flaming, leering queens in order to demonstrate having conclusively overcome his homophobia? Enquiring minds wonder…)
Presumably, Chris Culliver ought to be perfectly fine with the notion of being in intimate quarters with men who embrace the love that, until recently, dared not speak its name (and now apparently won’t ever shut the hell up). He shouldn’t fret about being ogled, or fear being subjected to frisky, freaky episodes of frottage by fellow athletes who happen to be light in the cleats (not that there’s everything wrong with that). And if he’s afraid of dropping the soap in the shower, well, that’s just cuz he’s a reprehensible bigot. Once Culliver is properly sensitivity-trained, he’ll come to know that gay men don’t really like to look at naked men’s pecs, penises, and posteriors…
Oh wait; they do? Uh…
Well then, maybe he’ll learn that, even if gay men like to ogle his naked body, he just needs to deal with it, because they’re gay and they get to do that, and not liking it is hate, plain and simple. Fearing the (homosexual) male gaze is only baby steps away from digging up Matthew Shepard and Tyler Clementi, and killing them all over again; such a repulsive heterosexist proclivity towards gay zombie genocide must be eliminated so that tolerance can reign supreme.
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Or something.
(Cue the wank gesture and the insouciantly rolled eye.)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Western Culture Vs Black America

Times expired, we desperately need a Nationalist party now. We mustn’t become derailed by socialist, separatist, racist Nationalism, it fails. We must restore Western culture to The United States of America today. There is nothing constitutional or noble about unhinging our borders to become saturated by various failed cultures. Yes Failed! Why are they here? Forced diversity is diluting America and antagonizing its demise.
Not totally to blame are the new immigrants, systematically encouraged by government, academia, politicians, and Unholy-Wood to subvert their new culture by encouraging them to unpack their broken beliefs and set up shop.

Although this is not Mexico, Puerto Rico, The middle East, I can't even say Africa because black culture is not African, newbies are coerced to feed the negative aspects of their prior land. This is politically strategic and expedient for the demonstratively nefarious progressive agenda. Empires have fallen, but were long since empty before the first cracks in the floor. The United States endured to divine magnificence, not by the wondrous array of various cultures with their dresses mended together. We secured dominance from the blood of free Englishmen procuring Western though, logic reasoning, and faith.

Our founders born of different countries, as opposite as black and white, pioneered the same new spoils of war and revolution, that of a free Western society and a free Western man. Being white never guaranteed a kindred spirit, Englishmen, Scottish men, Germans, French, Irish and etc, viewed each as a foreign race. For that matter the Catholics, Protestants, Calvinist, would never dream being white meant they were brothers.

What is Western culture? Westernization was derived from the traditions, values, philosophy, and European jurisprudence. Although not created by Christianity, early society was influenced by it and the pillars of its value and moral justices.
Political thought, reasoning, the notion of human rights, liberty, and freedom were all vital to the Western culture. Honorable discourse, justice, family value, all culminated from the best of what societies of Europe could offer.

Before the progressive cancer evolved so prominently, America was a thriving culture of Western identity. Free blacks, blacks, white slaves of servitude, free whites all suffered and toiled, but lived as westerners. Western culture became the American dream. Early black families, communities, leaders and advocates would not recognize the current black culture, that was so successfully mutilated by the progressive agents of ruin. Survival corralled early blacks together for safety and hopes of prosperity, yet they were individuals pioneering for liberty.

Today blacks are corralled by fear, fear of the black culture and the urban myth of white hate. The hungry cultural beast that they are forced to feed with their most sacred God given right, individuality. They have been manipulated to believe that the American dream is white, while the other fallacy of the psychosis being white is evil. Part of this clever ruse and skewing the vernacular is marginalizing the greatness of the Western Civilization by making it interchangeable with white civilization. Hence the pseudo justice of diversity.

Western Culture Vs Black America Part one
Go to

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

White slaves in America no typpo again

I will be writing a three part essay entitled
Western Culture Vs Black America
I found the  prior post by Hoffman yesterday and video today. I told you I would post more. It's an interesting prelude to my original post.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

White Slaves (No Typo)

I was writing an essay about the Western Culture, when I came along this interesting piece. I will research this and post more. G

The Forgotten Slaves: Whites in Servitude in Early America and Industrial Britain

White children enslaved in a mine in 19th century England. The two on the left are virtually naked. Children of both sexes worked in this manner.

by Michael A. Hoffman II ©Copyright 1999. All Rights Reserved
Two years ago, Prime Minister Paul Keating of Australia refused to show "proper respect" to Britain's Queen Elizabeth II during her state visit. In response, Terry Dicks, a Conservative member of the British Parliament said, "It's a country of ex-convicts, so we should not be surprised by the rudeness of their prime minister."
A slur such as this would be considered unthinkable if it were uttered against any other class or race of people except the descendants of White slavery. Dicks' remark is not only offensive, it is ignorant and false. Most of Australia's "convicts" were shipped into servitude for such "crimes" as stealing seven yards of lace, cutting trees on an aristocrat's estate or poaching sheep to feed a starving family.
The arrogant disregard for the holocaust visited upon the poor and working class Whites of Britain by the aristocracy continues in our time because the history of that epoch has been almost completely extirpated from our collective memory.
When White servitude is acknowledged as having existed in America, it is almost always termed as temporary "indentured servitude" or part of the convict trade, which, after the Revolution of 1776, centered on Australia instead of America. The "convicts" transported to America under the 1723 Waltham Act, perhaps numbered 100,000.
The indentured servants who served a tidy little period of 4 to 7 years polishing the master's silver and china and then taking their place in colonial high society, were a minuscule fraction of the great unsung hundreds of thousands of White slaves who were worked to death in this country from the early l7th century onward.
Up to one-half of all the arrivals in the American colonies were Whites slaves and they were America's first slaves. These Whites were slaves for life, long before Blacks ever were. This slavery was even hereditary. White children born to White slaves were enslaved too.
Whites were auctioned on the block with children sold and separated from their parents and wives sold and separated from their husbands. Free Black property owners strutted the streets of northern and southern American cities while White slaves were worked to death in the sugar mills of Barbados and Jamaica and the plantations of Virginia.
The Establishment has created the misnomer of "indentured servitude" to explain away and minimize the fact of White slavery. But bound Whites in early America called themselves slaves. Nine-tenths of the White slavery in America was conducted without indentures of any kind but according to the so-called "custom of the country," as it was known, which was lifetime slavery administered by the White slave merchants themselves.
In George Sandys laws for Virginia, Whites were enslaved "forever." The service of Whites bound to Berkeley's Hundred was deemed "perpetual." These accounts have been policed out of the much touted "standard reference works" such as Abbott Emerson Smith's laughable whitewash, Colonists in Bondage.
I challenge any researcher to study 17th century colonial America, sifting the documents, the jargon and the statutes on both sides of the Atlantic and one will discover that White slavery was a far more extensive operation than Black enslavement. It is when we come to the 18th century that one begins to encounter more "servitude" on the basis of a contract of indenture. But even in that period there was kidnapping of Anglo-Saxons into slavery as well as convict slavery.
In 1855, Frederic Law Olmsted, the landscape architect who designed New York's Central Park, was in Alabama on a pleasure trip and saw bales of cotton being thrown from a considerable height into a cargo ship's hold. The men tossing the bales somewhat recklessly into the hold were Negroes, the men in the hold were Irish.
Olmsted inquired about this to a shipworker. "Oh," said the worker, "the niggers are worth too much to be risked here; if the Paddies are knocked overboard or get their backs broke, nobody loses anything."
Before British slavers traveled to Africa's western coast to buy Black slaves from African chieftains, they sold their own White working class kindred ("the surplus poor" as they were known) from the streets and towns of England, into slavery. Tens of thousands of these White slaves were kidnapped children. In fact the very origin of the word kidnapped is kid-nabbed, the stealing of White children for enslavement.
According to the English Dictionary of the Underworld, under the heading kidnapper is the following definition: "A stealer of human beings, esp. of children; originally for exportation to the plantations of North America."
The center of the trade in child-slaves was in the port cities of Britain and Scotland:
"Press gangs in the hire of local merchants roamed the streets, seizing 'by force such boys as seemed proper subjects for the slave trade.' Children were driven in flocks through the town and confined for shipment in barns...So flagrant was the practice that people in the countryside about Aberdeen avoided bringing children into the city for fear they might be stolen; and so widespread was the collusion of merchants, shippers, suppliers and even magistrates that the man who exposed it was forced to recant and run out of town." (Van der Zee, Bound Over, p. 210).
White slaves transported to the colonies suffered a staggering loss of life in the 17th and 18th century. During the voyage to America it was customary to keep the White slaves below deck for the entire nine to twelve week journey. A White slave would be confined to a hole not more than sixteen feet long, chained with 50 other men to a board, with padlocked collars around their necks. The weeks of confinement below deck in the ship's stifling hold often resulted in outbreaks of contagious disease which would sweep through the "cargo" of White "freight" chained in the bowels of the ship.
Ships carrying White slaves to America often lost half their slaves to death. According to historian Sharon V. Salinger, "Scattered data reveal that the mortality for [White] servants at certain times equaled that for [Black] slaves in the 'middle passage,' and during other periods actually exceeded the death rate for [Black] slaves." Salinger reports a death rate of ten to twenty percent over the entire 18th century for Black slaves on board ships enroute to America compared with a death rate of 25% for White slaves enroute to America.
Foster R. Dulles writing in Labor in America: A History, states that whether convicts, children 'spirited' from the countryside or political prisoners, White slaves "experienced discomforts and sufferings on their voyage across the Atlantic that paralleled the cruel hardships undergone by negro slaves on the notorious Middle Passage."
Dulles says the Whites were "indiscriminately herded aboard the 'white guineamen,' often as many as 300 passengers on little vessels of not more than 200 tons burden--overcrowded, unsanitary...The mortality rate was sometimes as high as 50% and young children seldom survived the horrors of a voyage which might last anywhere from seven to twelve weeks."
Independent investigator A.B. Ellis in the Argosy writes concerning the transport of White slaves, "The human cargo, many of whom were still tormented by unhealed wounds, could not all lie down at once without lying on each other. They were never suffered to go on deck. The hatchway was constantly watched by sentinels armed with hangers and blunder busses. In the dungeons below all was darkness, stench, lamentation, disease and death."
Marcus Jernegan describes the greed of the shipmasters which led to horrendous loss of life for White slaves transported to America:
"The voyage over often repeated the horrors of the famous 'middle passage' of slavery fame. An average cargo was three hundred, but the shipmaster, for greater profit, would sometimes crowd as many as six hundred into a small vessel...The mortality under such circumstances was tremendous, sometimes more than half...Mittelberger (an eyewitness) says he saw thirty-two children thrown into the ocean during one voyage."
"The mercantile firms, as importers of (White) servants, were not too careful about their treatment, as the more important purpose of the transaction was to get ships over to South Carolina which could carry local produce back to Europe. Consequently the Irish--as well as others--suffered greatly...
"It was almost as if the British merchants had redirected their vessels from the African coast to the Irish coast, with the white servants coming over in much the same fashion as the African slaves." (Warren B. Smith, White Servitude in Colonial South Carolina).
A study of the middle passage of White slaves was included in a Parliamentary Petition of 1659. It reported that White slaves were locked below deck for two weeks while the slaveship was still in port. Once under way, they were "all the way locked up under decks...amongst horses." They were chained from their legs to their necks.
Those academics who insist that slavery is an exclusively Black racial condition forget or deliberately omit the fact that the word slave originally was a reference to Whites of East European origin - "Slavs."
Moreover, in the 18th century in Britain and America, the Industrial Revolution spawned the factory system whose first laborers were miserably oppressed White children as young as six years of age. They were locked in the factories for sixteen hours a day and mangled by the primitive machinery. Hands and arms were regularly ripped to pieces. Little girls often had their hair caught in the machinery and were scalped from their foreheads to the back of their necks.
White Children wounded and crippled in the factories were turned out without compensation of any kind and left to die of their injuries. Children late to work or who fell asleep were beaten with iron bars. Lest we imagine these horrors were limited to only the early years of the Industrial Revolution, eight and ten year old White children throughout America were hard at work in miserable factories and mines as late as 1920.
Because of the rank prostitution, stupidity and cowardice of America's teachers and educational system, White youth are taught that Black slaves, Mexican peons and Chinese coolies built this country while the vast majority of the Whites lorded it over them with a lash in one hand and a mint julep in the other.
The documentary record tells a very different story, however. When White Congressman David Wilmot authored the Wilmot Proviso to keep Black slaves out of the American West he did so, he said, to preserve that vast expanse of territory for "the sons of toil, my own race and color."
This is precisely what most White people in America were, "sons of toil," performing backbreaking labor such as few of us today can envision. They had no paternalistic welfare system; no Freedman's Bureau to coo sweet platitudes to them; no army of bleeding hearts to worry over their hardships. These Whites were the expendable frontline soldiers in the expansion of the American frontier. They won the country, felled the trees, cleared and planted the land.
The wealthy, educated White elite in America are the sick heirs of what Charles Dickens in Bleak House termed "telescopic philanthropy"--the concern for the condition of distant peoples while the plight of kindred in one's own backyard are ignored.
Today much of what we see on "Turner Television" and Pat Robertson's misnamed "Family Channel," are TV films depicting Blacks in chains, Blacks being whipped, Blacks oppressed. Nowhere can we find a cinematic chronicle of the Whites who were beaten and killed in White slavery. Four-fifths of the White slaves sent to Britain's sugar colonies in the West Indies did not survive their first year.
Soldiers in the American Revolution and sailors impressed into the American navy received upwards of two hundred whiplashes for minor infractions. But no TV show lifts the shirt of these White yeoman to reveal the scars on their backs.
The Establishment would rather weep over the poor persecuted Negroes, but leave the White working class "rednecks" and "crackers" (both of these terms of derision were first applied to White slaves), to live next door to the Blacks.
Little has changed since the early 1800s when the men of property and station of the English Parliament outlawed Black slavery throughout the Empire. While this Parliament was in session to enact this law, ragged five year old White orphan boys, beaten, starved and whipped, were being forced up the chimneys of the English parliament, to clean them. Sometimes the chimney masonry collapsed on these boys. Other times they suffocated to death inside their narrow smoke channels.
Long after Blacks were free throughout the British Empire, the British House of Lords refused to abolish chimney-sweeping by White children under the age of ten. The Lords contended that to do so would interfere with "property rights." The lives of the White children were not worth a farthing and were considered no subject for humanitarian concern.
The chronicle of White slavery in America comprises the dustiest shelf in the darkest corner of suppressed American history. Should the truth about that epoch ever emerge into the public consciousness of Americans, the whole basis for the swindle of "Affirmative action," "minority set-asides" and proposed "Reparations to African-Americans" will be swept away. The fact is, the White working people of this country owe no one. They are themselves the descendants, as Congressman Wilmot so aptly said, of "the sons of toil."
There will only be racial peace when knowledge of radical historical truths are widespread and both sides negotiate from positions of strength and not from fantasies of White working class guilt and the uniqueness of Black suffering.
Let it be said, in many cases Blacks in slavery had it better than poor Whites in the antebellum South. This is why there was such strong resistance to the Confederacy in the poverty-stricken areas of the mountain south, such as Winston County in Alabama and the Beech mountains of North Carolina. Those poor Whites could not imagine why any White laborer would want to die for the slave-owning plutocracy that more often than not, gave better care and attention to their Black servants than they did to the free white labor they scorned as "trash."
To this day, the White ruling class denigrates the White poor and patronizes Blacks.
If this seems admirable from the pathological viewpoint of Marxism or cosmopolitan liberalism, the Black and Third World "beneficiaries" of White ruling class "esteem" ought to consider what sort of "friends" they actually have.
The Bible declares that the man who does not take care of his own family is "worse than an infidel." This also applies to one's racial kindred. The man who neglects his own children to care for yours has true love for neither.
White, self-hating liberals and greed-head conservatives who claim to care for the "civil rights" of Black and Third World people, discard the working class of their own people on the garbage heap of history. When they are finished with their own they shall surely turn on others.
Those who care for their own kind first are not practicing "hate" but kindness, which is the very root of the word.

You may order your copy now at our bookstore.
Or send $11.45 postpaid to Independent History, Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816. (Overseas send US$15).

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Copyright ©2000 by Michael A. Hoffman II

OSV Daily Take Blog: Obama administration releases new HHS regulations

OSV Daily Take Blog: Obama administration releases new HHS regulations: The Obama administration released new HHS regulations that include an exemption for non-profit "religious employers" based on specific crite...

Thursday, January 31, 2013

N.F.L (No F@$# League?)

Only a few news cycles have past since black athlete Torrie Hunter shared his thoughts on gays in baseball. Today, as America gets primed for Superbowl 47, another black athlete threw his cup into the ring, if only to quickly redact it. Once Niners CB Chris Culliver was able to see his “derogatory and ugly” comments in print, he quickly apologized. More like when someone made him aware San Fran produces more gay's than a domineering single mom sending her kid to Catholic school, he got right.
I think it's important to point out that both athletes weren't white, which in today's fucked up PC environment exonerates them, for the most part.

Read the rest at

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Obamacon's won't release Syria

I first came across this on Land Destroyer. It's been the contention of the staff at KBD that the US has been the prime antagonist in Syria

Friday, January 25, 2013

Why ask Why (repost)

Has anyone asked themselves why the US is getting involved in Syria? The Obama administration and their media would like us to believe that it's purely a humanitarian action. The narrative goes: President Assad is just indiscriminately and unjustly bathing in the blood of the Syrian citizens who are actively seeking freedom from his despotic rule. If they can manage an escape from under Assad's thumb, they will be free at last to live peaceful loving lives.....

This is a fictional story at best, a nefarious lie to seize strategic control and wealth for the progressive global elite's, most likely. Obama just officially committed US taxpayer dollars to fund the rebellion, that has covertly been going on for sometime now. The American citizen is thousands of miles away weathering a recession and a staggeringly high unemployment rate. White Americans are increasingly finding themselves accosted by lawless gangs of rampaging blacks, while the Obama media remains oblivious. Black unemployment is skyrocketing past the dismal rate it was when George Bush was bombing foreign countries. Homosexuals are being played as pawns for the democrat party to ensure the vote, while also serving as the progressives poison pill in the murder of the American  family.

Why is no one filling criminal charges against this administration for allowing foreign entities to invade this sovereign nation and commit economic, criminal, and social terrorist acts daily! Is it because we are focused on which progressive will win the White House? Or is it because we are busy impeaching our President for unconstitutionally hemorrhaging millions and millions of US taxpayer dollars to support the murderous insurgents in Syria?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Lawrence O'Donnell gets Biblical

American journalist Lawrence O’Donnell*, safely distanced from the violent reality of those outside the protective glove of the United States, was recently aired gleefully insulting The Bible. With perfectly groomed plastic hair, a cocky smirk, and the nauseating stink of arrogance this mouthpiece for the elite laced into the Holy Book.

In this one sided diatribe of blaspheme, O’Donnell concluded that The Bible was nothing more than a homophobic tome that encouraged slavery, to which he insist NO ONE abides by. He also suggested that the shoulder belonging to the Presidents daughter held the same significance as the word of God. (maybe to him and other progressive occultist)

Perhaps the most telling aspect of Larry’s latest verbal vomiting is he wouldn’t have the balls to reproduce this garbage using the Koran. White progressive clowns like O’Donnell frequently bullwhip Christianity with impunity. Until they discover Rosanne Arnold-Barr’s bloated head at the bottom of some dumpster in Jersey with a crucifix jammed in her ear, the left feels safe publicly insulting Christianity.

“No one accepts all of the teachings of the Bible — no one,” O’Donnell proclaimed. “There are no literal followers of the word of God as presented in the Bible left on earth. If there were any, they would have to be burning people at the stake all day, every day.”
The host noted his belief that the Bible mandates that prostitutes be burned at the stake and that those who commit adultery and fail to keep the Sabbath also deserve death.
“The Bible has more death penalties in it than Texas law,” he added, urging Obama to simply put his hand on one of his daughter’s shoulders, rather than on a Bible, when he takes the oath (Obama is actually planning to place his hand on two Bibles — one that was owned by Martin Luther King Jr. and another by Lincoln).
“This time, as it was last time for the first time in history, the book will be held by a First Lady who is a descendent of slaves. But the holy book she will be holding does not contain one word of God condemning slavery. Not one word. But that same book, which spends hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pages condemning all sorts of things and couldn’t find one sentence to condemn slavery, does indeed find the space to repeatedly condemn gay people, as the now banished Louie Giglio said it does. And as the First Lady is holding that book for the President, sitting someone near them will be a pastor who the Inauguration Committee will make sure is much more adept at hiding what that book actually says than Louie Giglio was.  ---Lawrence O’Donnell

Creeps like O'Donnell show their cowardly yellow stripes when they so boldly hassle Christians and grab their ankles for Islam. The negative attributes they claim The Bible has are mild compared to the Koran. Proving their objective integrity falls short in relation to their mortality and utter fear of bodily harm.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Breitbart Effect

The news that Andrew Breitbart was going to release explosive video essentially vetting President Obama certainly produced interesting substance for the conservative media. It provided weeks of profit for the petulant pundits of the right, a darling juicy red steak, for sure. At age 43 Andrew Breitbart mysteriously died, the evening before the tapes were scheduled to be unleashed. The passive, almost scripted response from the right was unsettling. And as if to silence dissension, except from the usual conspiracy kooks, we were told the tapes would still be released, only now in two weeks.

Without hesitation curious sheeples Nation wide swallowed the pill, excepting the narrative that they needed time to organize Breitbart's bombshell. For those of us who still remembered, they finally released them. The bombshell videos are now being used in hospitals across the globe as a natural alternative to pharmaceutically induced sedation. Breitbart's bereaved loyalist definitely released something, but it certainly wasn't the detonation code to the Obama machine. It was however enough to quell any resistance from the phoney factions of the right.

While still waiting for my psychoanalysis certificate from Tijuana and confessing to not know “all things Breitbart”, I have periodically read his works. It is with certainty, that the renegade media bad boy was hardly this self consumed. There is unequivocally zero chance that the videos which surfaced two weeks after his death were what he had promised. To believe that, would be the equivalent of admitting Breitbart was an impotent fraud or an intellectual retard.

If the three following observations aren't enough to at least raise the public heart-rate, we've indeed been properly medicated.

  1. It's obvious that the two week delay was needed for redacting any fragment of controversy.
  2. The day the autopsy report was publicly released, the performing doctor Michael Cormier was poisoned! Making it difficult to argue a false report. WTF
  3. What are the odds, even if Breitbart had been on the Charlie Sheen destruction diet, or mistakenly wandered through a live mine field, that he would just naturally expire on the day before the tapes were to go public?

Breitbart's untimely demise can be filed with all the other government evoked realities that stupid Joe public willingly digest. Ultimately to be evacuated in the cesspool of acceptance, you can see it floating right next to the Tower Seven explanation. The Breitbart tragedy will probably be resurrected by right wing opportunist at a much safer time, when the waters become ambiguous and murky. 

 Just a thought.....

 Sandy Hook madman, Adam Lanza, was hardly concerned with keeping his anonymity when he went homicidal. It was with reverie and wreck-less abandon that he robotically slaughtered innocent lives. However the official narrative states his computer was successfully destroyed, rendering it useless for extracting information that might reveal the truth. This convenient dilemma makes no sense, but that's just it right?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Torii Hunter PC Defiant?

In a recent interview, Angel's slugger Torri Hunter candidly discussed his feelings about the prospect of (having) (playing with)an openly gay teammate. Recently Torii Hunter talked about playing with a gay teammate, in a candid interview. In a recent interview Angel's outfielder Torii Hunter, candidly discussed the whole “gay teammate” issue. The issue quickly created a ripple in the cesspool of PC America, and rapidly recessed into a non disturbance. Had Hunter been white, he would have been forced into apologizing just to salvage his career, but that's another story for another time.                                                                                                                             
                                                     Me? I wasn't supposed to catch that ball Torii...
Even Torii Hunters free pass to state the obvious was met with resistance by the Progressive PC police. From what I gather, the crux of Hunter's objection with a homosexual teammate is his devout respect for his religion, Christianity. If he were a Muslim who maybe felt a little queer around a queer, it might be a valid contention, but today even black Christians get marginalized. David Brown (Yahoo Sports) writes, “using Christianity to hide behind bigotry is totally unfair to Christians who don't consider being gay not right”
Although Hunter disparaged no one, being as gentle as possible, the fact that he doesn't abide by Browns definition of Christianity, makes him a bigot. 
David Brown is just another PC Nazi who believes he's entitled to qualify a legitamite Christian, screw the millions of believers who might disagree. The reality is that being repulsed by homosexuality is natural for some, thinking it's gross isn't a learned behavior. Being forced to accept it is!

To further exploit Brown's idiocy, he writes, “Did the Tigers get to the World Series in 2012 because Justin Verlander is in a relationship with Kate Upton? How would it matter if Verlander dated someone named Bob Upton?” He's serious. Well let me think.... Would a guy having sex Kate Upton look at the athletic body of his teammate with the “I'd like to bang you” eye's”? Not likely. How about a healthy average homosexual? Hmmmm probable. There is the issue.