“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Progressive Killing Machine

The Progressive Killing Machine

What thoughts would be going through F.D.R's head when he realizes the attack he needed to solidify his political agenda, had yielded over 2000 American casualties? He did nothing to stop Pearl Harbor, when in fact it is almost impossible that he wasn't aware of the impending siege, history would go on to conclude. This is nothing new however, throughout American history, politicians have been manipulating and lying to us to satisfy their motives. Politicians have sacrificed American lives, lively hood, and liberties to attain their goals.

We did this since our birth, politicians from every stripe, in the name of progress, manifest destiny and so on, progressives? We slaughtered thousands when politicians aided by the media would conjure deadly crisis. Both good and devious acts have been born from the mouths of our leaders, who believe to this day, the American citizen needs to prodded like cattle. Just like parents who believe it is their duty to manipulate and lie if they have to, for the betterment of the child. Oblivious that they are held to the same standard as the rest of us.

This is none more evident than in recent time, from the executive chair bleeding right on through to our legislators, and now czars, liars, cheats, and frauds. We stand on the edge of oblivion, with our backs to the abyss. I clearly believe that the American liberal, for the most part, does not, nor is interested, in the history of our nation. For that matter, I am afraid the citizenry in general is not privy to the past which has shaped this nation. Do people understand the bloody slave insurrections, the plight of the African slave, our empty promises to the Indians? Do they realize how much bloodshed it took to fulfill the establishment of the greatest nation on earth?

Without history, real history, as a yard stick, we are doomed to repeat the past. Yes this is cliche, but it has never been more true. Our early founders were geniuses, some people will put an asterisk against their phenomenal achievements, because of their “wrongs”. Supporters of the founders will be quick to inform you that they were human, with the sin and frailty of all humans, but the over all good they did created they best nation on earth. I agree that they were divinely guided and created the worlds greatest construction, The United States. As far as being flawed, to properly measure their ignorance, one must measure it with the time and era. One must look to the “sins” of every man, every country, every society. One must learn their history. (this will be discussed ad nauseum in my next posting)

One thing is very evident and true for this discussion, progressives and democrats have throughout history redirected our course with murder and mayhem. In the last three administrations this has been brought to a boiling point. We as Americans are supporting a government that is recklessly murdering native Africans and keeping the most of the continent a helpless welfare state. Progressives, under the lie of environmental expansionism and abortion, are systematically murdering native Africans. Here in this country when democrats found out it's easier to control the black population with lies and government cheese, they stopped lynching them, or throwing them out in the front lines to absorb all the enemies fire ( or at least publicly). Look at this democrat icon, Robert Byrd, a racist ex-KKK man, celebrated by the currant regime. The horrors that the KKK has inflicted on it's victims can only be satisfied by the fires of hell, hopefully Byrd is feeling the flames of his hideous choices.

America, if our republicans and common sense people won't stand with fire in their eye's and fight back the progressive insurrection and the democrat killing machine, we must remove them. Polite talk is over. We are fighting for our lives. The federal government wants our land, our children, and our liberties. This is not the country George Washington saved with his rag tag bunch of freedom fighters. It is not a white man's America, it is a free mans America. Black, Irish, Indians, Italians, Germans, Japanese, Chinese, etc, we all became established here in different ways. Some were slaves, some were just hated, and some who were slaves died for this country. They knew we were on to something and they were right.

Our sins were none worse than that of Spain, England, Africa, Portugal, or the Dutch, etc. The United States past wasn't perfect, but whose was? In the last hundred years this country has done more for the world than most nations combined. Our “sins” were no more deviant than those of other cultures, nations, or peoples. If we were to examine what life was like and worth at that time in history, we would realize what we would claim to be ignorance around the globe.

The democrats are on a suicide mission to terminate this country. Whats in it for them, you ask? Why would Obama choose to be a one term President? Ego! Power! They will have completed what their founders Teddy Roosevelt, Wilson, and F.D.R. could never finish. This current regime of democrats, will forever be remembered in history; most as martyrs, who gave their political lives for the progressive dream. Barack Obama's one term in office, only looks like a failure for those of us stuck in the politics of old. When this regime is finished the political landscape will be unrecognizable.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Liberal Whiplash: The Death and Resurrection of the Black Man

Liberal Whiplash: The Death & Resurrection of the Black Man

"There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs - partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose their grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs."
Booker T. Washington (authentic Black man)

I have been gnawing at the bit, enthusiastically and impatiently waiting to write this article. My brows are down and my eye's could blaze a whole through any intrusion that should stand in my way, emphatically writing this long over due bitter pill. Liberal Whiplash: The death & Resurrection of the Black Man, exposes the progressive agenda to drag the African American community from serfdom to martyrdom. For the purpose of commonsensical factual information, I unabashedly use some generalizations, both about the white race and the black race. There are exceptions to the rule, and for the sake of my brothers and sisters of any color, we should pray to make the exception to the rule, the rule of thumb.

What the progressives and unwitting liberals have done to the black community is nothing short of the continuation of one of the worlds earlier great sins. They bought and sold the urban “African” to the state. Not unlike the African Nations, the Dutch, the English, American, Spain, Portugal, and so on, progressives are primary players in the currant slave trade. Only instead of picking cotton and plowing farms, suffering under physical bondage, blacks are now under the entrapment's of years of psychological reeducation, strapped down and blown apart by the welfare state, liberal identity politics, and a pseudo sense of self empowerment.

Imagine being born into a society where you are taught from day one that you owe your identity to your race, it's color, it's politics, it's broken language. Imagine being ostracized for trying to succeed as an individual. Or imagine being born into a community of suffocating violence, drug infestation, and severe poverty. Being black drastically increases your odds of all these examples. The remarkable travesty is the main stream media and it's utter refusal to expose this American disaster.

Over 90% of black homicides are committed by other blacks, 70% of black children are born out of wedlock, in 2000, blacks nearly doubled their birth rate with abortions. Why are the schools in are urban areas like war zones? Are you telling me liberals can install a fully functioning vagina on an incarcerated male, letting him live his life as a woman, at the cost of the taxpayer; but we can't send our black population to college with an education that exceeds the eighth grade level? We can exterminate black babies by the millions, terminate their elderly when they become a burden; but we can't give them adept teacher's to teach their children?

And speaking of urban academia, the breeding ground for progressive test tube babies. The state has crippled the black community so effectively, they are basically giving their children to the schools. This assures liberal ideology and indoctrination at the earliest ages. Black children in most urban areas are taught never to sell out their race, they are engrained with the reasoning that society is a white man's concoction. Liberals have convinced a culture of Americans that smoking weed, carrying nines, selling dope, and talking in gibberish, is their birthright and culture. Anyone who disagrees will be labeled an Uncle Tom, sellout, and this classic, “ Who you think you ah nigga?”

Liberals have installed programs designed to keep the father out, besides making it fashionable for a man to breed children with several different women, most of who already have children from someone else. Women get higher subsidization, more benefits, cash assistance, WIC ( women, infants, children) and more living in a single parent home. In some cases the male is forced to lie about living arrangements to try to get more benefits! All of this fits conveniently in the progressive play book, they have used their liberal foot soldiers to unwittingly dismantle the American black. In other countries they can outright murder them, such as Africa, where progressives have banned life saving sciences, such as DDT. Tree's , wildlife, scenery, and environment, trump the insignificant life of an inferior black, in the eye's of these progressive elites. Up until it was fashionable and realized that you could use the suffering of African Americans, democrats were the pro slavery. They fought the republicans to keep blacks as second class citizens. It was the republicans who led the charge for equal rights.

In 1890 until 1960, when the government decided to take ownership, black families enjoyed 80% two parent households, not perfect but pretty darn good. At no other time in American history have tax payers pumped so much money into cities under liberal democrat control. At no other time in American history have our cities been so murderous, violent, drug riddled, and under educated. This is the model progressives ardently want to follow to destroy the rest of America, with government made crisis's and more, they wish to implement anarchy, the prelude to totalitarianism.

If you are too blind to see the contradiction, look around. Black scholarships, the NAACP, the separations of black special interest groups, BET, the African American Awards, the black this, the African that, 95% of whom would despise living in Africa, finding the culture far too conservative. Another misnomer, is not all blacks who claim to be African Americans, have an ounce of African heritage. Liberals think black empowerment is needed, it also relieves their conscience. Progressives on the other hand see it's separation and divisiveness as a necessary step toward control and conquer.

What if Hispanics created an all Hispanic media and entertainment station? Oh sorry, they have. What if Muslims created an all Muslim, oh sorry that's done too. Alright, what if whites created a entertainment station the celebrated the white race. More over how would this sit in your belly, The white man's world television award show. Do you think anyone would protest. I would not watch it, but I wouldn't have the choice, it would never happen. In America we are free. I believe with all my heart we have the freedom to hate, and when the state says racial hatred is illegal, they are intervening on Gods territory. Ran Paul recently felt the wrath to an “act first think later”, “it's not the facts it's how you feel” liberal assault.

It goes like this; title ten of the civil rights act, rules that companies cannot choose employees based on gender. This goes for private as well as federal employment. Paul simply argued you should be able to hire whom you wish if you own the company. Liberals believe unless the government steps on the throats of all businesses, qualified blacks, women, Latino's, and now gay and disabled people will be discriminated against.
Paul believes the market and the people can sort this out without the iron fist of the state, there to pound you into dust if you don't conform. If a business says I am going to hire whites only and serve whites only, that biggot just alienated thousands of potential customers and will likely go out of business soon. But in America we are free, free to hate and discriminate if we choose. The government may judge your actions. But God will judge your motive. (In the next article I will expose big business and their desire for regulation, huh? Yes, you heard me right. They are also bid believers in the government setting quota mandates, and I will tell you why!)

The action of control and separate, has been a progressive tactic that has worked well in our black community. Liberals have infiltrated the churches and made them a breeding ground for social engineering, state first Jesus second. They have dissected the black community with precision. A family cam somehow go to church, hear the gospel, if at all and then travel out onto the murderous drug infested streets, accepting this war zone as a way of life. This is unacceptable. Progressives have placed liberal community organizers as heads of the church, solidifying the discrepancy between white and black, In Gods eye's we are all but one color. Inner city children are taught their African roots and their dismay for American history. How long will we let liberals separate us. We are all Americans, with equal opportunity to succeed. Racism is a hard pill to swallow, but it come at us from all sides. The Chinese were persecuted enslaved, the Jews, the Irish; look at the Spanish who decimated islands across the globe. Why is it, liberals put a target on the African American and said we're gonna ride you into the dirt? Does this go back to the progressives ideals that blacks are inferior and less evolved than the white European?

If this is true, how do we explain such great minds of the century, like Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Clarence Thomas, and spiritual icons like Dr, King, he was divine. All these people are black, as far as I know. Look at all the successful black athletes and entertainers it's ironic however, the ones who legitimately keep their liberal programming and reeducation such as Mike Tyson, Tupac, Michael Vick, Pacman Jones, and the list goes on, these unfortunate souls tailspin to the ground. When Malcolm X found out about the charade he was killed. Martin Luther, despite his shortcomings, was a true man of God, they wanted him to be of the state. When it looked like Dr. King would free the black man from the progressive bondage, he was murdered. By the way if you believe James Earl Ray wasn't programmed and indoctrinated to terminate King, by the powers that be, you must write with awfully big crayons and wear big boy diapers.

The gangsta mentality, created by opportunist white money men, as a means to further exploit the colored American. (brown, black, tan, any non-white). Yes, the thug life, an image that has literally burnt out bright young American stars. By stars I mean our young black youth emulating these poser jokester, grab my crotch in one hand and my nine in the other, frauds. This outrage has killed our beautiful babies, our young children who have been fed this lie, hook, line, and sinker. This is why in no other country does poverty equate to crime or violence, but ours, the USA. Liberals have engrained a false entitlement in our poor, “ If you don't have it, it's because they don't want you to have it, circumstance be damned.”

In closing, our founders, however flawed they may have been by the common ignorance of their time, were our founders. If you are American, Black, White, Hispanic, it doesn't matter they are all of our founders, In truth, to blame them or just the white man in general for the slave trade, is ignorant. African natives and people of color around the globe profited and partook in this awful sin. Actually to believe people of color were the only slaves, is inaccurate. However, our patriot black founders as well as white ones, were flawed, but gave us the greatest nation on Earth.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Is a good Muslim, is a dead Muslim?

Does this sound like hate speech to you? Did you know that the Koran rewards Muslims who die in the name of Allah? Do I have your attention now? The title to this short writing is a play on words. Most good liberals will not read any further, so they can go out and shout how racist I am. First I would remind them that Islam isn't a race, it's a religion.
It seems very vogue for today's Fascist left to spread misinformation and lies, as a means to export their propaganda. The United States has an all too willing media, who believe it is an honor to be a tool for the left, tool being the operative word. The religion of peace, as the left so ignorantly dubs it, when assured by the real Muslim population, the moderates, is not so peaceful. Matter of fact, a moderate Muslim would be the equivalent of a Christian who believes souls can still enter heaven and not believe in Jesus, you know like our President, Barack Obama.

If you study the history of Muhammad or read the Koran, you be forced to admit the religion of Islam is one of violence and world domination. The sooner we except this, the safer we will be. Most droid liberals and progressives will always enter Christianity into the fray, when speaking about Islam. This is a red herring, Christians are certainly not trying to take the world by force, strapping bombs to babies, women, and the mentally retarded. You know you'll get the enlightened soul who tells you about the plundererous people in Christianities past, the Crusades, blah, blah.

Lock step communist, fascist, liberals, and progressives will always through Christianity into the mix to muddy the waters. This is a tactic they use when their President publicly “messes up”. They remind us how George Bush did so much worse. Well George Bush is not president and Christians are not flying planes into building, so this certainly doesn't justify their premise. Like Barack Obama, Muslims must stand on their own merits, and seeing as roughly 70% of them believe Jews are in need of extermination, it creates quite a dilemma.

You may fall into the crowd that believes Jews and Muslims will never find peace, but let me remind you Muslims do not hate us because we support Israel. Russia has a huge problem with Muslim terrorist and so does China, neither sends out Hanukkah cards in December. A good Muslim, will die for their beliefs. Radical Muslims want to die for their belief, moreover, they want to kill for their beliefs. Do yourself a favor, find a Koran and learn about the Prophet Mohammad, try to remember it changed as the Prophet Mohammad changed, when he originally reached out to the Jews, he was rejected. Coincidentally, after that point the Qur'an takes up a blatant and unforgiving violent gaze upon Judaism.

I don't believe it is in a Christians best interest to point out the inconsistencies and contradiction of another religion, be that Islam, Hindu, Buddhism, or the cult of liberalism. I do believe as a modern Christian revolutionary, I must defend my faith as well as my brethren. In doing so I must point out that no matter what foolish publicity campaign of appeasement our President is organizing to pretend he can win the hearts and minds of Muslims, they will never stop their quest for world domination. Do you understand this, they want us dead. In poll after poll, Muslims reveal their contempt for the West. Even in so called “moderate” Muslim nations, over 50% believe Israel should be annihilated.

In short, when you combine the fact Muslims consider a death in the name of Allah, good death and their terminal hatred toward the West, we need weapons not words. Obama can coddle an feel the pain and plight of Islamist until the cows come home, in fact for what it's cost us, we could give families millions of dollars to leave us alone. We can get down on our knees and beg, “ Please leave us alone”. This will not succeed, it never has, it has only made America look weaker, making us more vulnerable for attacks. Logically, we must inflict so much punishment and pain on our adversaries, any aggressive enemy of ours will weigh the cost, annihilation or survival, you choose.

The end. I hope I have offended those who needed to be offended. I also wish to make it clear, I do not wish anyone dead as the title might suggest. It is a play on words.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Politics of Destruction

I think in recent months conservatives, tea party people, and the basic right have targeted Obama and his administration, this is not unwarranted, I agree. The fundamental politics of destruction, however, are hardly introduced to the populace of thinking Americans. These are the progressive policies that drive the left, the warm spots for Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, in the dark hearts of these radicals. The radical American left is in lock step with politics of the worlds worst killing machines.

I recently read “Liberal Fascism” by Jonah Goldberg. Alright, I confess, I listened to the audio book on CD. I just don't have the time, I am also a very slow reader. It reminded me of how entranced the left was with those they considered to be great men. Great until it was discovered how many human souls were slaughtered for these evil icons of the “left” to tighten their control upon the nation's they led. It must be truly embarrassing for the left side, when reading facts from their founder's, bragging about the enlightenment of “ el Duche” Benito Mussolini before we went to war and smashed Fascism, Nazism, and Japanese Imperialism.

To make it a little easier to distinguish the politics of destruction, look toward those who oppose the constitution, individual rights, and American sovereignty. These are the people are are implementing absurd policies that devour America one bite at a time. They are queering up the military, no pun intended, with social diversity of which will only serve to make us weaker. Our armed forces are intended to be an elite killing machine; efficient, ruthless, and unstoppable. These people wish to interject even more politics into our already over bureaucratize military. Thus making it weaker.

The progressive formula is to shred every fabric of traditional America fiber by stroking erroneous causes and concerns (of which they don't give a damn) like: abortion on demand with no parental consent, child molesters in the boy scouts, welfare state, incarcerated people getting sex changes, environmental fraud. They are separating the races, and in a separate post I will drive the hammer down and obliterate the falsehood that tells us liberals and progressives are the colored mans friend. ( I am not referencing African Americans when I suggest the colored man, I am eluding to the fact that any other color besides white is a political pawn and casualty of liberalism.)

The Progressive agenda infiltrates society, popular culture, and the media, with fantastic perversion and sickness, simultaneously ostracizing and attacking normality and virtue as outdated concerns. “Church, family, abstinence is square and unrealistic, man”. All the while their sensationalized “It won't happen here” circumstances become real. Incremental destruction, inhalation one inch at a time. Imagine these far out concepts.
1.Police won't be able to ask suspects involved in criminal activity about their legal status. Even though those illegals have been murdering and plundering American citizenry.
2.Fourteen year old rape victims will be afforded abortion by taxpayer dollars, with encouragement! And without parental knowledge.
3.Our service men and women will be told to stand down while they are being shot at, their life will not outweigh the political blow-back if they disregard liberal rules of engagement.
4.Israel will be relentlessly bombed and terrorized, the liberal media will tear them apart if they defend themselves. Israeli lives will not garner the same political and pop culture value as a Muslim life.
5.The Russian's, the Chinese, will oppress their people and censor their every move, they will bury and dispose of more dissidents, than most American cities do rats. But, we will be held to the standard in which if we water-board a terrorist to get vital information for saving American lives, our military and protectors will be prosecuted.
6.Five year old children will be taught about homosexuality and encouraged to engage in it. Homosexuals will be adopting infants.
7.We will kill our old when they become a cost burden.
8.Muslims will be encouraged to persecute and kill Christians in their home land, while in the US, Christians will see their traditions eradicated from public view. Christianity will be pursued like a baby gazelle from a hungry pack of lions, chastised, demonized, and mischaracterized. Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, and pagan religions will be prompt up by the federal government. Perhaps the worst of all will be the budding religion of environmentalism, giving honor and glory to mother Earth, brotherhood of man, community hogwash!

Ten years ago, I would have said your crazy. Today these eight examples are a micro- sample of how the progressives are destroying this nation. All I do is write my theories, liberal have banned my post from the daily Kos, Direct Democracy, politics now, and more. First they insult me, instead of debate, then they toss me. Now I am going to show you the fantastic extremism of ten examples that today, just as ten years ago, you NEVER imagined “could happen here”.

1.Muslim mosques will be federally funded, private land will be seized in this moronically vain effort to appease radical Islam. Sharia law will be legitimized, as in England. ( In NO other country that liberals admire so admittedly, do they have any tolerance for liberal agenda, liberals hatred for this country is sickening and treasonous. It is such a contradiction, but progressives love totalitarian, and communist states and since they are the puppeteers of whiny do good liberals, hence, contradiction.)
2.The federal government will require that employers hire a minimum number of homosexuals to the work force, most likely one that reflects the overblown and overstated actual number of homosexuals in this country.
3.Homosexuality will become a civil right. (this vastly diminishes and understates the horrific events in the actual civil rights struggle of the African American)
4.The federal government will grant amnesty to all illegal aliens currently in United States, encouraging a mass exodus of illegals to suddenly cross the border, claiming they have been here. These new citizens will receive federal welfare and healthcare, thus sinking our economy. This will set off a fire of frustrated Americans and violence will ensue.
5.The government will own 90 percent of the private industry, this will crush the small businesses. The small business man will not be able to afford the regulations and erroneous standards that big business can easily absorb. We will be well on are way to Fascism.
6.The internet will be controlled on a federal level.

We are on a direct course into the smiling arms of Fascism, this does not mean we will have a gregarious Italian leader or a Jew hating Nazi dictator. These dirtbags were revered by progressives. If a Buddhist leader preached the mass murder of Mongolians, this certainly would not mean that Buddhism was anti Mongolian. The politics of destruction. We have a President that has openly lied to the American public to get elected, and now they are trying to convince us that if you believe this, your a radical loon. The politics of destruction is progressivism. They are not ideologues, unless you consider an ideologue a person who will support any means to get to their desired ends. I didn't say “ the means justifies their ends”. These perverse soulless elites will do ANYTHING to achieve their agenda.

Peace. Join the revolution email me at

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Liberals at war with America

Liberals at War With America

George Washington, undoubtedly our most prized national treasure, the man who's virtue, ideals, and patriotism set the measure for American life. Washington was a man guided by the Christian faith, which was synonymous with liberty, freedom, and sovereignty. Most Americans remain oblivious to our first President and only king's passion for Christ and his ultimate belief that God was on our side. With the other key founder's, Washington's vision of These United States was one of which with faith, freedom, and justice would manifest into the worlds most powerful and unique nation. He was right.

Unfortunately, after a century of constant war, modern day progressives and liberal droids will prove to be America's most potent and lethal enemy. They have relentlessly pursued our march to Fascism. Glenn Beck likes to say “march to socialism” , but the progressives intentions are much more sinister. The players behind the curtain have shuffled out their clueless little liberals, imbedding themselves in academia, the media, and of course, politics.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." John Adams.

I can literally quote founders and documents all day, the question of this nation being guided by Judea-Christian values and even doctrine, is a forgone conclusion. The Washington Monument is a testament to how important God was in our young nation's structure. What would be more advantageous to discuss would be the bizarre occultist of liberalism and their progressive masters. Why are these people bent on stripping our country of it's most regarded and revered quality, its heartbeat if you will, is what you should fear with every ounce of your being. The ugly truth of what these amoral anti-Americans are doing and their intention should break your heart and bring tears to your eye's.

There are those like our President, who hate this country, sending out young men to die for it, letting crime and drugs infest our inner cities by creating policies and procedures by which containment is impossible. They continue to entice our border to be infiltrated, leaving it's American citizenry exposed and in peril. They are infecting our schools and other institutions, breaking young children of their American exceptionalism. These are the people who cut our defense budget every time they get into office. They are the people who own most of the major media outlets, refusing to expose the genocide inflicted on the African American family.

I am convinced that Obama's puppet masters, the administration, and the Obama himself discovered the opportunity to conclude their founding father's dream. The aspirations of their early inspirations, Woodrow Wilson, F.D.R. and the true progressive agenda. Modern day “hot words” and other propaganda will have you believe that it is an insult to compare Obama to Hitler, Lenin, Marx, and Mussolini. This is all a creative diversion, these evil dictator's were student's of Americanism and our earliest socialist utopian quest.

The underlying reason that Woodrow Wilson and other early progressives couldn't hammer the final nails in liberties coffin was Christianity! This misstep on their behalf is what allowed Russia, Italy, Japan, and Germany to dominate their citizenry. When those governments replaced God, they became God. This easily afforded them to dictate the lemmings with misinformation, manipulation, or just unadulterated brute force. These opportunist of suffering used whatever means they could to attain their desired end; whether it be class warfare, racism, nationalism, it doesn't matter, the infrastructure is the same. The formula for our progressives is no different than that of Europe, the Holocaust was not a result of Hitler's politics so much as it was of his hatred and blind evil; the same falls true with Stalin's mass murder.

Progressives simply use whatever means there may exist to capture power, they are true pragmatist. They are addicted to absolute power. It was early democrats who needed to be forced on the civil rights bus, some dragged kicking and screaming. When, however, they realized the political use in exploiting the black race they kept their “negro” parlor jokes for the fire side chats among their white elitist brethren. They paraded around the African American plight like a little lap dog, telling their friends “go ahead you can pet him, he doesn't bite”

Make no mistake about it, liberals are at war with America. Unless we destroy them at the polls this November and never take our foot off the gas, The United States will crumble. The unfortunate thing is, most of them don't even know it, they are useful idiots to the progressives. Progressives thrive on crisis, chaos, fear, and ignorance. I hope you will read my next article, “ The Politics of Destruction” In this, I will expose the progressive agenda, the liberal stooge, and our impending doom. I will Dazzle you with facts about the evil Woodrow Wilson beginnings , right up until the Obama end. You will recognize my theory as the legitimate blueprint to madness. Then you will you will be responsible to act, after learning this unprecedented fact, you will realize you conscience will not allow you to remain complacent.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Obama: The Great Divide

Obama: The Great divide

Jan Brewer has accomplished much more than merely enacting a “sensible law” in Arizona, she has exposed the Obamatron's for the snake oil opportunist and soulless traitor's to the constitution that they are. Most columnist either conservative or liberal would describe this as a “tough law” not a “sensible law”, that is a testament to how far left this nation has derailed. A “tough law” would be letting the police and other law officials treat this invasion like it really is, a mortal threat to our sovereignty. Calderon, the Mexican president, has no intention of corralling his murderous marauders.

Eric Holder, the nations “Top Cop” and highly over paid Obamadriod, has mindlessly uttered how unconstitutional and bias this law is, shortly before admitting that he has not had a chance to read all 10 pages of it. The pathetic reality that this goon hasn't been evicted from his perch for this reckless rhetoric, shines a light on how weak and helpless we the citizenry have truly become. If Holder had offended a Muslim, he would be picking the pebbles out of his rear end, from the pavement he'd just been thrown out on. Holder is a proven cheat and a liar, but “we the people” seem too impotent to do anything. So much for being able to dismantle an out of control government and starting a new republic.

Although, the Obamadroids are going to be sacrificed at the alter of frustration and common sense this November, this does not alleviate the impending tyranny of fascism's puppet Obama. The Obamacon's must be purged from office, they are in-sighting racism, class warfare, and destroying the constitution. The question is at what cost are we willing to refuse to relinquish our liberty? Violence? Are we willing to shed our blood for our nation? Or will we be diligent at the voting booth? I believe the new socialist regime is willing to spill our blood, to install their new version of America? I guess we will see.

The common theme to this ungodly dismantling of The United States, is to divide and conquer. I can not stress enough as to the the travesty this “Arizona thing” aspires to, it is disparaging and surreal. The highest ranking elected progressives in our government have emphatically damned this bill, adnauseaum, to placate the Hispanic vote, only to reveal they haven't even read it! And if they had, they would realize the magnitude of lies they are shoveling down our throats, with the help of the government run media, of course. They are exploiting young children and grown morons, to further perpetrate their time tested winning formula of divide and control.

The progressives realize the enormous emerging Hispanic population and although they cannot deceive and obliterate them with the blunt force in which they did the African American community, they can and will manipulate and exploit them. Obama and his administration operate just like the punks and thugs they are, they rule by fear and misinformation.

Obama has shriveled up to the Mexican President, instead of reprimanding this joker for doing absolutely zero about his citizens illegally entering our country, he embraced him in all his glorious submissive fashion. This as the Mexican President had the testosterone to judge our laws and procedures. This from a man whose country will jail you with a felony, gringo, if you are caught entering illegally. Why isn't Obama publicly asking El Presidento, why are his people are so eager to leave his magical paradise? I think it was a hideous slap in the face listening to President Calderon preach his hollow insidious rhetoric, here on our home turf, our country, while our jelly spine politicians gave him a standing ovation.

This guy doesn't give a rats you know what about the mayhem on the border, he loves the hundreds of million of dollars sent back home to support his crackpot economy. As matter of fact, he and Obama want to use this catastrophe to further incorporate Mexico as our 51st welfare state. Calderon is whining that if only his economy was robust, people would never leave. It's not the people leaving for a better life who are bloodletting our borders, anyone with an IQ exceeding that of an amoeba, realizes this. It's far from the legitimate immigrants in search of the American dream, those souls shall be warmly embraced.

It's the criminals and they know this, they are exploiting Mexican migration and the honorable hard working Mexican, whom by the way is just as fearful of the violencia, for easy political capital. This is disgusting, innocent humans are being beheaded, kidnapped, intimidated, sold, raped, you name it. Law enforcement needs more tools, not less. If a police officer has reason to believe or even a hunch that he spots an illegal, he should have the right to investigate. The whole racism theme is a red herring, as if this new law is just what racist police have been pining for, finally they will be able to enact their racial rage, because up until now they have been stifled by existing laws. Yes, this law will even entice good cops to look the other way, maybe even tempt them to disregard their virtues and harass some local Hispanics just for sport!

Obama: The Great divide. This manipulation of separate and control has been in the progressive playbook for a hundred years, only now if you can't recognize it your either an Obamadroid, politically ignorant, or in denial. Progressives dial up their little liberal droids and they disperse them with misinformation and racial division. It is lamentable, especially all our children of Christ, whose only specific identity is that they have been saved and committed their life to Jesus. In reality this law does nothing to remedy or entice racial bigotry, common sense spells that out, the law spells it out. The injustice of it all is the race baiting by the Obamcons. Obama has proved himself a phoney, a liar, and a typical political puppet to the progressive elite. They did their homework, kudos's! They groomed a light skinned minority, with a hollow head and hundred thousand dollar paper diploma to prove it. The progressive oligarchy marketed this man, he was both palatable to white and blacks, if you don't approve of his polices there's a good chance you were racist. But not even the election of Mr. Hope and Change could quench the white liberal self loathing and guilt. Under the careful manipulation of the media, George Bush set up the pins and Barack Obama knocked them down. The Great divider isn't really Barack Obama, it's the progressives who pull his strings, the billion dollar babies who after years of plotting are getting what they want, the end of America. What have we got Mr. Franklin? A Republic or a Monarchy? “A Republic,if you can keep it.” He replied.

Join the revolution at ans make a difference. Send me your feed back and Ideas at Let's stop these people with their boots on our necks!

Friday, May 7, 2010

I Am Liberal, Hear Me Roar

For weeks I have been contemplating interviewing a few liberals for this new posting, I am Liberal, Hear me Roar. I know what makes liberals tick, I just really believe that if they knew what wound their clocks, they would perhaps buy some tickets for the reality train. It is very similar to when an alcoholic first acknowledges that they are sick, this is the “First Step” the road to recovery. Now just like alcoholics or drug fiends, there will be liberals amongst us who refuse to take responsibility for their disparaging and destructive ways, this relates to the law of averages and the human condition.

The dilemma that I have been running into, however, is the average liberal Psyche is wired much like that of a woman. (if we can't generalize, we can't get real, if we can't get real. What's the point? Get over it. This analogy is not sexist.) Women tend to argue their points based on emotion rather than what I so insensitively refer to as logic. This is not the rule of thumb for all females, but it is for the majority of liberals. Typically when you debate a liberal, you as a conservative or common sense person want to argue 2+2= 4, and this is the only number that is correct when adding 2+2. They in turn want two plus two to equal whatever makes them feel good, without offending anyone else. So yours truly has decided to become a liberal for a moment, thus I will interview myself, and finally we will get the truth from a liberal.

Interviewer: What do you think about the crisis on the border? Do you think the governor was Justified in signing the new law?

Liberal Subject: I believe it is a tragedy. I think the governor is your typical biggot, man. Cops will be pulling over people just because of the color of their skin.

Interviewer: Racist cops?

Liberal Subject: Yes, racist cops will be pulling you over for having a tan, they will be harassing minorities, arresting good folk, and now nothing will stop them.

Interviewer: So what do you think racist cops have been doing this whole time before the law was introduced? Or do you think this law just pushed them over the edge?

Liberal Subject: Oh no, obviously, racist cops were targeting immigrants, there's no doubt. This law just enables them to do it legally.

Interviewer: Oh really. Can you recite which part of this law give racist cops the green light? And after you can't do that, because it clearly states profiling is prohibited, Can you inform me what this law will do to the 99% of the police who aren't racist? Will it force them to corrupt their moral fabric, negating every time they put their life on the line for someone who may not be the same as them? You know what? Interview over, your an idiot.

What exactly goes through the liberal cranium besides the wind and marching orders from progressives, is anyone's guess. The pitiful fact that the Obamacons are using this sorrowful situation down in Arizona as political capital is an atrocity. Our President and his regime are pathetic,sickening and continue to divide. They continue to categorize us in their little boxes: Native American, Pacific Islander, black, white, Hispanic, and the all ridiculous Other. What the media is refusing to elude to and the administration won't admit is this that the federal government forced had the hand of the sitting Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer.

These corrupt tapeworms (Obama and his Regime) neglected to enforce the border and as a result violence, murder, and kidnapping have become customary down there. The liberals know damn well that this law merely gives the authority already afforded by our police to mandate. It does not give cops the right to pull over arbitrary tan people and demand to see their papers. Just like our brave military men and women, law enforcement officers go into battle with one hand tide behind their backs, with ridiculous rule of engagement. Men and women are dying, leaving children and family behind, because they are forced by Obamacons to fight a politically correct war, often standing down until their life has already been mortal danger. It is as if we have a baseball team and the coach is telling all the players not to swing at the first two pitches, even if there strikes right down the middle.

Obama has done nothing to stem the horrific situation that is our border, although he has stoked the fear of racism and bigotry for political capital quite well. It is so ironic that this President is constantly preaching from the pulpit of virtue when scolding others on how they should behave, yet this classless phoney will not pass up a chance throw red meat to his hounds. Yes, he is classless, he is sarcastic, petty and shameless. The President of Mexico is mocking our nation and eating grapes while his hoodlums invade our border. I don't understand why Obama is so afraid to tell him to control his lawless animals, I mean we are over in the middle east blowing people up with Predator Drones, why is this any less of an offense on our sovereignty? Liberals create the illusion that this is all about humble hardworking families are trying to cross the border for a better life.

The liberal roar certainly captures the sympathy of the media and the illusion that they are in the majority, but nothing could be further from the truth. The collusion between the media, big business, and the Obamacon's is close to treasonous. Look past the rancher, Robert Krentz, who was gunned down by illegals on his own property, then look past all the police officers being sadistically murdered, the kidnapping, the rape, the human trafficking. Look beyond the illegal narcotics being pumped into the vain of the American citizenry, the children too scared or frightened to go to school or concentrate on their education, the immigrants who earned their way into this country who can't get a job. Look past it all! Because that's what the liberals would like us to do. They roar RACISM! And everyone scatters. Well not anymore baby, if we can send a man to the moon... Or .. Ahh.. We used to be able to. We can protect the border. It would cost less to construct a fifty foot tall wall that stretches 2000 miles long, with razor sharp electric wire atop than the current debacle.

Let's face it though, progressive elites love these liberal loud mouth loonies. They are sitting back sicking their liberal army on every cause that disrupts our foundation. The border crisis is furthering their agenda to turn our economy on its head. Let's also call it what it is, they are thrilled to manifest this into a “white vs tan” feud. Why? Because it is raw, easy, and fuels the lowest common denominator. Conquer and divide. They must make sure any new immigrant realizes that they unable to succeed without federal intervention.

Join the revolution, be a new revolutionary. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, George Washington were all proud to be revolutionaries, are you? Make no mistake friends everyday you we do nothing, the progressives pull one brick from the wall, one stone from the foundation. It is a sad travesty, just what their doing to our borders, they only wish we had several more corrupt impoverished nations, to dilute our traditions, laws, and language.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Progressive Lies & Liberal Zombies

Progressive lies and Liberal Zombies

Poor unwitting democrats, they voted for Barack Obama because they were for the most part inundated with mistrust for Bush, by an unrelenting biased media. Now woken from their slumber, they are joining republicans and independents in these tea party affairs. They are afraid too! Why not, they are of sound mind. They see this gargantuan government mortgaging the futures of our children. They are also in tune to the fact that this government has imposed its tyranny against the will of the people and maybe for the first time they are feeling what common sense patriots have been feeling all along, government kills!

Although I am not a democrat, I must confess my respect and enthusiasm for the modest percentage of them that has decided to put principle in front of party, is authentic. Most democrats believe that the government is responsible for educating the US citizenry as well as providing healthcare, employment, financial assistance, and other creature comforts. I believe that people can hold this belief and still be of sound mind and even pro American, I don't believe we should label these people as socialist, although our founder's would certainly disagree.

I am blessed with a big loving Italian family, of which 98% have never voted anything but democrat. This is giving me a front row seat to the tremendous turmoil the D's are going through. These people never signed on for what has become of the party, and those of them that are starting to pay attention are frightened. My grandmother has been taught to believe the old euphemism that the republican party only stands up for the rich and walks on the backs of the poor, maybe to some extent that is still true. However, she finds it hard to fathom that the party who produced her icons like JFK could possibly subscribe to enviro-fraud, racism, corruption, and dudes marrying dudes, kiddy porn, and the rest of the liberal ideology.

It wasn't until she wiped the sand from her eye's and tuned into the alternative media,and the few other people who refused to be suppressed by the powerful progressives, that she awoke. For almost one hundred years the progressive machine has been constructing it's path to an alternate America, using its liberal legions to bump and derail us, directing us to destruction. The democrat party that my grandmother knew wasn't intent on disemboweling Christianity, disarming our military, slaughtering our own soldiers with impossible rules of engagement, teaching our children liberal corrupt world views in school. Are you kidding, that typical crazy white woman still thought that they said the Pledge of Allegiance in class!

Progressive's could care less about their liberal brethren, they are simple pawns, they are the disposable army. Peace, love, and fairness! Yeah! Progressives aren't as stupid or just plain blinded by utopian ideology like their liberal zombies. Liberals can't see past their nose, they actually believe disarming the world from nukes will bring us peace. In fact, ridding the world of nukes would send us into an irrecoverable tail spin, a power struggle vortex, with some of the bloodiest conventional warfare mankind has ever seen.

Progressives are using these small minded so-called do-gooders to do their bidding, if liberals knew who they were in bed with (Fascist) they would hopefully run for the hills. Liberals don't seem to be smart enough to comprehend that a successful society must be built on a strong foundation of moral fabric and limited government reach. The whole liberal ideology is flawed with holes and contradiction, they support these harebrained schemes like gays in the military, nuclear nonproliferation, violent criminal rehab, endless government spending, no drilling, on and on. All this without a thought to the damage these dilemmas cause or the cost. A liberals world revolves in such a primitive and naive bubble. If they were to move to half of the Marxist countries they admire, they would be beaten, killed or jailed.

The liberal used to be a free thinking person, much like a libertarian. The progressives, however, stealth-fully highjacked the name and gathered the lunatic fringe under that moniker. The lefties have waged an all out war against America, do you realize some of our finest hero's are being terrorized for protecting America? Do you realize just what terror these liberal zombies have unleashed?

Let's take our Navy Seals, these are young men and women who excel to be the best of the best, they are going into battle, dying, knowing that they in some cases will leave their new born babies and beaus with just a memory, if they fail. Well thanks to Liberal doctrine, three of our Seals are going to trial for roughing up one of the most venomous terrorist ever caught alive. Captured on the battlefield he is lucky to be alive, this American hating Islam slug, masterminded the brutal humiliating demise of four Blackwater workers, after their murder they were dragged through the streets, corpses burned, and hung from a bridge for all our loving Islamic brothers to spit on and rejoice over. When the Seals caught this guy they allegedly punched him. The fact that they resisted beating this worm into a bloody pile of excrement, only shows their resounding character.

Let us also take a look at a few more examples of what the progressive masters and their liberal zombies are doing as they digest our nation into the bowels of the beast. Look at our border with Mexico. The Governor of Arizona was forced to sign a tough immigration law, because President Obama Lied about engaging in and relieving some of the mounting eruption on the southern belly of this nation. Obama and the feds are sitting on their collective hands, while ranchers are being murdered by criminals forcing themselves illegally over the border. Unreported mass kidnappings and other violent crimes are being perpetrated on Southwestern Americans, without a whisper from the government owned media, ABC, CBS, CNN, blah blah blah, and the kings of all bias and treasonous incompetency, NBC: The Nation Barack Cheerleaders.

Zombies are rioting down there, programmed to shout down the governors law with chants of pending profiling and racism. First of all the only people who adamantly oppose profiling are either zombies, criminals, or the occasional person who is inconvenienced by being pulled over because because they match the description of a perpetrator. Big deal. Let me give you a wake up call, lefty. The police who use racial profiling to harass and demean minorities, would still be doing so with some other tactic, there's bad everywhere. If we can save one innocent life with this new law, it's worth the inconvenience of “showing your papers” Not to mention, the law doesn't create racism, it will always be there, this law will change nothing in the way of curbing bigotry.

What most of the “Average Joe's” are not privy to is the outrageous miscarriage of coverage intentionally done by the media. The evening new's shy's away from the epidemic of crime in minority neighborhoods. It keenly overlooks the rampant drug and violence infestation throughout the urban black and Hispanic community; because these white liberal racist don't feel minorities are capable of much else without the government, thus making the violators victims. The media tread lightly on anything that might suggest our inner cities are anything but a cesspool of sin, Sodom and Gomorrah, and a microcosm of the underclass social debauchery that elite progressives have devoted their lives to see them be.

The progressives elites like Woodrow Wilson who believed those “niggers” were second class citizens, would love to see what his ilk has done to the African American and black community today. Under the guise of giving a “hand up” through discriminatory social adjustment, elites knew it would surely become a “hand out”. Unwittingly liberals zombies have enslaved minorities, by stealing much more than their physical freedom, like their pride and soul. Now the cities are bleeding out so bad, liberals will be convinced that only the national guard can resolve this problem. The progressives want the national guard in every city.

The liberals continue to dissect any resemblance of traditional family values in the inner city, while the government continues to pump drugs into poverty riddled neighborhoods. Let's face it The United States could obliterate illegal drug trafficking, in specific places they have with pin point accuracy. The American government controls the narcotics flow into this country, but just like so many other dirty little secrets, any conversation about this issue draws shouts of conspiracy and hidden men on the grassy knoll. The fed's allow the drugs in, they allow them to be sold, the inner city police are in a losing battle because of the culture that the liberals have so craftily created in urban America. They've convinced most minority communities that freedom from drugs and gang violence is beyond their control, they convinced people that the color of their skin trumps common sense and values.

The question is.... Are you a liberal zombie? Are you a democrat? Democrats must take back their party and put ideas above ideology, principle above party, truth and common sense above pride and deception. You can be a patriotic democrat and not believe these progressive views:

1.We must reconstruct American history in elementary school to coincide with our modern Marxist agenda.

2.We must convince African Americans that color comes before personal identity, value, and it defines their self worth.

3.We must program Hispanics to believe that the American dream is impossible for them to attain without our intervention. (Progressives have had a century to pummel the African American community into disarray and submission. They will not be able to roll over the socially conservative Hispanic as easy as they believe. Most progressives determine anyone with a tan to be a dim animal, however Hispanic values and their 90% Christian culture will be a huge hindrance as long as they can not be persuaded by the old “conquer and divide” method of sleazy progressives.)

4.We must infuse a world view and sense of entitlement into academia, we will teach the children that their parents, values, and identity are primitive ideals in the new world. We must teach them that their allegiance is to the world and it's sanctity.

5.We must continue to conquer and divide. Teach blacks that they are special because of the color of their skin (contents of character?) Teach them that their allegiance to their color far out weighs their individuality, do this by ostracizing dissenters and free thinkers.

6.We must preach to minorities that we are the party who believes everyone is the same, yet keep them believing that they are different and perceived as second class citizens.

7.Destroy the country from the inside out, in order to level the playing field. We must override the will of the populace because we better educated.

8.Christianity is the last bastion of liberty, individual freedom, and distension to government. We must use the media, teachers, and policies to crush the Christian world view. Christianity guided the first American revolution to victory (look at Rev. Muhlenberg) This from the website Founding Fathers: Much of Pastor Peter’s teaching in Virginia was upon the principles of liberty; as though he were a prophet of old he inculcated and prepared his congregants for the winds of change, preaching for the cause of his country. Finally, in the cold of January 1776, Peter Muhlenberg delivered his farewell sermon, to his congregation, in Woodstock, Virginia. With sword beneath his clergy-robe and cockade upon his hat, Peter took the pulpit and in the language of the book that he knew so well, the Holy Bible, he said “there was a time for all things, a time to preach and a time to pray, but those times had passed away; that there was a time to fight, and that time had now come!” Promptly Pastor and military leader Peter Muhlenberg threw aside his clerical vestment and stood before his church in full uniform. Three hundred men from those several churches under the Pastoral care of Muhlenberg volunteered that day to fight for freedom in the Revolutionary Army. In February 1777 he was appointed Brigadier General, Muhlenberg led the raid on Yorktown and he and all of his men endured injury; In addition, at the close of the war, he was promoted to the rank of Major General.

Christian's believe in individual freedom and worship God, not the state, they are progressive enemy number one!

Join the revolution. I await your comments and need your feedback. If you believe that this country is under assault and you want to change it, join the revolution. Say, “I am a revolutionary, and proud of it!”

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Barack: The Destroyer

Barack the Destroyer (The unfiltered, unedited, raw version)

“Whom so ever shall read this post, does so by ones own will. It is my, the authors, unalienable right, afforded by my countries constitution, to practice free speech. This posting must not be misconstrued. It is merely the concerned voice an average American who believes the Republic has been seized. The occupier's, the currant democrat party, must be non-violently extracted from their lofty corrupt perches. The democrat party has been hijacked by radical liberals, who no matter the cost, choose ideology over humanity. The window for this action is narrow, and rapidly shrinking.”

In 1776, the stage was set, the participants were more than eager to shine, for they knew every uttered word, movement, chapter, and act would be eternally referred to and looked upon as a pivotal event in the birth of a new nation. They seemed to have accepted their script from God himself. Some were relegated to play supporting roles, through the trappings of history that is, then there were others like Thomas Jefferson, who seemed more than punctual in appearing at the right place at the right time, thus securing his glorious and romanticized importance in our countries construction.

Then there were men like John Adams, who remained destined to play second fiddle to elegant politicians like Jefferson.. Adams was a fire cracker who refused to play partisan politics, therefor only with a scrutinizing eye will one become aware just how important Adams contribution was to the securing of this great land.

Adams and Jefferson were the perfect example of unwavering patriotism, much like the other founders, any other desire less than freedom was treasonous. Adams served as President, while Thomas Jefferson waited in the wings as Vice President. The two men were night and day when it came to governing the infant nation, but both acknowledged this was a very fragile proposition. These fledgling immortals fought each other with the same passion that they fought for our independence, but the bond of American patriotism ultimately brought them together. The politics of the day was very cut throat, but both shaping parties shared the same virtues with which this country became the greatest nation the Earth has ever seen. Although our founders had varying directions for the country, they're principles had to be the same for this nation to succeed.

1.They believed that we needed to be a nation of laws, ruled by the people, for the people.
2.They knew with out the divine hand of God and unwavering moral fabric, the nation would fail.
3.They new it was imperative to be a sovereign nation, with limited federal interference, leaving the states free to be different and strive to be the best they could be. Back then if a state chose bad leader's or unjustly hiked up taxes, the citizenry could migrate to another more prosperous one, leaving their original state forced to make a change or cease to exist.
4.The founders based everything on God, country, freedom, and the ability to succeed without a corrupt government binding your hands.

It is a historical fact that our founders created the blueprint for a masterpiece, if Thomas Jefferson or John Adam's were suddenly resurrected, they would think that we were invaded by tyrants much worse than the English dogs of the day. The problem is this resurrection will never happen. Thanks to the liberal agenda close to 50% of the population has been programmed to be oblivious to this nations need for freedom from a bloated government in order to exist. The further we retreat from the founding principles the further we succumb to destruction.

President Obama is leading the last charge to extinguish what used to be America, he and his progressive hell-hounds are feeding the traditional democrats to the irate masses of awakening Americans. In the final Phases of what started a hundred years ago, progressive's shed no tears when feeding their expendable democrat lemmings to the ocean. President Obama is the destroyer! The unwitting African American community is being consumed by massive unemployment at an alarming rate (by design); while the big grip of government is stroking their heads with one hand and mainlining the juice in their necks with the other “ Shh, don't worry, go back to sleep”

In the early day's of the revolution, the founder's wrestled with having an available military force because with the war won the threat to America's sovereignty was confined within it's shore's, traitors to the constitution. Today however, we are at war with radical Islam, while the traitors to the constitution steer this country into the rocks assuring our destruction. This only affirms that we need a strong military presence, yet team Obama is cutting up our military might like Swiss cheese.

President Obama the destroyer, is systematically committing genocide to our middle class, through the continuation of social-engineering, numbing tax burdens, and class warfare. Our children are being raised by the government as the schools mass produce godless fat little anti Americans with ADD and ADHD, who believe they are citizens of the world. The President's regime is also snubbing allies, kowtowing to enemies, bribing cohorts for support, and foolishly wasting American taxpayer money; in their final best effort to break us.

The society that the destroyer and his regime have procured is repugnant. They make it impossible for the poor to succeed. If by chance someone has survived our Marxist academic mind melt and has not been jaded by the allure and false idolatry of the pop culture, the government has made it virtually impossible for them to live the “REAL” American dream. Impossible to build a business, create wealth, or earn a living in a country that is not bogged down by regulations and red tape. A country where in order to succeed you won't have to grease the wheel with stature, lies, or bribes. I can't just go out and start a business, but the government can hire mutants for every unnecessary position they can conceive, and give them cradle to grave premium health care, benefits, and salary increases.

If you were to put a light-bulb in your home, it would cost 65 cents; if the government does it, they must pay the zoning regulator, hire a quasi research and development energy staff, provide liability insurance, and pay for a focus group to determine if the wattage of the bulb might have an offensive effect on any of the citizenry. That will be 50 million dollars please. The destroyer wants as many of us suckling from the teet as long as possible, but with just enough milk to get by. They are in bed with the big Pharmaceutical companies as well. They pump our low income kids full of hormones, poisons, processed and refine junk, then reap the benefits from the overweight little maladjusted and socially retarded hapless dopes; who in turn grow to be bigger versions of the prior. In kind, overpaid no nothing, flower and rainbow social workers and other state leaches fill them full of medications and pseudo psychotherapy, hence the Obama follower. (This is a story within itself)

The destroyer has legions of followers, but multi-cultural their not. Oh yes they may vary in gender, race, income, but trust me, they are of the same culture. This is a breed known as the anti American culture, please don't get that confused with America haters, their a different species entirely. These followers are the millions of irretrievable zombies who have no idea of the American “kick butt, and get out of my way” rugged individualism that our founders fought so hard for and that our patriots fight so hard to keep. They are the self loathing masses, spewing their programmed rhetoric, they debate with emotional impulse over logic.

Barack Obama the destroyer, is just the face on the machine. The machine must be stopped. We must purify the republican party, it is our only hope. This is the time for patriots to leave their egos at the door. Libertarians, Independents, Social and fiscal conservatives, and especially every God fearing follower of Christ, must flood this republican party and weed out the Anti-American elites (the progressives). We can be a party of Jews, Christians, Mormons, black, white, or what ever. Our politics do not have to be the same, just our fundamental ideals. A strong moral fabric, limited federal government, zero corruption, and the founding principles. The word progressive must be of the same poison that the word communist was. The progressive party, of which the destroyer is puppeteering in front of, is an tyrannical oligarchy that will kill us, beat us, and bash us until we submit and relinquish our freedom.

Join the revolution Now! Stop by and read some of the hundreds of archives I've written and learn the truth, it is imperative, we cannot take our foot off the gas, because theirs in on our necks. Don't forget to write me, and tell me how what your doing to save America. God Bless and Keep you

News Flash: The network where I have been submitting all my post, ning, has banned me from posting by not allowing me to log in on any of the hundreds of sites, even the one I created!! It is called Christian revolution. Hundred of conservative have done their social net working there. We are losing our freedom.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Barack, Step in my office... YOUR FIRED!

I recently hired a new employee, actually my organization is so enormous the majority of “bosses” were required to agree with my decision. Our business is one of the most lucrative in the world. We were built on a simple and bold philosophy over 200 years ago and we've maintained a production level and work ethic that is the envy of the Globe. When we hired this employee, he came highly recommended, he attended all the appropriate academic institutions. Although he was very inexperienced we believed we needed a “fresh” and “bold” new start. For many of my fellow owners he seemed to be the only available prospect who could lead us to salvation.
You see for as long as we have been in existence, we've found ourselves perpetually warding off hostile take overs. There has always been an evil entity that has conspired dismantle what we labored so hard to create. Most readers would agree in this dog eat dog world an aggressive adversary is an inevitable prospect, there's always some other organization that's hungry to be on top. Unfortunately for us however, it hasn't been the threat of a foreign entity jockeying to take us over that has jeopardized our very existence, it has been the mutiny from within.
Take this new employee for example, we hired him with the intention that he would lead us to great prosperity, economically and otherwise. All we ask is that he follow the blue print designed hundreds of years ago, a proven formula, unique in it's existence and when implemented correctly, a great catalyst for success. We call it a constitution, I think by now you know where I am going with this. (Obama is your employee)
I few weeks ago I caught the evening news cycle, only to see Barney Frank on the the uncomfortable end of a very relevant question. Now instead of answering this reporter, Frank immediately questioned who this man was working for, an implied it was some “right wing” faction of the media. I was livid! To say the least. Of course the reporter cowardly let Frank further ramble on in his typical slithery fashion. Barney Frank! Pelosi, Obama, Reid, Schumer, Biden, you work for me! How dare you perpetuate this travesty and bureaucracy that has become the American government. In the past progressives, similar to the snakes who rule the roost now, did their bidding in the dark under the guise of a new patriotism. Today these rats could care less what we the people desire.
Our employee's continue to reach into the register and pull out cash as they deem necessary. Barack Obama is not royalty, he is not an idol, and more importantly he is not a God. I know that that last realization will curdle the milk for a few die hard anti American liberals, but it is true. How ironic, the poor slob who barely gets by, pays for these pompous parasites to jet set from coast to coast and shelter their children in the finest schools.
This is no longer acceptable, that the very people who we pay, OUR EMPLOYEE'S, have become disgruntled. These workers have meticulously engineered a hostile take over of our country. Ten years ago, if we were to wake up and be told a Marxist regime has overthrown our government and has taken control of all the major sources of Intel (the American media on all major mediums) our initial reaction would be utter shock. Yet, our President is a socialist and his administration is a rotten potpourri of Marxist, communist and anarchist, and we are virtually silent.
If the only resistance to this abomination and hostile overthrow of our constitution is the tea party people (even though they are great) we have lost. There used to be a time when it was acceptable for a person to say. “I am just not that in to politics.” Today, however, when someone say's that it means, “ Either I am too stupid or too ignorant to care that America is being torn apart by domestic terrorist (the democrat party). You and your children mean nothing to me. I am happy with my self preservation, my play-station, and it's nothing a few beer's won't change perspective on.”
People, Barack Obama and his cronies hate America as we believe it was, I promise you this. The motion for this hostile takeover has been set long ago, but we are coming into the final days of America's demise and these are the players who will take credit, unless we stop them. Just as our founding father's knew the stage on which they played would forever be looked upon as a pivotal contribution unto this nations history, the treasonous terrorist of today do as well.

We are paying our employees to:

1.Cut the military budget and weaken our defenses as if becoming militarily impotent would encourage the world to bow and throw roses at our feet.
2.They are baiting the races for political gain.
3.They are re-writing our history books to further program and poison our youth.
4.Steal tax payer money to by the votes from legislators!
5.Lying right to our face and saying “no your wrong” and there is nothing you can do about it.
6.Abort long standing ties with our close ally Israel, and kowtow to Muslim extremist, as if that will discourage one single terrorist from giving their very life for our demise.

I have been dealing with some personal event's in my life and writing has had to take a back seat. I am now committed to putting it on the front burner, I am more than ever emphatic about exposing how very far we as a nation have derailed. The republic is under attack. In the revolutionary days, the press was eager to expose the devious snakes and traitors of the day. Now they are bought and paid for by the democrat party, this is unprecedented! Our watchdogs, feeding from an unconstitutional ideology.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Obama's White Lie

Dr Martin Luther King once said, “I have a dream, one day my four little children will live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character.” He Also quoted our founder's, and with conviction said “ We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal”

Dr. King is one of my personal hero's, because he was authentic, spiritual, loving, compassionate, and more importantly, fallible, yes fallible. Very few people have had such a profound impact on American society, he believed in personal responsibility and equality. He didn't walk on water, and he never claimed too. Dr. King succumb to temptation, he fell down, he struggled, but as every great man of faith, he carried on. He kept the message passionate and would not let his trials and tribulations hinder his ardent pursuit for equality and justice.

Liberals like President Pinocchio have so drastically skewed the memory of a divinely guided man, and it's a great shame. King was not a politician, his agenda was equal treatment for all man kind. The vast majority of conservative Christian Americans, of which I am and Dr. king was too, believe all human life is sacred, it doesn't matter your color, race, gender, abnormality, age, or location (womb). In God's eyes we are all equal.

Unlike today's advocates for equality, King was not a self serving vulture who preyed upon the poor and preconditioned who mainly reside in urban America. The millions of souls who have been blinded by huckster's and slithering opportunist like Rev. Al “ Tawana Brawley Hoax” Sharpton,continue to validate the deception that Martin Luther King would have been a liberal if he were alive today, despite the overwhelming evidence that concurs he would be sickened by the likes of a Sharpton or a political and spiritual sellout fraud like Jesse Jackson.

Approximately 3700 black and African American American babies are unjustifiably murdered daily, a genocide supported by high ranking liberal progressive democrats like Harry Reid, who seems to believe that a dark skinned “negro” could never attain the status of the presidency, at least not without a little cream in his coffee, that is. Worms like Reid, have helped politicize racism, profiting handsomely over the misunderstanding that color will keep you from succeeding in the greatest country on Earth. Don't get me wrong , bigotry, like every other human sin can ruin lives, but in America 2010, your born free. It's against the law to discriminate against people because of the way they look or their religious belief (unless that religion is Christianity, of course) but guess what? Ignorant idiots still do it, because they are evil. It is logically impossible to be a good person, yet hate another because of the color of their skin. People are not predisposed to hating specific colors, it's not some innate impulse, unless your a bull, I guess they are predisposed to red.

The most misunderstood stereotype is “Black speak or white speak”, this too has been manipulated from the common Joe on main street, all the way up to the man in the White House. The fallacy promoted by democrat race baiters and profiteers is the myth that there is a dialect referred to as “talking white” If a black man uses proper English and his ideology is not that of a liberal democrat, he is accused of “speaking white”, when in reality he is “speaking right” There is no legitimate form of communication that is “ talking black”. Different people from different areas of the country and different communities have what they refer to as dialects. Let's take a look:

You decide to consult an individual that specializes in reestablishing your credit, he happens to be white. As your appointment begins your consultant says, in a thick southern accent, “ Shoot boy, yawl chances a getting yawl fico score back good ain't no walk in the short green grass, it's more like a stroll through them tall cat tails with a billy goat hot on your trail, and you carrying a pocket full a cans, you getting it? Billy goats hungry. We got some do dads to tinker with.” Now your jaw drops, you walk out, immediately! He calls you back in the office and say's “ Sir, I realize your taken a back by my backwoods accent, it just so happened I was brought up in an area that speak as such. So although I believe you may be just ignorant to my culture, I really need your business and you certainly could use my assistance, so let me start over by “talking white” you'll be more comfortable and I'll seem more credible.” This scenario is obviously absurd.

Living on the east coast and in Rhode Island as long as I have, I have a tendency to drop my R's and put them where they don't belong. There is a huge difference between a dialect, which might be Southern, Northern, (Sarah Palin), Eastern, Western, and just plain ignorance of the English language. But it all goes back to the most important detail of being a United States citizen, your free! You don't owe a thing to your individual culture. If you take the time to read or listen to geniuses like Walter Williams or Thomas Sowell or Clarence Thomas, you'll have had the fortune to familiarize yourself with just how many positive doors King had opened for today's men of color.

President Obama turns on the urban dialect, depending on whom he happens to be pandering too at the moment. But let us not forget he is allowed to do that, in spite of being a liberal, which affords you the unyielding forgiveness to be blatantly racist, he is half white. Obama, who portrayed himself as post racial, above the common fray of that old tired divisiveness that divided us all, is proving himself as adept as any other politician whose slithered through the White House, when it come to playing the race card. This is a shame, for the first time in American history we have a man who is referred to as a “minority” as President, and instead of uplifting the African American community, he is playing the same tired game. He is continuing the “Big white lie”

In closing, I believe as Martin Luther King looks down on us, he is shaking his head, maybe even crying. He sees the damage progressive liberals have caused for political gain in their never ending call to “stick it to the man”. King fought his battles fueled by love for his fellow man, not hatred. Although the elite progressives know this, it hardly coincides with their agenda. Today King would be chastised and despised by America's left. I thank God he came at the time when he did, because of Martin Luther King and other patriots like him, blacks and African Americans alike have the opportunity, in spite of the lefts agenda, to become all they desire to be. Today minorities have a chance to be in the positions that save lives, like doctors, soldiers, and police. Minorities live in a country where they are born equal to the majority and what they choose to do with that is their journey, the legalistic walls are gone, now if only we could remove the walls from our hearts and minds.

Join me at Sign up and join the revolution, don't forget to email me, especially you crazy Liberals who kick off all the left-wing forums, like the Daily Kos

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Media friendzy

Let me preface this post by urging my fellow Christians, conservatives, traditionalist and everyone you know,please boycott the TV series Criminal Minds. Their anti-Christian agenda has far and away exceeded common decency. Every other episode depicts some psychotic Christian who, surprise surprise, winds up being a mind washed killer , who cannot function without slaying and sadistically mascaraing some poor soul. These criminals are always white men who are blinded by obscure and out of context bible passages.

The American media is finally being exposed for what they are, left wing propagandist, nothing more. I am sorry, I forgot to mention how they pimp out tragedy and misfortune to entice the ever growing population of overweight, under read, Americans whose lust for instant gratification has led to wide spread drug use, and disfunctionality. The media conditions these lost souls with important consumer needs, compulsive habits, and unsubstantiated fears, all in between the “identity to the killer” at 9:00 and “ How to control your children” at 10:00.

President Obama has spent the better part of his presidency convincing the world that The United States has been a selfish, arrogant, ignorant collection of misguided policies and pompous rednecks, and the media let him rant unchallenged. What a shock. However, when President Obama stood on the soap box pledging hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars to Haiti, I missed the part when he thanked the multi-million dollar fat cats and self made entrepreneurs that account for 90% of the federal wealth. Again the media said nothing. If Bush were in office, they would roast him for not responding quick enough.

One more thought on Haiti. Why is it when The United States comes under attack and it's young men and women are being slaughtered both home and abroad by Islamic terrorist, Al Qaeda in particular, does the President dither, sighting the huge expense of the military; yet in a matter of 72 hours or so he commits troops and hundreds of millions of dollars to aid another countries horrific disaster? Because it's not politically expedient? Or doesn't this administration really believe we are under siege? Or could it be, taking on terrorism is to messy and politically risky? Has the media asked any of these questions?

As a matter of fact here are a few more questions I would like our “free and objective” journalist to inquire about.

1.Why, Mr. Obama did you lie to us, over a dozen times. You promised transparency, and so far you actions have been the antithesis of transparency?

2.Why, Mr. President did you guarantee that legislation would be televised on CSPAN, live no less; yet your elite administration is conspiring away in some secret location, wheeling and dealing, designing the health care bill without the input of the republicans?

3.Why, oh chosen one, are you continuing to let the Asian Carp decimate our rivers, refusing to close the shipping locks to the Great Lakes? Mr. President we understand that your “partners” in Illinois stand to lose millions, but if these un-indigenous creatures reach the Great Lakes, the surrounding states will lose billions! These predators will also destroy more of our national ecosystem.

4.President Obama, you passionately scorned earmarks (bogus personal gifts to sway votes from politicians).However the very first substantial piece of legislation that you signed was infested with earmarks. Why when we need to pass a bill that's “good” for the people, do we need to fatten it up with kick backs at the tax payers expense?

5.Please enlighten me sir. You campaigned on the mantra of “hope & change” adnauseaum , however, you've accomplished nothing and you did it in the same Washingtonian way decades of past Presidents have.

6.Why sir, are you prepared to wager millions of unborn American financial futures on a climate change agenda that doesn't even have the support of 50% of the international scientific community? Why won't you even acknowledge and discuss the dissenting opinion of legitimate scientist?

These are just a few of the questions the American media has refused to not only ask Obama, but others, like Pelosi, Frank, Reid, Dodd, etc. Instead they have devoted every resource available into persecuting Sarah Palin. This is the perfect example of our national medias hatred toward the right and utter betrayal of our citizens. They are so extremely frightened of Sarah Palin's “real American” persona, they are willing to forfeit objectivity and their integrity to take shots at a woman who isn't even in office! I don't believe Palin should run for President, but that's another story, entirely.

These are pivotal moments in history, look at the race in Massachusetts, how can a republican be giving a good old girl such a run for the money. This lady, Coakley, is a hand puppet for the progressive machine, she was virtually handed the “Kennedy seat” in one of the most democrat infested states on the map. The people are fired up. These are the times we need the media to scrutinize these politicians, on both sides of the isle, but their not, and it's a tragedy. Big government progressives from both parties are out to shake the American citizenry down and we have had enough.

I personally believe Harry Reid wasn't far from the reservation when he less than elegantly stated that Obama could switch up his dialects depending on the crowd he was addressing, I have heard it. The way he expressed it, however left a lot to be desired, because he is a bigot elitist. There is no disputing Barack Obama puts a more “soulful” inflection in his voice when he is speaking to a certain segment of his base, he sounds like a fool, but he isn't the only president or candidate that is guilty of this. The point is the media glossed it over; had a republican revealed such a fact in such a discriminating way, he would have received a first class high tech lynching.

A year ago, when McCain surprisingly lost his bid for the white house ( wink wink nod nod), the media was more than pleased to televise the funeral for the republican party. It was over. Now that the democrats are imploding, we don't hear a word, strange. There is a battle going on, and their more than happy to blame it on republicans, but in reality the republicans cannot stop stop a single bill. We must demand more from the media. Barney Frank was recently questioned by our cowardly media, when a meek reporter asked a question Frank didn't like, he immediately asked the reporter who he worked for, the reporter cowed down, The “journalist” should have quipped, “ With all do respect that's not your concern, because the bottom line is, you work for me, and every other hardworking tax payer. Now answer the question!”

The tragedy that has rocked Haiti is nothing short of a heart wrenching reminder that human life is fragile,good people say stupid things, nature is unpredictable, and the American state run leftist media never diverts from their biased agenda. Christians have been in Haiti since 1807, establishing encouragement for the family and constantly giving their lives for the sake of the poor. At this moment Christians lead the humanitarian effort as it pertains to religious affiliations. Let us pray for Haiti

And remember to join me a give me some feed back, God knows the liberal have, mostly just personal attacks, oh well. Or email me at and I will post your story

Saturday, January 9, 2010

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Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 8:56 PM
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This is what transpires when you expose the liberal lie