“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government . . .”—United States Declaration of Independence

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Disproportionate Fear

Headlines: Canada launches missile attack on U.S and kill seven in Detroit, Obama refuses comment, Nicolas Sarkozy worries U.S might respond with disproportionate force, Oprah yet to weigh in.

Let’s suspend reality for a moment, at least the part about the Canadian missile launch, now let’s talk about the two Israelis killed Monday night by Gaza militants (i.e. Terrorist). As Israel continued its third day of aerial assaults, a terrified Israeli woman searched desperately for shelter from one of the countless Hamas missile strikes; the warning siren didn’t sound soon enough to provide her with safety, she would later die, a casualty to shrapnel wounds. The other unfortunate death was a defense soldier killed in a mortar attack.

The perpetual assault Hamas has delivered to a tolerant Israel, has lulled the response of the international communities into a complacent status quo. Israel’s restraint has been nothing short of divine passivism, as the world has come to expect. The media, fresh from “Operation Get Obama Elected” has decided to placate Palestinian sympathizers by emphasizing their the innocent victims of this lopsided Israeli assault. Since 1988 Hamas has left a bloody trail of innocent bodies, that by the year 2000 had left 377 dead, 2076 injured, 53 of which were suicide bombings that claimed 289 lives.

In a surreal alternate universe, LA California, American protesters gather to passionately voice their dismay with Israel. Imagine that, when Israel was getting lit up by thousands of deadly rockets courtesy of Hamas, NATO slept quietly and the International Community turned the other way. Disproportionate force? If Liberal LA were to lose men, woman, and children to years of senseless attacks, what force would they lose? If these protesters were constantly being told that they were going to be annihilated, could they look their child in the eye and say “We deserve it?” I think not.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

For The Least of Us

I sat happily, in my turkey induced sedation, with a toasty fire warming my face; slipping in and out of consciousness watching the 24 hour Christmas Story marathon. I am, as many Christian Americans are, oblivious to the struggle of our brethren . In China, host of the 2008 Olympics, ten women in Yucheng county were escorted to jail for reenacting the nativity scene. Unlike our country, where the Christian religion is merely mocked by pseudo-enlightened liberals, China’s treatment of the Lord’s children is brutal and painfully severe.

At 5:00 pm on December 22nd, officials raided the Sheppard Fellowships bible training class, with 10 uniformed officers. Without a search warrant, police seized bibles and other religious objects that might be construed as illegal propaganda. Along with the arrest of the 10 women, police recorded information that might implicate any of the other criminals connected with this religious conspiracy. (Big Government=Absolute Power=Christian Subjugation)

While most of us in America were loosening our belts for the traditional Christmas feast, securely wrapping up our X-Boxes from Santa; the maltreated masses suffer under the foot of tyrannical governments intent on silencing their faith.

This lack of awareness is an injustice. We understand that the secular pop culture media would rather report on the suffering inflicted by Prop 8, for the sexually oppressed. However, when is the last time we felt the passion from our clergymen, in expressing their indignation for our afflicted fellowship? It is ironic, that on the day we celebrate the birth of Christ, so many die in his name. What have we done today?

The world should be concerned, not only Christians, but free men as well; Big Government cannot implement their agenda, if the people are held accountable to a God more significant than man, himself.

And if you give yourself to the hungry,

And satisfy the desire of the afflicted,

Then your Light will Rise in the Darkness.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bush in Review (part One)

The President is winding down a turbulent eight year ride, on the bus, in front of the bus, and ultimately under the bus. President Bush has been a convenient punching bag and the butt of a joke that never grows old. The dust will settle and all the present Hollywood wienies will hang up their soap boxes and return to the comfort of their multi-million dollar mansions in Malibu. Retiring in safe comfort, afforded by the blood of the patriots they so viciously criticized. Their fate will eventually reside on the back of a DVD box in the $5.00 grab bin at Wal-Mart. President Bush, however, might finally receive the credit he deserves.

For the last sevens years, the United States has avoided a second dreadful terror attack on its shores. While cultural intellects, like John Cusack, eloquently express their disgust on morally hollowed out web boards like The Huffington post. From in front of his computer screen, and in between cinematic flops, Cusack hones his venom and distaste for Bush. One might wonder how Cusack’s rants would fare if he were sipping seven dollar lattes in down town Bagdad, ridiculing the local Shia’s for their belief in a twelfth Imam?

In the past year, we’ve seen terrorist extend their grip of violence and death, in places like Mumbai, where victims were mutilated and murdered. All in all, there has been over 10,000 terrorist attacks documented since 9/11. Yet as Bush exits the stage, we actually have the ignorance to question his methods of acquiring information from our killers pulled off the field of battle. Water-boarding? You mean its not a ride at Six Flags? No, when one mentions the W-word, liberals near and far, start to wag their tails and their ears perk up. If simulated drowning could have exposed the terror attacks that took 179 lives in Mumbai, would it be used?
Let’s ask ourselves, in the Bush Presidency, how many Mumbai’s have been avoided? How many road side bombings will President Bush receive credit for foiling? How many innocent children have been spared from bloodshed by Bush’s policies? These are the questions that should define Bush’s presidency.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Why is America at War with God

“They called us prostitutes for clapping our hands, dancing and singing religious songs”

A young Pakistani woman, Sardar.

This is only a footprint, from the thousands of bloody marching feet, that relentlessly dance on the backs of suffering Christians around the Earth. In China, followers of Christ risk they're penniless lives by merely mentioning their creator. While in parts of America, some lend an occasional yawn at our watered down sermons, as the secualar plane does a nose dive into our church. Yet to Chinese Christians, being ruthlessly bludgeoned to death, doesn't deter them from abandoning every Earthly possession, for a torn little piece of the holy scriptures. In Pakistan, a young woman named Sardar, shakes in horror as her father is violently beaten before her eyes. Sardars family was unjustly attacked while enjoying a peaceful morning of Sunday school; their predators where drawn to the sound of rejoicing thankfulness, like an animal to blood pouring from its hapless victim.

Exhaustively reaching from every corner of this Earth, is the incensed hatred of Christians, swallowing up lives in its most primitive cultures, all the way up to its most technologically advanced Super Powers. However the most disturbing phenomena, is the covert attack on Christianity, by secular socialist, in the very country that was founded by Judea Christian values. It was built on the beliefs of men like founding father, William Bradford, who said, “The great hope, and for the propagating and advancing the gospel of the kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of the world" when describing what the pilgrims were seeking. Is America being consumed by idolatry? Are we slipping into a secular utopia of jaded diversity? Is America at war with God?

America, was once the land that trusted God so much, that his name was evoked in each states preamble. The Founding Fathers, repulsed by the corruption that digested Mother England into the bowels of degradation, erected the genesis of American freedoms, with three unfounded documents, The Declaration of Independence, (July 1776) , The Articles of the Confederation (1781) and the Constitution of United States (1789).

These documents, the DNA of freedom and hope, have grown this nation into the most envied destination on this planet. People from every corner of the earth have perished to wash up upon these shores. Our founding Fathers were indeed Christians, the short list of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Hancock, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton, were some of the most influential craftsman of our blessed nation. There were, however, many different denominations of Christianity among them, as there is today. A collective yet diverse group of Christians ranging from the 55% Episcopalian, 19% Presbyterian, and even 0.6% Calvinist, to illustrate a few.

The expression, Founding Fathers, seems to remain an ambiguous one, most people assume that if you had a white wig and a musket, you were a Founding Father, not quite. The founding Fathers were the many men responsible for the three previously discussed documents. Some of our them signed more than one document, but all of them were instrumental in the construction of America.

As with the ambiguity of the Founding Fathers, religious invocation has given way to secular indignation; phrases from these Founders might result in the violation of the separation of church and state, now a days.

John Adams:

“ The general principles upon which the fathers achieves independence were the general principles of Christianity....”

Samuel Adams:

“He who made all men hath made the truths necessary to human happiness obvious to all... Our forefathers opened the bible to all.”

One of the most profound depictions of God's intervention through the hearts of men was perhaps a speech that John Quincy Adams delivered in Newburyport, Massachusetts, in 1837, he was 69.

“Why is it that, next to the birthday of the Savior of the world, your most joyous and most venerated festival returns on this day ( July 4th) ?” “Is it not that, in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? That it forms a leading event in the progress of the Gospel dispensation? Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the redeemer's mission upon this Earth? That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity?”

To portray John Quincy Adams, as anything less than principal founder, would be to deny the very definition of the expression. Presuming Adams was a lone gunman, let's examine further into my appeal that America was undeniably, a Godly nation. One famous patriot, not ex sponged yet from the history books is Benjamin Franklin, most people believe he was the fellow who tied a skeleton key onto a kite only to be struck by lightning. Benjamin Franklin was the creator of the first political cartoon, some say he coined the phrase, “A penny saved is a penny earned.”. Franklin started the original “Green” movement, as he quite often agitated the communities in Philadelphia about their environmental cleanliness. He did fly a kite which verified the nature of electricity. Along with these inspiring accomplishments Franklin became a very important politicization and Founding Father. In one of his most inspiring speeches Franklin said, “God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured in the sacred wittings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeeds in this political

building no better than the builders of Babel.” Babel is a reference to the tower of Babel in the book of Genesis, located in the bible. Americas freedom continues to be paid for by the blood of patriots, in the name of God, prayers dictate a dying soldiers last breath and gives him strength at times of war.

To assume that the United States of America, is anything less than a Christian nation, is to deny ones self. Yet, secular American politicians and civic leaders continually reduce our affiliation with the Almighty as an imperfection or birth defect that we must overcome to succeed. Newly elected President Barack Obama, a self professed Christian, who's presumptuous initiative to implement gay marriage, on demand abortion, and religious censorship, indicates he is anything but. President Obama's utter disregard for not only Christianity, but humanity, was exemplified with his refusal to sign the partial birth abortion ban, while in the Senate, four times! The partial birth abortion ban, protects infant children from being extracted from their mothers womb just past the babies shoulders, at that point a scissor like instrument punctures the back of the babies skull and then its brains are removed, resulting in death. Some would call that murder.

John Adams and John Hancock once said “We recognize no sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus”. Imagine Nancy Pelosi, the proverbial Catholic, entertaining such blaspheme. It wasn't long ago that above the speakers rostrum, read the inscription “In God We Trust”, it has since been removed. During the past two years the bureaucrats in the Treasury department successfully removed “In God We Trust” from its familiar location on our coins, to an almost invisible edge of the coin. Another thoughtful decision was to recently rotate the Washington Monument, so that the acknowledgment of God isn't visible. It seems our good Samaritans in Washington thought the Latin phrase, Laius doe [which means] “Praise be to God” was too offensive. So in the name of progressiveness they turned the inscription towards the wall.

The U.S. Capital Visitor Center, our newest federal building, Article 3 of the Northwest Ordinance[of 1787], states: “Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.” In this Article, you can no longer find the word religion or morality. The war on God is becoming translucent yet, the modern quasi-media, remains reluctant to expose battle of attrition.

I contest a significant battle in our war on God, was the 1963 abscission in Murry vs Curlett, this banned organized school prayers. With this Atheist victory, academia was one step closer to becoming another rank and file institution in the pocket of socialist America. Children that commit themselves to Christian principles, are accountable to a higher authority than those who answer to school faculty. The employees of the public school debacle are anything but pious, for the most part. It is not to often you hear about the Maker of heaven and Earth taking two weeks paid leave to attend a tax payer funded vacation in a rehab for a nasty cocaine addiction. The media rarely reports on the Holy Ghost as having a pending palimony suit, or an embezzlement case, heroin addiction, kiddie porn fetish, or weakness for transgender prostitutes.

One certainty will always remain, man is fallible, man is inherently evil; if you are blessed enough to be a Christian, you know that God is beyond compare, he is omnipotent. If our children believe that they can fool a teacher, they might be tempted to cheat, if they know God is watching them and they believe the path to heaven is righteousness, they will be more inclined to resist. According to Believers, the annual Stamford Achievement Test administered to first through eighth grade Christian school student in the western states shows these students to be seven to nineteen months ahead of the national norm in reading, and seven to thirteen months ahead of the national norm in all subject areas. Also, according to Believers Web, they claim that paradoxically, public school personnel openly support Christian school education. A good conspiracy would be entertaining, if the cost wasn't so immense. However, after reviewing the facts, my apprehension for a “New World Order” scenario, has been confirmed. I began this argument by illustrating the undeniable fact that, in its infancy, The United States of America, was in fact a Christian nation. An overwhelming and insurmountable collection of fact, most of which was introduced by the exhausting research of the Founding Fathers, points to the affirmation of our countries early affinity for a divine guiding hand in which was to assemble our government and our society. The Founding Fathers and their reverence, reflected the enormous amount of faith that America had for its creator. The few pages that I dedicated to revealing their ideology is diminutive, futel, and incomplete when measured against the hundreds of thousands of other examples of early America's devotion to God.

In placating the pessimistic, I exposed the unarguable derailing of organized religion in contemporary America. The hall ways of academia have are being stripped of their theology with meager resistance; and its faculty and students are paying the price. The indication of educations collapse is evident by deterioration intellect and behavior. Audrye burbick of the Christian Post Reporter writes, “Researchers found that when parents, especially both, attend religious services frequently and talk about religion with their children, the kids had better self-control, social skills and approaches to learning than kids with non-religious parents.”

Having successfully supported the argument that America is at war with God, I must curiously beg the question, why? Research and common sense leads me to believe that if left wing politicians and special interest groups succeed in purging our society from any Godly recognition, we will slip hopelessly into the abyss of social deviance. Progressively getting worse, society will soon be rendered morally bankrupt, there by, handing the government the most powerful advantage, our hearts and minds.

Once the left wing politicians become the replacement godhead, they will quickly begin to implement their Marxist regime. In ridding America of God, left wing socialist will wield absolute power, they will rapidly bring our middle class to its knees. In doing so, they will insure a welfare state that would wake Franklin D. Roosevelt from the grave, eclipsing his new deal like a morbidly obese woman would eclipse an anorexic.

Without our allegiance to Christ, left wing radicals with their totalitarian power, will be left unchallenged to install their “social Frankenstein” abortion on demand, absurd environmental regulations, transgenders and homosexuals will be recognized as having a legitimate lifestyle, and children will be indoctrinated while still in the womb.(The ones that won't be brutally murdered)

In conclusion, America is not at war with God. It is the nations radical left wing liberals that wage this diabolical siege. In doing so, they desire unprecedented power, that would catapult this nation into a subservient Marxist replica of the Bolshevistic Stalin regime. This is not an blueprint that ensures the survival of left wing ideology, in fact, it it the blueprint for the destruction of the free market, democracy, and the republic of America.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Rainbow Bullies

When I initially discovered Prop 8 had successfully passed, I knew that my rejoicing would be short lived. It wouldn't be long before our pop culture media would deliver its epitaph of democracy; it wouldn't be long before the victims of morality took to the streets shouting their disgust for organized religion.
Not so surprisingly Fox news reported on a Christian who was accosted by a heckling group of gay and lesbians. True to form, these homosexual bullies went straight to the toughest guy in the yard, an elderly lady with a replica of the cross Jesus died on. A spirited gay man ripped the cross from her hands and stomped on it, while others fiercely chastised the woman.
From there, I was sure that this posse of unruly and oppressed rainbow people, would shuffle on down to the black neighborhoods. 70% of blacks voted for the proposition of marriage being defined as a contract between a man and a woman. It never happened.
Apparently, homosexuals do not protest in black neighborhoods, in front of mosques, or in the Hispanic neighborhoods. They seem to only feel comfortable attacking elderly white woman. Just when we believe we have come so far. In November America resoundingly said, “Yes” to implement the first bi-racial/post racial man into the White House. Didn't the rainbow people get the memo?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Silence Us

Pastor Kham La Namheng, say that five times fast out loud. Now picture yourself in your church on Sunday, slipping in and out of your apathetically induced comatose. Just as you catch yourself drooling on your new shirt, you are startled by foreign men dressed in military garb marching quickly in unison. They furiously push the clergy to the ground and forcefully immobilize and apprehend your Pastor or Priest.

Just as quickly as they came, they disappear. Amidst the confusion and new found alertness, a man in a fancy suit walks in with what appears to be body guards by his side. The man informs the crowd to quite down and pay attention. " Your leader will no longer preach at this church or any other, you see, he is in violation of Statute 415, which reads; In these United States of America, no person shall invoke discriminating or disparaging speech or judgment upon any person or persons listed on the alternate lifestyle amendment." says the man. Huh?

Stunned, you turn to your partner and they reciprocate your dumbstruck look, but your teenager tugs at your side and says, "Statute 415 protects people who have relationships with their own gender or those younger than legal age, from hate speech." Now, you scratch your head and revisit the sermon, in your mind, the topic was about your church continuing not to fund or approve a suggestion by rouge homosexual clergymen to permit homosexual priest to adopt children.

Does this sound, unrealistic? If you say yes, well you better take a reprieve from your local liberal news factory ( paper, television, radio ) and research the truth about your dysfunctional congress, the democrats party ideology, Barack Obama and election 2008. Our nation is at a very serious risk of becoming a Christianity free,socialist police state.

Pastor Kham La Namheng, remember that guy? Well in March 2008 the pastor and seven Khmu pastors from Laos were arrested when entering Thailand to attend a meeting. I know, I know, what would a pastor and his friends get arrested for? Smuggling drugs? Slave trafficking, nudey magazine ring? No. Much worse, it seems our less than pious pastor was peddling.... Bibles, bibles? Yes, bibles. The bibles were quickly confiscated and the eight pastors were incarcerated.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Please Mr. Putin, don't put your missiles in Europe, I am a fellow Socialist!! No Fair! Talk to the American Media, they will tell you how great I am!!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lion and Lamb Ministries - Audio Teachings by Monte Judah

Lion and Lamb Ministries - Audio Teachings by Monte Judah

Why do Liberals like abortion?

One of the most memorable constitutional break downs in American history, 1973s Roe v Wade decision, will be cherished by our Nations left wing radicals for eternity. In 1973, Jane Roe, catylist of America's modern day amoral socialist movement, convinced The United States Supreme Court to legalize abortion. With the Supreme Courts decision, liberal democrats, who until then could only capitalize on black Americas fear for votes, found a new wealth of people to exploit, inconvenienced mothers and the men who support them. I will expose compassion and a womans right to choose, as a feel good fallacy perpetrated by liberals in the early days of disco, to hide their affinity for legalized abortions.

Since that fateful day in 1973, over 44 million babies have been killed, sites the Pro Action Family Group. What is more notable is the fact that the same research also suggest that 33% of the woman who are getting abortions, are between the ages of 25-29. This is a convenient fact, considering the United States Census Bureau states that women around the age of twenty five are increasingly going to the polls to vote, these voters are projected to grow upwards of 25 million. This is an effective number of pre determined liberal support.

Ultra left wing liberals, like Barack Obama, will support abortion at any cost, in order to protect their substantial voting base. Baracks refusal to sign the Born Alive Infant Act, shows extreme callas towards what some refer to as our most precious gift, infant children. The Born Alive Infant Act, protects the right of little babies who survive botched abortions, most of whom are tiny Down Syndrome children.

This bill was brought before the Senate Judiciary Committe, after a young nurse found a new born left to die in a soiled linen closet. The Samaritan nurse held the baby in her arms , while its lung burned with every breath of new unfamiliar oxygen, until it expired 45 minutes later. When this bill was to be presided on, Obama simply voted present. Unfortunately for infants across America and the people who cherish them, Baracks lack of compassion and desperation to keep millions of morally confused woman Democrat, our most precious gifts still cannot receive the life saving health care they need when they miraculously survive a botched abortion.

One of the most intriguing facts, is that most woman who make the decision to terminate their babies life, are increasingly deciding to keep their children and let them have a chance at life. This positive trend is probably due to the diligence of Christians across America, fighting tooth and nail to expose what they refer to as an epidemic of unconscionable acts. The American Family Association, is just one of the groups dedicated to ending what they fear will become all out Infanticide. They sponsor a doner program that helps young women discover alternatives to abortion.

Life Doner Care indicates that 70% of women whom they have contact with are leaning toward having an abortion. After the counselors have a chance to speak with them, one on one, they report that nine out of ten usually decide on the side of life. Care Net is only able to continue their vital success with small donations of twenty four dollars from caring people.

Planned parenthood, the institute some refer to as the number one killer of unborn and post born babies, receives millions of tax payer dollars, as reported by Life News. Joe Biden, Obamas choice for vice presidential running mate, routinely supports tax payer funded abortions. One of the many downsides to that of course, are the millions of tax paying citizens who believe that abortion is nothing short of convenient legalized murder. Life News also reported as recently as February 2008, Biden voted against an amendment that would perminatly discontinue tax payer funded abortions at Indian Care health services.

This desperate attempt to to stop the funding that would eliminate abortions funded by Medicaid, except in the instances of rape, incest, or the mothers health, was forted by a number of other Republicans and Democrats whose conscience wouldn't allow them to support forced tax payer abortion.

In another attempt to spread hard working Americans money, Biden advocated for tax payer money to be spent over seas for terminating unwanted pregnancies. Radical liberal, Barack Obama, the most leftward leaning Senator in United States, describes the American Family Association Journal, vowed to support Roe v Wade, avidly during his presidency.

January 2007 was Jane Roes 34th anniversary, in overturning the states of Texas's law against abortion. Although Barack Obama was a young man at that pivotal time in history, just as he was when William Ayers bombed the Pentagon, he and other far left liberals continue to reap the rewards of their spoils.

Republicans, whose majority of base supporters are strongly against all aspects of abortion, do not have the luxury afforded to liberal democrats, provided by innocent babies who are aloof to their mothers desire to terminate their existence. This ensures the left of millions of predictable votes every four years. Christian social conservatives along with other people with precieved strong moral axioms, make up a huge percentage of the Republican party.

The Weekly Standard claims that 55 % of the Republican party describes themselves as social conservatives. This percentage puts the right side of American politics at quite a disadvantage every forth November. The Weekly Standard also points out, John McCain, the Republican nominee for President, is a conservative, logicaly ensuring the fact that he will not receive many of the pro-abortion votes. Although McCain is not as conservative as most “righties” would like, he did suggest life begins at conception, recently at the Sattleback Forum debate with Barack Obama. With this trend of abortion advocates voting Democrat, it is no wonder why Liberals like abortion.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's his character, Stupid

The economy, George Bush's gift to the anointed one, Barack Obama, the next president of the United States. If one removes ones self from the cast of characters, Barack, Pelosi, Frank, Bush, McCain, and us, the clueless lambs of sacrifice, you can sit back and watch the movie. The theme is America the Great, turning into a socialist puppet on the strings of the European Union and the New World order. We also have plenty of conspiracy, lies, deceit, and a bit of a love story.

George Bush is the fighter whose committed to taking a dive in the 12th round, McCain is the stumbling oaf, who pretends he is actually trying to win this election. McCain, perhaps one of the less convincing actors, refuses to commit to the task of exposing Obamas terrorist connections, left wing Marxist agenda, and organized crime association. It has taken him at least seven months to convey his acknowledgment of blame for Barney “fancy pants” Frank and other the Democrats who have robbed us blind. It is only now that he is making a half hearted attempt to expose these crooks.

This plan has been in motion for a long time now, Bush would turn a blind eye while Frank, Dodd, and Obamas other leftist tanked this economy. This is part of the reason for Romney's peculiar loss to McCain in the primaries. After all, if it was the economy stupid, who better to cure our woes than Mit Romney. If he would have beat McCain, he would have outshined Obama on all accounts. Nobody saw that? Why hasn't John McCain publicly announced Romney to run the economy, in his presidential cabinet? Why didn't he choose Romney for vice president, to make up for his lack of economic experience, like Obama did Joe Biden for foreign affairs?

Earlier this year in Germany, Barack Obama claimed his membership card for the New World Order. The Europeans fell in love with the Messiah of hope, who proudly championed his international citizenship.

If we ever make it to see the new world in 2009, we will see the hell on Earth that was professed in the bible. Churches and all forms of religion will be run by Pelosi and the new socialist order. Leaders of the church will be prosecuted for speech that might seem hateful or divisive by the government and all Obamas cronies. Acorn, Obamas corrupt get out the vote machine will be in charge of policing anyone who might support an anti government rule. All those black citizens, doped into voting for Obama simply because of color, will reside with the rest of America's working slaves, the middle class.

The rich elite and Hollywood stars will dance on our backs, while the media continues to portray the individual as an antiquated ideal.


Vote for truth, vote: NOT OBAMA

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Get off the bus!!!!

Homeless people will be shuffled off to the polls, in hopes of a cheeseburger or a bottle of mad dog, in return for their x on the Obama ballot. The scary thing is, with this Democrat induced ressesion, it might be me and you on that bus. The question is where will we sit? Will we get tossed from our seat when we reveal our patriotism to the truth?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Christian is as Christian does....

There is little doubt as to America's feelings of disappointment and frustration when observing our economic distress. Many of us feel the pains of depression every morning at the gas pump, or as we stay at home on that beautiful 80 degree day.

Barack Obama, to many, is the only viable solution for our financial discourse, for that matter, Obama's change mantra is touted as a cure all from social disparity to international policy and that may be. The fact that John Mccain's policy's are vastly different from George Bush's, accept in an Obama diatribe, doesn't matter.

Well for me and my fellow Christians out there, it matters. During the next presidential term, supreme court justices will be appointed. John Mccain is on the record as saying he hopes to see Roe v. Wade overturned, while Mr. Obama enthusiastically vows, "I made it equally clear that I will never back down from making sure that women have their reproductive rights here in this country -- that's what's at stake in this election."

“Reproductive rights” is a horribly misleading term, it makes it sound as if the argument is ones choice to reproduce, instead of ones accountability for ones choice. Abortion, is an atrocious reprehensible method for literally killing millions of innocent pre born babies, of which more than 40% can survive out of the womb at time of termination. This is a sin.

Mr. Obama has a 100% rating from planned parenthood. Planned parenthood battles for the abortion of any kind and at any term, they even debated avidly for abortions on teens without parental consent. If not for the disheartening research I have done, I would never,ever, believe the lengths planned parenthood will subject the pre born to. The most devastating of all is partial birth abortions, a baby is extracted almost completely from the female , late in her pregnancy, and to put it mildly, they are killed!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Media EXPOSED....... Opening statement

To say the media coverage of the Republican candidates is unfair, equates to calling the housing crisis a bit disturbing. I am not sure which is more appalling, the blatantly biased media, or the people who believe it. Modern journalism is the most dangerous medium on Earth, anybody who argues that, just might be a fool. Time and time again the media can be counted on to down play conservative achievements and kneel to the alter of liberalism. What if their new empty suit, Barack Obama, was a conservative?

When Barack Obama referred to his grandmother as a “typical white person” the gutless American media timidly raised it's head, then quickly inserted it back to the bottom of Mccains trash barrel schlepping for dirt. If Obama had been a conservative, journalist would march out of the wood work, interviewing everyone from his kindergarten classmates to his poor old grandmother.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Russian operative: Barack H. Obama

We have been duped on the "War on terror". It has taken our focus off the world agenda, Russia. Obama will succeed in his bid for the White house, he will kneel to the evil aspirations of Russia, reluctantly or not. Obama is weak, but will succeed in prohibiting our freedoms. We, conservatives should be very concerned and pro-active. While the liberals are preoccupied worrying about men marrying men, the moral molestation of society, evil religion in schools, and the destruction of everything our founding fathers stood for, we are inevitably coming closer to an all out war with Russia. Without John Mccain in the white house, we will not only relinquish our freedom, we will be defeated by Russia, can youee that?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Joe Biden & personal awareness.. ..To man in wheelchair


Forget the economy, school, gay marriage, Matt damon (if you already haven't)... It all comes down to who will be our best leader against Russia in 2009, when the war begins, not if.. The bush administration has done it's job, or was it his advisors, they took the eye off Russia and on to terror. The real enemy was growing stronger..

Stay tuned.. This is breaking

Europe will sit it out!!!!

sorry for spelling
